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gsw vs lal gm 5



After that Draymond 21 point game against the Kings he went back to not looking at the basket, we need aggressive draymond and especially Wiggs for the rest of this series. Lakers got AD and pesky perimeter guys but not a lot of big wing defenders besides Vando and he’s lowkey become unplayable so Wiggs needs to take advantage. And then more full court press on LeBron please, he did that plenty to Luka last year in the WCF and def wore him out. While Wiggs on the other hand looks like he didn’t break a sweat. Esp with that bad foot LeBron wants no parts of it


he mustve taken a direct shot to the temple to be that woozy. some call it bad luck. perhaps its just the perfect alignment of his athleticism (so ability and speed to be in certain plays), height, and play style that puts him in compromising positions, down to his head angle relative to other players. i hope he plays good minutes in game 6 and warriros are able to exploit that pnr with steph and wiggs again. hope for game 6 klaybe. perhaps curry can have a decent stroke? maybe just a season average? i had the same mix of loss of expectations and a feeling of indifference or calm in game 5. i dont want to expect anything from the warriors - theyre likely to fall back down to their normal mistakes - turnovers and fouling


That ref that Dray was chirping at to start the game has a quick trigger on the Ts. I was very surprised he held his whistle.

Splashus Klay

Yo AA, Collin Cowturd proposed a Poole + Wiggs trade for Jaylen Brown and Brogdon... Thoughts?

Nathan Glanzer

They need to attack Lebron on defense. Put him in actions. Get him splitting and closing out off ball he's flat footed and we can cook him.


Aye man. Lakers fans finally get introduced to loon the goon and they’re out here calling for big bro💀 Look, I’ve been saying this all postseason, but it’s going to take a vintage big 3 effort to get this done. There’s no other way around it this time. But with the emergence of GP, loon, and mood, the return of DD and JP, and consistent Lonnie walker minutes, they can handle business. Especially with all the other series likely going 7.

Nathan Glanzer

I am in a similar Zen. My feelings are they will probably lose to the nuggets anyway so better to lose now and get more free time from not having to watch the next series lol.

yan't get right

love the bit about expectations dying and now feeling free. those expectations are all the way out the window now for the dubs and it took the majority of a series for the star-studded Lakers/Warriors storyline legacy crap to get washed away. but now it's just Xs and Os and executing advantages against a team who doesn't have any counters left. Also: Poole was composed!

Ryan Mitchell

Sometimes it feels like he’s trying to bait the defender to have a chase down block

Neal X

I said some mean sounding things about Draymond both here and on YT. Do I take it all back? No. In fact, I said all of that expecting him to play better in this game, and for us to win it. Is he going to do the same in the next game? That's the issue. He's not consistent. He should be well aware that when he actually takes and makes, the Warriors become nearly unbeatable. When he was a credible 3-point threat, we won 73 games. It just makes me angry knowing that it's all an effort thing with him. I'll never get this frustrated with a Looney, or a GP2, even if they have an off night. Because I know I can trust them to always be trying and to have their head in the game. Do I think we can win this series? Actually, yes I do, but the Lakers are going to be coming with all guns blazing next game, and depending on how the refs blow the whistle, we might get run out of the gym if we aren't even more physical and aggressive. So yeah, I have hope. However, unless Draymond can do what he did last night more consistently, if he wants to retire in a Warriors jersey he'd better get used to the idea of a smaller paycheck.

Ryan Mitchell

A good game. This has me worried: who’s gonna make up for the Draymond points next game? Surely he won’t be scoring 15-20 in back to back games. We are gonna need the same Wiggins in the next 2 games to have a shot

Ryan Mitchell

The expectations of a 30 $M player : he wasn’t completely out of control and scored more than 5 points haha

gary garcia

Then, you stop short, get the bump and the foul. Plus wear and tear on lbj school of flopping


If.. if JB forced his way out I think they would ask for wigs, kuminga and hell probably Gp2.. It would gut us..I dont think they would want to send him to us anyway

Neal X

I know nothing about trading really, but my thought was trade Moody and Poole in a package. Moody's trade value is good thanks to his improvements, and a small market team would probably go for it.


Good game but at this point we NEED Poole and Klay to give us something. We know Steph and Dray are going to bring it. Rotations are set, adjustments have been made, we just gotta HIT OUR SHOTS if we want any chance. We are getting healthier (loon and gp2) and they are getting worn down. It's time to strike.

