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#21 looking like Klay from afar


Gui kinda plays like a bigger slower Caris LeVert lol. I don’t get people down on Podz, he’s exactly what we need. Lester Cahones popped in my head yesterday too, I hope that’s not offensive 🤣

paul reboca sr

I'm with you alch, i really am liking PD. and quinones and santos are for reals

paul reboca sr

kendrick davis too. same height as P

Karim Q

First time I saw Santos, he reminded me a bit of Luka. Maybe quicker and less controlled, but that was the comp that came to mind


Gui moved so much like Luka I can’t unsee it. Especially now that he is big

Jello Smooth

I was not in favor of the Poddy pick… but ask your this question did Brandon Miller, Bouknight, or Nick Smith Jr. look better… let me answer that no. And how come everyone has developmental shot blockers


Rio Doncic, it’s not nearly the level of control or skill but Gui is doing things Luka does. I saw someone else felt the same way. What do you think?


With the way free agency is going, I won't be surprised if the Lakers somehow snap up Quinones


I wasn’t either in the moment. But rn is the time too be optimistic. I’m not gonna root against him because I thought the pick was a reach. So far so good. But yeah everyone got young bouncy big except us


jayce johnson looks soft as hell


Let’s pick up a Kai Jones type . Pods and lester look better every time


They're stacking up on young combo guards to keep their options open in the Klay Thompson extensions. If he is unwilling to take a Draymond-esque deal, then Moody, Pods, Lester, or even Kuminga could take that slot. Especially considering Kerr would prefer closing with GPII at the 2 anyways. Pretty sure Joe doesn't like the max-talk out of Klay's camp and feels unappreciated for paying him max money for two years while he was rehabbing.


ya klay needs to humble, had the worst year last year and was absolute shit in the playoffs . had like 2 redeemable games the entire season. i think we all agree if he doesn’t accept a draymond deal then trade him or something like future picks


I didn't like brandon miller's shot in college either. Looked extremely flat and the fluidity of the shot looked off, energy from his legs looked complete and then it's all arm. It's very slight but always looks like hes going to miss short. You have me convinced on pod, he looks so much better than expected. I was scared that he was going to look as small as mannion out there

Jimmy Ji

Are you going to UFC 290 as well?


The interesting thing is, we were told that ownership couldn't afford all 3 contracts of Wiggs, Poole, and Draymond but this year they're holding more weight with CP3's 30 in place of Poole's extension kicking in. The piece I am currently working on, but need for Portland to finalize their plans, is Jerami Grant at 29/turning 30 has no place long-term on a rebuilding Blazer's squad. Especially a 5-year near max. The price per is fine, but the years have been said to be problematic with him getting 36 mill when he's 35. Swapping CP + picks for Grant would be the Wiggins 2.0 trade. He's not worth 30 per as a number 1 option but that's a ton of names across the league. But what's interesting for Grant is he also likely isn't the 2nd best player on a title team. But like the Wiggins' addition, he's a ridiculous luxury as 3rd option in the offense. And though he's no DPOY candidate, as a plus multi-positional-defender, a front-court rotation of Wiggs, Jackson-D, Kuminga, Grant, Dray, and Loon all the sudden has the adequate size to run Warriors' style defense without the offensive liabilities of the years before. What makes it interesting though, is swapping CP's defacto-expiring for Grants' 5-year extension, is that Klay's expiring is the backdoor out of obscene spending. They still will have costs near 500 million total but the roster would be solidified for the rest of Steph's tenure. (To be clear it would be CP + the 2027 unprotected and maybe a pair of 2nds. Likely Paul would be rerouted to a 3rd team who is a contender like Boston who is in need of a primary ball handler. The contender would send additional draft compensation and the fat of their roster to Portland).


First thing that came to my mind when Dame made the request https://twitter.com/uncle_alchemy/status/1675191512269987840?s=46&t=yEZ-vnwuLbkx4BAirzRHqw


Nice, absolutely, me too I've been salivating at the fit Not sure why so many people thought it was overpay, I thought at times Grant was Portland's best player, and hopefully he's got the Detroit empty stat collecting out of his system and ready to fill the role he was born to play.

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

Random question: can someone explain why so many fans seem to think Moody is a better contributor than Kuminga? For example, Kawakami recently wrote: “The secondary players who do best in this system are smart, efficient role players...It looks like Moody can be one of these guys. Kuminga might be, too, but it’s a coin flip on that one.” How could anyone watch these past two years and conclude that Moody is smarter and more efficient than JK? To me it seems like people are just regurgitating their respective scouting reports and ignoring the players we’ve actually seen on the court. But maybe I’m missing something.

