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Warriors Lakers game 2 looked different 5-4-23






gsw vs lal gm2


Neal X

If Moody and JaMychal are the X-factors and not Kuminga, so be it. As someone on the outside looking in, I obviously don't know what Kerr knows about Kuminga; the evidence points to an attitude problem, aside from being a rookie of course. On Klay: "law of averages" indeed. I hopeful we can close this series out in 6. And we'd better, because the Final Boss of the playoffs has always been Denver. EDIT: wrote this before you talked about Kerr's Tweet... there's other evidence too suffice to say.


Well, just look at what happened to GP2 in game 2...that should tell you all you need to know. GP2 and Kuminga have very similar skillsets in this system, and you see what happened to gp2 in game 2. In the playoffs, spacing is such a huge deal, especially when you rely on guys like Draymond and Looney in the frontcourt.

Neal X

"The difference between a cook and chef is, a chef can give it to you however you want it" -- should be on a Steph Curry T-Shirt and I'd buy that so fast. Get your merch game going Alch.

Jansen E

Does GP2's 0 minute play time show up on a stat sheet? Does this go down as an DNP because the clock never moved??? Curious how thats ruled. It was a good solid victory. Not much to say other than Curry slicing and dicing them any way he wanted. Draymond being a menace. Moody and JMG being brilliant role players, and Schroeder being the bitch we all know him to be. I bet you he and CP3 have a group chat with Grayson Allen and they all just suck on each others teets. Anyway, on to Kuminga. Im genuinely worried that these playoffs are the planting of a seed that will lead to Kuminga being in a different uniform in less than 2 years. Is that a hot take? Maybe. And while I will readily admit that he DOES need to check his attitude, especially being a 2nd year player surrounded by the most winning players/coaches he'll probably ever see, I feel like for the type of player he is, he wants to be an alpha. And of course its a give and take. Do you wanna be an alpha or do you wanna win? Sometimes you can have both. But you cant ALWAYS have both. If the Warriors arent careful, they will continue to hammer into this rift theyve created between Kerr and Kuminga, and we may lose ANOTHER top 10 pick for basically nothing (for obviously a very different reason). Both things are true: 1) Kuminga needs to understand that being anyone other than the #1 option on a championship team means you have to understand your role and 2) Kerr is being petty any chance he gets and is unfortunately driving a wedge between the team/himself and Kuminga. I could be very wrong. But Im just saying. Dont be surprised that if by the end of next season, Kuminga wants out, regardless of the outcome of this season. If you look at it from Kuminga's POV, hes been treated unfairly (which is kind of has), but look at it from Kerr and the teams POV, and you got an immature player who thinks hes better than he is. I just remember going back to that Mavs game, Kuminga was asked to guard Luka and he did a masterful job. I think you should get away with putting Kuminga on guys like Reaves and DLo in this series and have him be a lob threat or a corner 3 threat. I wish Kerr could find some time for him to play. But until the attitude changes, we all know he wont. And I just feel bad for him but am also disappointment in him for the same reason.


I won’t worry about JK. One more month and we can tell LeBron to go suck a dick when Steph has one more than him (even counting that bubble one). Then, they’ll aim to three peat. Winning solves all problems that’s worth solving.


As bad as Joran Poole played in game 2 we have to root for him to play better at some point as with his 30 million plus salary kicking in next year we will not be able to give him away after the season ends. It sounds harsh but I'm convinced of it, it's not how bad his D is or the turnovers or the irrational throw up shots, or even the 32% from the 3 pt line it's just that he can not earn that Salary. If we make the playoffs in the next 4 years his salary with the make the playoffs bonus would average out to 35 million per year before luxury tax and repeater taxes kick in. That's ridiculous for what Joran is, forget that he may be an asshole of a team mate, hard to know but that's my guess, he just is way way overpaid. He is making superstar money, like 15-20 best players in the league type numbers. In a trade we will have to package either PBJ, Moody, or Kuminga with him to get someone to take him off of our hands. Yes it's that bad, the only other hope is to dump him straight up for a Tobias Harris type wildly overpaid player, shite for shite value wise so to speak. That's the sad part that Joran and his salary will cost us Moody, Kuminga, or PBJ just to get him off the books.

