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The venue changes game 3 in LA 5-6-23



gsw vs lal gm3


k fish

Not playing kuminga is self sabatoge of the highest degree. Seems to be an agenda to hold him back so draymond can get his new contract and feel needed. The poor play all playoffs of the non starters yet they are given chance after chance. Kuminga is held to the highest standard on this team after proving his worth all year. We praise a guy like donte for going 2 for 8 from 3 and passing up layups lol

John Z

the Warriors have kept NBA viewership alive and yet they reword this soft bullshit. Warriors definitely lost but christ do they really need to make it that obvious.

Strong Foru

Let's go WARRIORS! #WeBelieve


I have a question as someone whose never played and wants to understand basketball more. It seems like in Game 2 we put the ball in steph's hands and ran a bunch of PnR's and got great shots and few turnovers. In Game 3, I expected us to do the same but it looked like we had a lot of Steph off ball which called on other players to make plays and led to a lot of turnovers. My question is: Did we switch up that strategy because of an adjustment that the Lakers made, or for some other perhaps unknown reason? Thx in advance


Yup, watch in ALC's video, he points it out. They basically know that Steph is going to run PnR with Draymond - Draymond is the only reliable pnr screener outside of Looney...and Looney is almost unplayable in this series so far. So they put Vanderbilt on Green and just switched the PnR whenever it was there. This puts Vanderbilt on Steph again in an iso situation, and even if Steph gets by Vanderbilt, AD is still around the rim for rim protection. Also, with PnR heavy and iso, you need to get AD out of the paint, you need some level of spacing, and they still aren't guarding JMG...he's not Otto.


First off, let my just get this off my chest…damn is AD ugly. We definitely have a chance, just need ONE of Poole or Donte to show up I think. Other question just because I’m salty: is Poole the worst defender in the NBA? genuinely curious…


Aren't there ways to adjust to that? Like using more screens to get vando off of draymond before he sets the screen for Curry? Regardless, with how out of sorts this warriors team has been all year, I would feel a lot better if Kerr would put the ball in Stephs hands more at this point of the season.


It’s a simple game you understand plenty.. they could send a quick high screen then set up another. Forcing a double switch or vando to have to switch and then quickly fight thru


My 96 year old Dad has always said the outcomes are rigged to financially benefit the NBA-industrial complex.

k fish

Yes the answer is steve kerr is a terrible coach and will lose games if it means running the offense he is addicted to even if it's been proven year after year to be slowed down in the playoffs. Kerr hates pnr and his ego won't allow him to stick with what works, just like his ego won't allow him to play jk, a guy who was vital to this teams success. He won't even draw up simple plays to use him even if he was on the floor. Kerr has been trash all year and playoffs. There is no reason to not have the ball in steph hands consistently


He absolutely is Sevrin! It may seem like I have been harsh with him in the breakdowns… truth is. I have spared him. The tape is astonishing


This series so far reminded me of Draymond’s value. Wigs rebounding is sound but filling the paint is not his job. And Looney alone cannot suffice. Unless Dubs can sign PJ Tucker or Al Horford as replacement, there’s no one better at what Draymond does on defense at his salary.

k fish

Lmfao thats you're take away? It should be we need an actual athletic big who can protect the rim. While dray is good he is a huge liability on offense


Coming from a proud LeBron hater, Bron definitely is acting. His friendly gesture, his exhaustion on the bench, all are acting, trying to soften the Dubs and play the wounded weak underdog. But, and this is a huge but, all these bullshit is to setup one more trick: when he's one game away from winning/ losing, he's gonna suddenly turn into the pettiest chippy bitch and try to get under you skin by talking shit and flex his muscles. So don't fuck around w. Bron. He is truly injured, but as long as he's on the court, he's fucking LeBron: just like he smelt the Dubs are off focus and delivered two key punches this game, he's what I call a professional picker: pick up wins whenever the opponents drops it. He's been stealing wins his whole career. So, refocus and beat his fucking hemorrhoid out: hurt him even when he sits ass down. Hopefully, this is on Kerr and Steph's radar. They've learned this the hard way. Don't fall into the same shit twice.