Natto Santo

We have been a better team, but due to egos, and questionable calls we are behind. As long as we keep it simple, we can still beat this Lakers.


They still have no answer for the Steph pick n roll. If they leave him in single coverage, he cooks, AD drop, wide open 3s all day, switch, they’ll have mismatches all over the floor, if they double, it’s 4 on 3 with Draymond going downhill. There’s not a defense left in this world that Steph hasn’t seen. AD can’t play all 48. He ain’t built for that. They need to put him and LeBron in all actions possible, get those legs tired, they’ll be gassed by the 2nd half. They gotta keep attacking the paint, specially when AD is off the floor. They gotta come out with the same atitude and aggressiveness they did in game 5. Dray gotta play with that same edge. Klay needs to show up. Poole just has to be mid. Wiggs stay attacking the rim and getting the off rebounds. Steph will carry the rest of the way. Push the pace and control the game. We got this. Dubs in 7.


Yo alc, do you believe in game 6 Klay showing up? I'm afraid he is gonna lose us the game if I'm being honest. He's gonna try hard to live up to the name and shoot us out in the process.


Steph defense rate: B. (for reference, 22 Finals Game 6: A+. 23 LA game 4: C ). He doesn't look tired in the playoff, he looks lethargic. Former is a physical fatigue, latter is a mental fatigue. This game, he's mostly focused and communicating on defense, but still had a couple of breaks here and there, resulting in some Lakers mini runs. If Steph wants to repeat, he must hold himself accountable on defense and play defense on a B or above level. When he does, they can barely lose. He has been the accumulative (not per min, I know you all want to shout out JP but he hasn't been playing that much) weakest link on defense this playoff. Klay is right after Steph in this category, but he's been on Reeves' ass the last 3 games, only punked by the refs. We all know Steph can do it, and it's a stain on his legacy if he didn't do it. Guard your matchup. No longer zone on every possession: great! Less confusion and mismatches for LA to steal easy points. It started with Steph guarding penetration. They only need to zone AD. No one on LA is a penetration threat without a mismatch. They stopped switching on those LeBron pnr and let Wigs mark Bron full time. Not too late. Draymond. On pushing the ball: he can't do it many times, played 9 mins less than Steph. And he's extremely prone to turnovers w the ball. On his aggression in half court: observe and attack when AD is out shadowing shooters, instead of blindly running set and screen for shooters. Overall, Draymond playing less mins with more energy all day. With Loon looks healthy now, yes sir. Transition. I do think they should play more transition, esp. given the three shooters' poor flow. That 2nd half offense did not look good: 3rd quarter, Wigs, Steph, Klay, Poole = 0 of 9 on threes. Mostly good looks. Like game 2, Steph can play deep and lead the transition w. passes.


Very comfortable win and they played far from their best basketball. If Klay and Steph can find it from 3 in Game 6 then I like their chances. Like you said, no expectations, but definitely hope. Notice LeBron stared down Dray after that putback at 9:00min in the 3rd quarter, bodes well for more Villain Dray. You aren’t friends right now, you’re enemies. Keep that shit up. GP2 team-high +25 in 27 min, think he can play another 5-10min? He’s just so valuable out there…


He definitely is trying to bait them - he's done that his whole career and it can be taken advantage of. I lived in Boston during the KG/Pierce/Allen/Rondo years and watched them beat young Lebron on those first era Cav's teams - Rondo used to punk Lebron all the time, baiting him into the chase down block, and the rest of the team knew to just look for the pass back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmDbcG6FFCY


I hope warriors empty the tank in game 6… I feel the lakers have even less courage and poise than the kings… If we get to a game 7, it would take a 2016 lebron effort to pull that one out for them


Our rebounding was impressive. We had 3 Warriors around the basket every time they shot and Wiggins played great D on LB. I love that we only shot 35 3s. Over 50 2pt shots (mostly Steph/Wiggins PNR) means we are getting in the paint or near it and AD had no blocks! Our team defense was stout and Dre was amazing cause Tom Izzo was watching lol! We need Izzo to travel to LA! Go Dubs in 7!

