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Warriors Lakers game 4 in LA 5-8-23



gsw vs lal gm 4



Call me crazy but I honestly think we figured them out

Jansen E

Lol okay you're crazy. Just for fun though. What do you mean WE figured THEM out?


I do smile watching Stephen A. JJ Redick, Tim Legler, etc. all start seeing how horrible of a basketball player Poole is now that the playoffs r not letting him hide. We've seen how bad he's been for years. Still I like listening to Alch rip into him at least I know other hoopers can see it.


Would love a YT video or if he doesn’t wanna go public then a Patreon exclusive on thought about Poole even if we somehow win this series or not

John Z

the Steph PnR has always bothered me, we have the motion offense all season, yet you dont get familar with anything else while always leveraging Steph. Same with our rotations, Moodys out there now, yet was getting zero run in the regular season. Appreciate the breakdown as always!


they are having a lot of trouble with our PnR actions. We just aren't hitting shots. If we start to hit shots, the series could still somewhat change. Poole especially if he gets going could change the whole series.


Hopefully we keep fighting. I see us taking game 5 and 6 but losing in 7. It's been 1 blowout each way and 2 very close games. Unfortunately, it has been this season's MO to lose the close ones...


Thank you i was saying the same thing and so did SVG if like 2 of those 3s go down in those last 5 minutes we are playing a whole different ball game and in reality i think if klay doesn’t shoot that left wing 3 with the whole shot clock we probably win lmao


1. This is exactly who we’ve been all season like weve lost that same game 10 times in the regular season so no REAL surprise. 2. 1 game at a time is how the cavs came back is how the dubs came back against the thunder and at the end of the day we have the best player in the series. 3. I think you have to feel solid about the gameplan from last game everything worked for the most part and i think we can really attack that AD pnr or even just bring him up switch and then run off actions like the first half, Lonnie walker had the game of his life so should we really win that? We had 9-11 point lead in the 4th and Lonnie walker happened and Klay thompson wanting to show out for his dad happened, if he doesn’t shoot that 2nd 3 on the left wing I think we win 4. The downsides are we may have like 3 or more guys who have real issues with minutes coaching etc. so basically some dudes who dgaf and I think Kerr got pretty tight in that 4th,, How do you not call timeout as soon we win the jump ball! and I understand attacking AD in the pnr but we could’ve easily gone back to GP and getting others finishing inside because AD was now guarding steph but honestly as long as we contain the others in game 6 assuming we make it there this can easily be forced to 7


This article hits the nail on the head for me: https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/warriors-vs-lakers-why-steve-kerr-deserves-bulk-of-blame-for-golden-states-3-1-hole/ Steve Kerr is an all time great coach and we can't separate our success from him. But last night was on him imo. Our PnR with Davis in the first half was statistically elite. Our other options have been statistically abysmal. Yet, in the second half, the Warriors moved away from involving Davis in the PnR (cut it down by 75%) to move to our motion offense which hasn't been working all season. Really dumb, Kerr needs to get off his high horse and do the simple thing because this isn't five years ago... we have to do what other normal teams do to win: stick with whatever play works best and go with it, not create some beautiful basketball ballet performance as if we are heads and shoulders above everyone else because we're not anymore.


at least it wasn’t a 30 pt blowout


I can't believe a literal nobody beat an entire dynasty all by himself in the 4Q. Not AD, not DLo, not Lebron. A NOBODY beat Steph, Klay, Draymond and Steve Kerr ALL BY HIMSELF in that 4Q. Embarassing, pathetic, outrageous.


you know what the crazy part is? is that you can think that, I can think that, we all can think that, and yet, an all-time great coach can't? INSANE


Dude that's what makes me doubt it, like this dude has 1000x the basketball iq of us so it's like are we missing something? But I think it comes down to a personality trait; Kerr is a thinker and analyzer and doing the simple, instinctual thing without involving thinking doens't come to his nature easily

Neal X

I just hope they can win one at home for the fans. They deserve it after this shitshow of a season. After that, BLOW IT UP. Left my long scrawl on YouTube so I don't leave it again here, but for next season the roster has to be rebuilt almost from the ground up. Get rid of everyone except Steph, Klay (with a reduced role), Wiggs, Loon, and GP2, and the rookies, if we keep Donte we do it because he comes cheap. Draymond can go podcast full time, maybe hire JP as his co-host.


Klay been sucking and is low IQ. Would much rather Draymond than him; draymond is high IQ, brings the defense, and is the energy/will of the team. Klay is just a chill spacy dude with a good jump shot, which is becoming increasingly erratic of late not to mention his decision making.


