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with of course some Warriors talk 


Jimmy Ji

It's not a democracy when only 3-4 guys make the decisions for an entire team. It's more like an oligarchy.

Neal X

Kerr said in his exit interview that Kuminga didn't play because Kerr felt his only real strength was on-ball defense, which he felt we had enough of (I'm not sure, because I would have played him in place of Poole or Klay, which Kerr wasn't going to do regardless). As for Draymond and Klay, I even went on record as saying I wanted Draymond gone, and yeah, there was anger behind it; but I definitely respect what he's done for the team before now. But things change. My issue is, both he and Klay are clearly not able to give us what they did in the past, and so if they are going to stay don't they both have to recognize reality, and take on a reduced role and/or reduced pay? If they think they deserve max deals or huge contracts and also want to stay with the team... something's gotta give. Something about cakes and eating them.


jamal needs a new barber. his neck beard line up is disgusting


That intro brought me back


I agree they need to recognize who they are now. I feel like we owe it to them to say it with respect (not that you hadn’t)


Super smoove listen. Fire pod bruv


Austin reaves or a 300 mill jaylen brown contract? Lets get spicy


I still won't believe the Lakers aren't going to get carried to a ring until the Nuggets get that 4th win officially. The Nuggets look like the pretty clear best team though, them getting that defense going is scary

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

I’ve got love & respect for Kerr. But I was disappointed by his recent comments when Tim Kawakami asked about Klay being a starter. He emphasized that Klay would definitely remain a starter. JP wants to be a starter. Why tell JP that, no matter what he does, he won’t never earn it while Klay’s around? Wouldn’t the team be better off if JP (and Kuminga & Moody, frankly) went into the summer knowing they have a legitimate shot to earn a top spot?


Take you for the take on Poole lovers, just by keeping it real, they try to make you hater and goalpost to in fact truthfully hate on the core.

Neba Jorgacevic

Why can't the Finals be about Jokic? Jimmy Butler is good but he's no MVP. Personally I hope its about Jokic!


Nah cmon Alch.. you know if you’re the GM with 1st overall pick you’re picking Wemby 😂.. the thing with highly touted prospects is it’s way more risky not picking them over actually picking them… if they end up a bust all the blame goes to the player but if they end up great… you will be the laughingstock of the league and fired…


Lol I’m actually picking all those guys over reeves..


I know you got too! That’s my point.. even if you know he ain’t gonna hold up. I bet Pop know it too

Natto Santo

Wemby can really shoot


good luck to your daughter ~


What nba player does your daughters game and personality most closely resemble? And it can be two players combined. I know u have thought about it. And I'd take CJ and Simons over Reeves because they can just get going and not be stopped but otherwise Reeves over the rest. It's going to be interesting to see how much he gets, does he even hit the weight room at all.. Could be a hot playoff run over reach salary like Tooles..


She plays the Wigs role on most her teams. But as a guard. Defends the best scorer, shoots the 3 well, can get to the line. But not an alpha. This senior year coming up tho, it’s like Steph and Klay have retired.. keys are hers whether she wants them or not.


I like the Wigs role, I'm glad that u didn't say "She plays the Poole role".. Maybe an Alpha is good for ball but my guess is you play the Alpha for her so she would naturally prefer not to compete. I took a couple of Psych classes in college, don't think for a minute that I know what I'm talking about. Does she play any other sports?


What makes you think I am a type A? lol nah I think you are right.. She is one of those players you see 2 or 3 plays a game and your like "oh!" you could do that a lot more! again kinda like Wigs. Will see how this senior year goes where it will be really forced on her. Right now on the national club team they are all alphas form their own school. she still starts tho and is more comfortable than the others not having the ball all the time.


A credit to u that she doesn’t need the ball, probably plays team ball and great D. In short a basketball player.


why is everyone so enamored with myers. he really hasnt dont shit. bad draft choices, poole signing, wiseman, come man... all the good picks were west picks... really, what has Myers done?

k fish

Bad draft picks or poor coaching lol kuminga was a steal and Wiseman we still don't know, when you're coach has no plan on using you're talents or abilities that doesn't go on the gm. Bob also got gp2, Otto, beli etc. Poole contract isn't terrible....just Fairweather fans over reacting when the problem starts and ends with the coach

k fish

Alc idk if you're stealing my takes lol but I've been said that draymond isn't dumb and knows holding back kuminga will increase his value to the team as well as make it seem them there is no future after dray. I'm not letting Kerr off the hook though...i believe Kerr knows this as well and is actively going out his was to bench kuminga so draymond will get another contract even going so far to say we can't win a title without him and the team maxed out. What kind of coach says that? Also kerrs stubbornness with his system as well as being lazy not wanting to adjust to new talent ( the lack of creativity using kuminga and even Wiseman as offensive weapons was laughable and disturbing) just confirms that he wants to hold on to the guys who carried him and leave with them before he is exposed. Remove Kerr and possibly draymond and this team will take off especially the young guys who are treated like after thoughts.