Derrick Maples

I called they would win this game. But AD and Lebron getting dinged up puts a small wrinkle in my prediction for game 6. I still say the Lakers will win, but I'm not as sure. Please tell me y'all saw Shaq, Chuck and Kenny's passive aggressive roast of AD after the game last night. It was comedy central! lol


Klay and Donte combined for 11 points so odds are they would make up for the bulk of Draymond's points


There's a lot about the whistle this series, but the thing thats gone completely unnoticed is the fact that Dennis, Reaves and DLo all hook with their off arms like CRAZY on their drives. Literally any drive (other than against Poole) where you're like "where's the POA" if you look close it started with a hook.


Turns out using Wiggins in that AD PnR was the adjustment to be made. If Kerr recognized that in the second half of game 4 we likely would not have blown that lead. It's truly that simple

Neal X

You know what I saw at 7:40? That JP almost turned it over again by super-telegraphing his pass and being really slow. That's what I saw, lol.

Jansen E

Here's my problem with this game: we saw turned up, locked in, 100% Draymond. Awesome! Conscious effort from (almost) everyone to not turn the ball, crisp passes, put pressure on the rim, make the Lakers defense work. All these great things that can result in victory for this team. So whats my problem then? Where in the FUCK was this effort any of the other games??? To me, this is 100% fake effort and hustle to put on a show for the home crowd, yet again. Its real effort and hustle in that it actually led to results, but why wasnt annoying, especially Draymond, doing this in game 4? or game 3? Like why the fuck does it take them to be down 3-1 to realize "ohhh shit, this is playoffs where we actually have to try??" Nah Im not giving anyone any credit for this game. You get a sarcastic round of applause, Draymond. Let me see you replicate this effort in game 6, and maybe, MAYBE I will take you guys seriously. Kinda like how ya'll MAYBE took games 1-4 sorta seriously. It pisses me off because this is how I KNOW they are capable of playing, which makes all these other games that much more infuriating cuz you can 100% clearly see them not giving a single fuck. So I wont either. Prove to me that this wasnt just a show for the home crowd, and we'll see. If AD plays like nothing happened, then I am actually expecting yet another washed game 6 where Klay tries to force his glory days, Draymond goes back to being scared to look at the rim, and Curry puts up another masterful effort only to lose cuz his teammates dont give a shit about a road game.

Neal X

"Where in the FUCK was this effort any of the other games??? "

Ezra Abbey

you called wiggs harrison barnes 2.0 in one of your last videos and that was completely blasphemous lol. dude's been clutch

Mikey H

ngl refs helped the dubs out big this game. havent seen that happen too often but love to see it. Still think they have this series if they want. Only one who shows up consistently is Steph. All we need is 2 games where Klay & Poole show up & it's over


You have to realize 2 things: 1. They're older. You can't suit up with the same energy every single game at their age. 2. They've won it all. You know how it is when you've achieved a big goal on a given day, the next day is always a down time. As much as we want, this is tough on this core. They're hungry, it's just hard to sustain this kinda level for a very long time as they have done. Even Lebron does coast between games. He's just had help from role players immensely


People forget the reason why steph and klay have to run around through screens to get a shot…And as they get older, dray is more and more exposed as the liability he is….I hope he keeps the same agressive mentality but yeah….i don’t really believe in it…Warriors found something with gp2 and wiggins….solid 2 way guys

Strong Foru

Let's go WARRIORS!!! #WeBelieve


Alc, you used to always talk about AD reckless and getting injured. Not to address stupid Loon slander, but he just lunged right into Loons space with Loons back towards him. Also, loved what you said about LeBrons finesse. The nice guy routine. Meanwhile hes trying to steal all the props. I loved watching the Ws play angry last night. All of them. I hope they bring the FUUUUUUUUCK YOU on Friday !

Jansen E

I understand that. And yeah the role players certainly havent been helping when we need them to. Klay and Poole have obviously been rather horrendous. But JMG and Dante have played too many minutes in this series and given us practically nothing. JMG was good for a single game and its like he used all his quarters at that one arcade machine. Now he's got nothing left. Honestly if EITHER Klay or Poole show up for 2 games in gms 1-4, its probably 3-2 Warriors lead. But theyve consistently been completely MIA this whole series. Steph is doing all he can, same goes for Moody and Loon. I understand Draymond cant be going 110% EVERY game, or else he'd be spent after 2 games. But my question still stands, where was this effort in ANY of the previous games????? Did you see this version of Draymond at all in games 1-4?? Let me answer that for you: no, you didnt. Because he wasnt doing this. It took being down 3-1 to get this version of Draymond. And yeah I guess Im thankful for it. But now instead of maybe doing in game 1, 3, and 5 (hypothetically taking games 2 and 4 off), he's now got to do it for 3 straight games. And like you said. He's old. So are you expecting him to do it 3 straight times? Forgive me for being skeptical of that. Which is why I said what I said. Fake effort to put a show on for the home crowd. Cuz I dont expect anything in game 6 expect for Klay chucking, Draymond selling, and Curry carrying.