Ballin Forever

Moody is a much better natural shooter... that makes him a easier fit to play alongside of Dray and Loon. Kuminga ceiling is higher but because his shot is a little iffy.. he has to be played at the 4 spot... which makes it difficult to play him alongside Dray because Kuminga dont rebound. It comes down to fit. Thats why Lamb got so many minutes.. he was a much better shooter. If Kuminga shot 38-40% from 3 at mid to high volume... Lamb wouldnt have touched the floor

Ryan Mitchell

Not a fan of B. Miller! Scoot was the clear #2 pick in my opinion. Thanks Alch 🙏🏻


Lester looking niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


that would suck. I'd lose all hope in Dunleavy if that happened.

Ruben Valce

the Jalen green treatment lmaooo


i always was eyeing Grant and Naz Reid as the solutions to all our problems, Naz is not needed with Trent, but Grant will be the Eric Gordon of Denver for us this year, championship contributor

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

@Ballin Forever. See, that’s what I don’t understand. Last year, Lamb shot 37% from 3 on 199 attempts. JK shot 37% on 146 attempts. Moody shot 36% on 135 attempts. I don’t get why we’d consider Moody a much better shooter. (Disclaimer: I’m not sure what you mean by ‘natural shooter’ so maybe sth’s getting lost in translation). Kerr has played JK much more than he’s played Moody - even last year when Wiggins was healthy - so it seems weird to say Moody is a much easier fit than Kuminga. If he is, someone needs to tell Kerr. Lamb seemed like a more effective player than JK overall. It made sense why he played more than JK. Moody was a different story. He looked slow, lost and often kinda tunnel visioned. That’s why it kinda made sense when he was buried.

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

Two years ago, the story was that Moody was the more immediate contributor while JK was more of a project. But people don’t seem to acknowledge that it’s actually been the reverse. I don’t have anything against Moody. It just seems weird to me. It’s as if a lot of commentators see what they believe, not the other way around. But I don’t watch as much or as closely as a lot of people here, so I might be wrong.


Moody is a born Role player. He’s quiet, doesn’t talk back to his elders and doesn’t need the ball in his hands to impact the game. He’s non-threatening. He’s bound to be an easier fit and more likable than a young hot shot like Poole or Kuminga. I think Kuminga has more of an impact on a game than Moody but one can argue that this impact is surplus if the the starters are playing well. I’m with you though. Kuminga is more important and a better player than Moody but the swagger and the ego might be too much to take for this franchise that’s just barely managing to keep up with Dray.


Can I just say that Ejikeme Uzoigwe, you presented a very interesting statistically backed argument. I agree with you (and Hg80 for that matter), JK just may have a personality that might take a little longer to mesh with the Warriors somewhat strict role structure, he might thrive more in a free flowing game now but I'm hoping like hell that we keep him and Moody and they both converge into our new players. I was encouraged to see JK hanging with Steph at the summer league game. So glad to have somehow bribed the shit out of Wash to dump Joran Poole, I'll bet that was the hardest player dump that they ever had.


no kidding, Miller looks like a damp dishrag out there.


How about "starting" a second unit with Chris Paul? The second unit is going to be awesome and then Steph and Draymond can come in and completely crush.

Neal X

I'm pretty sure nobody likes the max talk out of Klay, except Klay. I mean, bro, we love you, but be reasonable...


I've been brainstorming more the last few days on the surplus of guards and how the new front office may choose to operate if Klay's representation is heavily resistant to even the concept of a Draymond-sized deal. Fast forward to February, let's assume CP's health is relatively good and the 2nd unit experiment is working well. If planning for playoff basketball, does the front office consider attaching picks to the Klay Thompson expiring instead of the Chris Paul contract? In the playoffs, Kerr prefers to start GPII anyways as a hound dog on the opposing primary option. And one could argue, crunch time Klay shots may be the best option on another franchise but next to Steph, they often look like a misplaced understanding of a now far more defined pecking order than the early Splash Bros days. If a Jerami Grant or another high-end two-way big could be added and one of the two guards needed to be sacrificed, we could assume under Myer's watch it would be an impossibility for Klay to be traded, especially midseason. However, if Paul and Curry feel are an elite fit in 4th quarters, and CP's new role on 20 minutes a game is something that not only works but is accepted (a big if), maybe so could a new deal in the offseason on a fraction of the cost of a new Klay contract. It's something I haven't fully fleshed out, but the concept of giving 30 million per to a 1-way 34-year-old shooter with a tandem of serious lower body injuries doesn't sound like the way Mike Dunleavy Jr. intends to start his tenure as GM of the Warriors.

Neal X

I think we're hoping that's the plan. I definitely don't see sticking CP3 in the starting 5, our defense with both CP and Steph on the floor would be way too sus.