Our best hope is that Game 5 is a competitive Dubs win that forces Bron and Ad to play 38-40 mins. That sets up the possibility of stealing Game 6 because Bron and AD are gassed. 2 of our losses in LA were really close and games we could have, and probably should have won. Hoping we are due for a Game 6 breakthrough, if we can take care of business Wed.


Agree. Mixed feelings because I want him gone full stop but the more people know about him the harder it will be to dump him and then use that 30 million plus a year to sign another big wing or versatile big. We may have to pay someone to offload him.


At this stage the formula is simple. Win one game. If we can force another game, I like our chances because we've actually been in both games in LA...Having 10+ point leads and not closing the deal. So, just win game 5 and lets see what happens. Also, wouldn't mind Poole getting benched. Drastic but think about it. We're getting nothing from him on offence (even his "gravity" is debatable) and definitely getting less than 0 on defence.

Neal X

Honestly I'm starting to agree, but from a sentimentality standpoint, break up the Splash Brothers? That could kill the team entirely. Draymond doesn't spread the floor, doesn't even look at the basket, is a turnover machine with the way he plays, and doesn't have the athleticism anymore to play bigger than he is. AD is making him look like a store mannequin out there.


rip Neely


I’m not giving up like last series… yeah this may be poole and Donte and maybe draymond last game as a warrior


the answer is simple. they switched AD onto Wiggins instead of GP2. Wiggins is not a good screen setter and has terrible hands as an outlet roller. pretty simple stuff. they also ran a ton of PnR in the 4th when the offense stagnated....the third when they got the big lead was mostly off ball stuff.


You're right that Draymond's inability to create his own offense can be a big liability, but also understanding that his screening ability/chemistry w/ Steph and his ability to bring the ball up the court quickly as a big give him at least some strengths on offense, and strengths that are compatible with Steph. Breaking up the splash bros would be kinda sad, but don't worry! Don't think itll happen. Klay once said he's grateful to the Warriors for giving him a huge contract after tearing his ACL, wouldn't be surprised if he repaid the favor by taking a lower value contract.


Kerr not making a point of emphasis to push the ball is horrific.


Yet both times they tried out the steph wiggs PnR in the 4th quarter it led to good shots; Steph converted the first and then missed a good shot in ISO the second time. Not to mention it exhausts AD and makes him less powerful on the offensive end, that's why he only had 4 points in the second half. I don't think that the reasons you gave for not utilizing more are definitive. So far it's created decent looks, why not keep going to it until it doesn't?


And I'm not talking about PnR in general, just PnR with AD's man which has been our best offense by a long shot (not even close) for this entire series. In the 4th quarter we kept doing it with Lebron's man and it wasn't working, Lebron decided to actually play defense

Chip Tingle

I’d argue it needs to be AD in the PnR no matter who he’s defending, but it was good to see GPII make an impact.

Ryan Mitchell

Last game I asked : who would you rather have - DLo or Poole? This time I’ll ask : who would you rather have - Schroder or Poole? The comps aren’t getting better 😵


I for one couldn't be more proud of this team, hover around .500 all year and still beat the 3 seed and would be headed to the conference finals if the leagues chosen champion wasn't in our way. They proved me wrong, i didn't think that they actually could just flip a switch but they did


There's a person on Twitter @NicoleMcMilllon who claims to have sources in the Warriors organization. She's been tweeting BS for years and a lot of dumbass Warriors fans believe her. A journalist has just quote-retweeted her latest BS. Dennis Schroder was on Adin Ross stream and said "if they set illegal screens you got to show they are moving on the screen. If you don't, they are not going to call it." https://twitter.com/pickuphoop/status/1656133510694948866 So basically he confessed the Lakers are floppers. They do this shit even when there isn't a moving screen. GP2 is a stabilizing presence on the court. That's useful in key moments.

Childe Costa

How sweet would it be to pay LeBung back for his ignoble tactics in 2016? Clearly we have enough to beat this team. Literally everything has gone the Faker's way so far ... from blatant flops, to phantom screens, to no-name roll players shooting lights-out in the 4th quarter. Grind out a win in game 5 and plant a seed of doubt. From there hope grows ... One game at a time. Stay connected. Go Warriors.

Neal X

To be clear I'm not trying to slander Klay, I love the dude. I hate sounding ungrateful, but we're just all saying what's just painfully obvious at this point, he's not recognizing his limitations and he's playing selfish. I think part of the problem is the vibe from the entire team being off. Whatever the reason is, it's up to Kerr and the front office to put the house in order with a firm hand. As for Dray, yeah, he gives us things, but he also takes them away just as much.


Very solid points. While I'll always feel like Draymond is the second most important player for this dynasty, it's undeniable that he has been taking away from the dubs.

Childe Costa

Let's hope so! In the meantime my Curry tshirt stinks from 18 consecutive days of unwavering superstition. Go Warriors!!!