Attitude toward the AD injury is indifference.. Go win game 6!


All round good game from the main guys, klay didn’t shoot well but he locked in on defense and I think he’s especially due for for a zombie game. Other good thing was Bron playing heavy mins and getting chipped up, they gotta attack him on defense and make him work on offense game 6. I think they got the momentum back in the series and it’s hitting the lakers full throttle. Play smart ball and limit the the turnovers game 6 and they should have a decent chance to starve off elimination and get to a game 7. On a side note, the core, them boys is hungry for that 3-1 comeback. You could see it in Draymond’s and Steph’s eyes. They’re hungry wolves out there and even if they go down before doing it, they gonna go out swinging. The first quarter of game 6 gonna tell us a lot about how them boys feeling


“ doesn’t coach flopping” my fat ass 🙄

Ravi Dissanayake

Momentum is one thing but can we come in and shooot well demoralise the crowd… hasn’t happened soo far in LA

Neal X

I understand that but even Alch said it himself: he hasn't seen Draymond this aggressive in YEARS. And I don't expect him to be grabbing 20 every night -- but not even looking at the basket? Passing up open layups? Letting teams just ignore him completely on offense? He's just making it harder on everyone. Like I said in my other comment, I don't go after GP2, Looney, or even Wiggs the same way I get after Draymond because they are just solid and I can't doubt their effort, even when they have off nights or below average performances.


problem is we haven't been shooting well all series. Steph has been high usage and his legs are starting to catch up to him. Klay has been gone. Poole is a nonfactor. That's three of our main shooters.

Patrick Kennedy

I think that was one of my favorite Steph games of all time, Alch. Interested in your take. He was so calm, so deliberate. Really, as you said about Poole: so “business like.” It wasn’t about playing to the crowd, about making the big shot (though he tried a couple that missed). It was about being a good point guard and making the best play and bringing that “Andre” calm of being “the adult in the room” to the game…the Baby Faced thing is for sure dead and I felt like this was the most mature game I have ever seem him do. You?

Jansen E

Wiggins now questionable for game 6. How fitting. If he can’t be 100%, they’re all cooked.

Ken Bradford

With all the criticism towards Poole it’s really easy to forget that dray,wiggs and especially klay aren’t really having a great series. Especially klay has been immensely disappointing. Maybe playing every other day takes his legs like in the regular season


When the warriors win b2b i hope somebody in their victory speech brings awareness to the inequalities and injustices within and outside the US. For those that did not look upn why Neely rip, it was a modern day lynching. And those that use the words brotha or sista, why speak those words without actually caring for each other?“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good people do nothing” -Edmund Burke


Once Draymond realised 'them boys ain't your friends', he woke up and started playing better.

Andreas Wiedemann

KERR is a genious! He`s a winner. I love it. Need to be said after all the trashing he gets.

Childe Costa

You nailed it again Alch! This is exactly the type of chippy "f-you" approach the Warriors should have taken from game 1. Draymond barking (and producing), Donte, Wiggs, and GP2 pestering like amazonian mosquitoes, and JP playing with pace and poise. And we didn't even have to use our Klay get out of jail for free card either. Stay on target boys ... gotta bring it all in game 6. Go Warriors!

Childe Costa

exactly! With all do respect, we're gonna beat your ass! Back to being bar-stool chums in July.


the person that killed Jordan Neely, Daniel Penny is charged with second degree manslaughter

Neal X

He just needs to focus on defense and let the game come to him rather than forcing shots. Kerr needs to tell them to feed Wiggins more, it'll open up more kick out open shots for Klay. Alch said as much on his YT vid, and I think Kerr has realized this also with the Steph-Wiggins PnR.


I can't read all of the comments in case it's been mentioned but I see LeBron crack Wiggs in the ribs on a rebound at 4:48 in the 4th. Wiggs immediately grabs his ribs after getting cracked.