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My process for scouting is to get in 5-6 full games to get a real feel for the personality and nuances of each player. Before I look at highlights and other scouting reports.

trying not to get caught too deep in the weeds with these prospects. Focusing on big picture what are their make and break attributes at the next level. 


Kris Murray Scouting report


Jello Smooth

Doesn’t matter Kerr will just play another lamb over him… and send him and PBJ to the sharpen up in the G League …. Alch I am so disgusted how they handled the youngsters this year

Jello Smooth

And bro fantastic breakdown … I get a kick out of you giving the heads up in YouTube… the. Those that are subscribers come running over here


We needed Lamb's rebounding to minimize the impact of Klay and Pool's bad shooting

Qiushi Hu

I just wish we trade the pick. No need for more young players when we have Kuminga and Patrick on the roster


I feel you.. at the same time come draft night and we are on the clock we gonna want to know what’s what .. or at least I do


I don't know why the Warriors haven't asked you to be a scout...

Natto Santo

I don’t know about salary part. Trade JK & Poole for some real good pro like Mikal Briges and Nic Clarxton. Develop PBJ and Moody. And I still like Gui Santos who has good IQ and ball handling. Flip Klay and Donkey into good picks or another solid pro.


How do you think his skill set differs from PBJ when he is 23?


I really like PBJ, but he is far from a bird in hand. Even in the playoffs he had toe issue?… he has yet to show he can stay healthy. Having too many stretch 4s doesn’t seem like a problem I’d mind having. But Kris looks to be a much better defender you can switch with.


Yeah, I think Murray is probably more ready to contribute this next year. They might be fighting for minutes down the line but I don't think that's a real problem. Thanks!


Let's get a Jaime Jaquez draft profile. Fun factor off the charts... got all the crafty footwork and the Jimmy Butler lab moves and his intuition is off the charts. Epic mustache. I know its a stretch to take him. But no player other than maybe Colby Jones is more a Dubs culture fit. My favorite prospect for the Dubs are Leonard Miller, Bilal Couliballi, Bobi Klintman on the upside swing. Colby Jones, Trayce Jackson-Davis, Jaime Jaquez Jr, Olivier Maxiell Prosper (Omax), Kris are my favorite upperclassmen and developed dudes. I got Lively in the bizarro Wiseman bin. He's a stay away for me. Guy had some of the greatest tools in college and couldn't stay on the court until late. 5 pts 5 reb so concerning. When I was a 6 ft tall ten year old that's about 75 seconds of work on the nine ft rims.

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

A lot of good (and not so good) X’s and O’s stuff on YouTube, but no one does individual player analysis like Alc. That was my favorite thing about the Patreon this season - little shit like JP hopping on defense or different players’ shooting mechanics. I wasn’t on the Patreon last summer, so looking forward to the content over the next couple weeks.

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

JK and Moody got decent run when it was just the two of them, an injured Wiseman, and a bunch of vets. If the FO can get it down to two youngsters and maybe a third on ice, it could be productive all around. Of course, it’s not obvious where Kerr would see Moody & Kuminga in that scenario. It’s possible that one might have officially graduated, in Kerr’s mind, from rookie to NBA player.


Im convinced lol I thought this dude was just an even softer version of Keegan. Alch, you think you’ll make a video about possible free agent targets for the warriors?


Buttery shot for a big, would be a good pick at 19.

Neal X

I like the idea. Unrelated, did we all enjoy the LeSweep? I totally called it... jus' sayin'


hey they won the same number of wcf wins as us so we chillin. Draymond prolly has a room dedicated for Bron in Cancun as we speak

Mikey H

thanks for that. seems like if he's left, u either grab him or roll the dice. his age/polish def makes him seem like a dubs style pick. question is tho...they actually gonna play anyone they pick 😢


Kris seems like he has nba ready skillsets without the nba ready body and physical features. Finding someone between that sweet-spot should be our top priority.


Alc, where would you put his ceiling and floor in relation to PBJ?


I wish people would stop wishing for some Superstar or even a legit correctly priced Star in a trade for Toole. It's annoying, Toole and his contract aren't worth much except another seriously overpaid stiff that another team is dieing to unload. Please don't think that Kuminga or Moody are throw ins in a Toole trade, Kuminga at 6 million or Moody at even less are awesome value assets, Toole is the throw in, dump, please take him as well guy. I say get whatever u can to dump Tooles salary and keep JK and Moody.


Quief Murray is wild alch😂


What about Poole for Brogden and Muscala. Works in the machine, Boston gets an offensive punch next to Smart and Warriors get a vet guard and stretch 4


I dont hate it.. but Brogdan durability is a real concern

John Pettus

I feel like we need some DOGS who are going to help focus the whole team back on DEFENSE. People who have heart and are HUNGRY to win... not people who are going to complain about what's in it for them.


all shooters with the exception of moses, curry, wiggins, iguodala, dd, jerome, have an ego—that’s part of the identity from the spotlight. when in a time of slump, volume and perhaps time off clears them up. from klay to nick young to dlo, kd, poole, wiseman, and jk, everybody here were the go to guy. klay found a residency in a system that prioritized him. everybody else had to adjust to the warriors winning system and to whatever hierarchies namely green and front office. and historically that never meshed well. perhaps pbj doesn’t require the spotlight. perhaps poole and green squashed their differences. historically the warriors have not drafted well since green. there were could’ves and big opportunities missed like with most teams except the warriors andstubbornly stuck to a guard centric draft or clunky fives that have all left ball except damian jones. the warriors could’ve had jalen johnson next to kuminga . the warriors could’ve kept their bench but were cheap and that cost this season. sure the warriors can scout shooters but if there’s no character management the person is a liability. the warriors culture needs fixing and a better wing development/scout

John Pettus

Loon was a great job of development of a #28 pick, despite bad circumstances. But calling the Warriors cheap is ridiculous. Their spend including tax is more than like 3 or 4 normal teams combined.


I wonder if it was his total lack of interest, effort on D at Mich that moved him down to the 28th pick. My guess is his character was the main reason, the first step is his only true asset, pretty much everything else is shite. And people say he can score 20 a game, true, so can Wiseman but both guys give up nearly twice that on the other end. I wish more people would understand that.


could’ve kept gp2 yet he left for a larger bag then to give up the number 2 pick to bring him back. what’s that all about.


Was that a serious injury? I thought that the listed him with that injury so that he does not have to play. I never thought it was a real thing actually


You can't seriously use that to call the warriors cheap... you can't have the owner who spends the most on his team and cry about him not spending more. That's called being a spoiled fan