Poole has his mind made up in each defensive play to just surrender to the big in the middle. Poole's defense is trash to say the least, no effort whatsoever. If he will not put up big offense numbers Warriors might as well move him in summer and play more Moody, JK or even PBJ.


Will it take us being eliminated from the playoffs to go off on Poole or him to be traded from the team for you to go fully off on him? Could be a Patreon exclusive I think we’d all appreciate


They definitely could use more screens to get Vando off, but the issue of spacing and getting AD out of the paint still remains. They could also pull AD into the action and hope he drops and Steph will destroy that action like he did vs Boston.


Yeah Draymond is a special player. I always tell people that a person's opinion of Draymond is like a basketball iq test. There are plenty who don't see his value. It really sucks Wiseman was so terrible though. If he worked out we would be sitting pretty...but he was awful.


Are we gonna see a Moses Moody start tonight? Let’s go dubs!

Childe Costa

Godeau (and probably many others) are absolutely right. LeBron already stole a title from us once and it had much more to do with his head games than his team's on court play. This time instead of baiting us into technical fouls and ejections he's lulling us to sleep with this buddy-buddy crap. It's just another ploy from a crafty vet. Please Warriors, ditch the pleasantries and approach the Fakers like you would the despised Grizzlies. You can go back to high-fiving each other after we advance.


I thought he was washed. But, you really can’t find any good replacement. Bigs who can move, you have Giannis, Bam, Horford, PJ, AD, Grant Williams, and Kevon. That’s about it. And Dubs need two to maintain the defense intensity consistency.


Spurs 2013 dropped their pants and Ray Allen happened. Warriors 2016, what turned me into an unapologetic Bron hater ( just like 2007 Horry bumping Nash and the whole Bruce Bowen showed me Popovich is a shitty person, shit like this is worse than the Palace Malice imo; ) 2020 Bubble, the players said their mind if out of the bubble after a month. That's why they are against the idea of the bubble as it's impossible for most players to be away from their family for months, not to mention in the lockdown era. Remember Avery Bradley chose not to play for LA in the Bubble? Bron is more than aware that that was his chance. I don't know why, maybe he doesn't have a life. To me, the best team that season before lockdown was the Rockets: Harden was playing his best basketball, PJ Tucker delivered the best individual defensive performance I've ever seen, and Rockets after trading for Covington started to figure out how to play defense like the Dubs. That Harden, Russ, Gordon, PJ and Covington lineup was pretty darn good. This is why when ppl talked about LeBron, it's never the same weight like MJ, Kobe, Steph or even KD to be honest: he's not a two way complete player, or even a one way unstoppable player like Shaq. With him it's always drama first, and somehow he got 4. But through the lens, his 4 rings are as heavy as Popovich's first 4 rings as well: one earned (2003 for Popovich, 2012 for Bron) and 3 steals.


Tonight Kerr needs to snip the laker runs in the butt as soon as they go on a 3 possession run whether it’s a 7/8/9 point run call timeout draw up a play get a bucket and slow the momentum down to keep out team poised because the only way to slow these ft onslaughts is to get a bucket set your defense and ramp it back up but keeping the same pace hasn’t helped us once the lakers get running only because we never have a set defense. I’m not saying we can’t outrun them or push the pace but we have to pick our spots a little better and recognize when we don’t have momentum and start to play a little more organized


Just saw the corgi dog on twitter that had correctly predicted all 3 games, also predict game 4 for the lakers. Someone did say that time is a flat circle


Also would like to see Steph Wiggins Pnr/Pnp to get bron in the action and i mean wiggs is our 2nd best player and you never see a 2 man action between him and steph

Ryan Mitchell

I actually thought Poole was as bad as the refs. The guy had 5pts and 4 turnovers. Cool


Hey Alch! Do you really believe that the Dubs haven’t been attacking the basket enough? Because if you view the shot chart you’ll see that we should have more than just 5 fts and both game 1 and 3.


Kerr needs to put JP along with Steph instead of letting him fill the Steph’s mins on the bench. He’s not a ball distributor but a gun. The JP mins are really hard to watch and his defense continues to be abysmal omg Why do we have to watch Bron ass bullying Moses twice in the paint? WTF Steve? Still confident? 2nd quarter, Klay is matched up to Bron on purpose. Why? Sth wrong w Wigs? Obviously no advantage gained, and Bron post up opens the lane for AD to cut. It better be a set up for 2nd half. And, is JP just done like that? Moody should take his mins. Going to the bench shouting “what’s wrong w me”, yeah dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? Ok, I’m fine with Steph giving us another master piece. I don’t think this Lakers deserves it tho. And with Steph master piece, they lost to a minimum guy? I mean, if they lost the series should Dubs consider a new coach? Two and a half games on Kerr in this series. Dubs deserves to lose this game, and Steph deserves better coach, and fans deserve better. I need a break from Kerr, it’s been too much Steve Kerr show in the past week …


Poole has been disgusting. Everything is unraveling right before our eyes. Honestly ready for the season to be over. This has been abysmal basketball all year. Of course Lonnie Walker with fresh legs decided to have the game of his life. Only glimmer of hope is a poetic ending taking it to 7 games at home and crushing the hearts of Laker fans. But I don’t even believe that’ll happen. We can’t rely on anyone not named Steph. Through 3 quarters GS was in control. Such a bad game yet still had a chance at the end. I’m in the Midwest, I’m done staying up late to be disappointed again


Same bruh. Staying late to see Kerr putting on this show? No thanks, time is better spent on sleeping


Can someone please tell me why we stopped spamming that fking PnR with Davis' man in 4th quarter? It works EVERY TIME


The motion offense was not working. PERIOD. Why is it so hard to do the simple thing?? What do the Lakers do? They matchup hunt unashamedly. And it works. When there's a hot hand, they spam it. Unashamedly. And it mostly works. What do the Warrios do when there is a hot hand or a matchup is working? Go back to their motion offense and ignore what was working for several minutes at a time while they stack up turnovers. I'm fking done with this coaching man.


Now alch I know your going to see this game 4 and all I’m asking for is just a tiny bit of Poole discourse


Alch roasting Poole literally makes me feel better about myself lol


And the Spurs won 2014 finals by largest margin ever I think so that's definitely earned


Listen we can hate on Lebron all we want (there's plenty to dislike) but it's delusional to not consider him one of the greatest ever. You don't arrive at 4 rings on accident even if one was in the bubble. And mind games are part of the game, this shouldn't count against him. I say all this while also thinking he's incredibly annoying and soft.. but he's also just a great basketball player.


sounds like hes been a real piece a work behind the scenes.. funny I think part of the thinking in giving him the extension was so he would be bought in and not a selfish lil prik

Childe Costa

I can't say that I dislike LeBung as a person, although I thought his position on the Hong Kong protests a couple of years back was pretty pathetic. From what I've heard he seems genuinely interested in doing something to improve the lives of the less fortunate youth and I appreciate anyone making an effort to better our communities. And of course he's one of the greatest of all time, it would be foolish to deny that with all the accomplishments he's achieved on the court. What I don't like about him is in part his game ... similar to Shaq in some ways, he just bulls you over with brute force (boring) and he travels on what feels like every other drive to the basket (but never gets called for it). More annoying, however, is his version of "mind games". I don't mind players trying to intimidate other players in the classic "you're game is inferior to mine" style, especially if they back it up with their play. The mind games I don't care for are those based on forms of dishonesty/insincerity. Luring Draymond into a suspension, for example, was all a carefully choreographed acting job with the objective of giving his team an unfair advantage (remove Draymond from the floor). And this new version which encourages the Warriors to play with less of an edge because we're all "birds of a feather" type buddies again smacks of insincerity .... a bullshit pretext of friendship being used to ease the road to another title by deflating the Warriors competitive spirit. If I want to be impressed with someone's ability to convince me of things that aren't real, I'll go to the theater. But this isn't theater, it's basketball, a sport, and I'd like the winner to be, to the extent possible, the team that's physically better at playing the game.