Jimmy Ji

The effort that the Kings were playing with compared to the effort that the Lakers were playing with, its night and day. You can see the difference in how hard the Kings played particularly on defense when rotating on switches and closing out on shooters. I just find it hard to believe the Lakers have the energy or defensive discipline that's required to win 4 games against the Warriors. We may have played harder than the Lakers tonight but it was nowhere close to how hard the Warriors had to play in any of our previous games against the Kings (except for game maybe 6). What's that old say, iron sharpens iron? The Warrior's iron has been sharpened in their matchup against the Kings. My only caveat is I expect the whistle to swing drastically back in their favor down in LA. It's the only way (besides injuries) this series has a chance to go the distance.


DLo, Reaves, Schroder all some flopping bitches but Schroder gotta be the worst one of all. Between the flops and the stupid ass faces he makes I really want draymond to stomp him in his little bird chest one time 🤣

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

JK has displayed maturity, development and buy-in on the court. Must be frustrating for him to constantly have anonymous sources saying his name in the press.


kind of off topic: i was sort of concerned when we let damian go in the off season but i think we've developed an even better replacement in moody. a lot of casual fans hated seeing damian on the floor because of how uncoordinated and floppy he could look at times but he provided a lot of energy and hustle, had a decent stroke, and a good nose for the ball, as you'd say. moody does all the things that dlee did well but his lower center of gravity seems to make it a lot easier for moody to hold his ground on defense than damian could. all of this is just to say that i'm very pleasantly surprised with moody's minutes so far in the playoffs.

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

To be clear, I’m not saying Kerr is wrong or Kerr hates him or whatever. Last night demonstrated the spacing issue is real. It’s just hard as a fan, because the stories we hear don’t totally cohere with the player we’ve seen on the court.

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

Watching Moody, I found myself saying, “if he & Kuminga keep developing, we’re gonna have the makings of a decent bench next season”. Deja vu all over again lol.

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

Agreed. I just hope he earns Steph & co’s comfort and trust over the next couple weeks. His next year depends on it.


Draymond said In his pod that jaym was coming back from injury in February. Not sure if he let that slip or if it was public


Kerr isn't petty, he is aiming to win and doing whatever he feels is helping to accomplish that, and he's not going to apologize for it


Kerr has to be one of the best coaches I've ever seen at truly using every tool at his disposal to slowly lock into a teams weakness throughout a series. We are one of one when it comes to almost nobody on our bench is truly dead weight,Kerr can and will use your strengths if it matches up well against a certain team.


Honestly the warriors were the most disappointing team in the regular season and the arena has been the most disappointing this playoffs.. sounds like fans could care less if we won this game last night


If that Draymond v. Schroeder play is simply a common foul, I think we should try it on AD to see how they like it. M'fer would be out this series and next season


Playoff MOOD


true but keep in mind that they will both be 21. and only one year of college between them.


If they don’t call a flagrant on Schroeder next time after doing it to Dante and Dray last game on tape now then I say let’s all hook AD’s fragile glass knees. Agree.


They might be putting Poole in the rotation so his trade value doesn't go down for the upcoming offseason.

Ryan Mitchell

Who would you rather have next season: DLo or Poole?


Great win ! I really hope we don’t see any STRIP or DANCE clubbing in LA! STAY FOCUSED GUYS!! No hangovers!


Warriors in 5


I’m just so happy! This is the absolute best I’ve seen them play all season! It was just beautiful to watch! If they keep this up, if they stay locked in, and they keep their turnovers low, they’re bringing home another championship!!

Neal X

Which makes it all the more painful that we couldn't get anything good out of Wiseman, being a 7 footer who could hit 3s.


@Alch: discord wouldn’t let me in (maybe cuz I’m new user?) Lol. Credits to Bron: without him LA would have a 15 pt lead of the kickoff energy. Keep playing like this anyone matched up to Bron would have the dribble pass button. Same old strategy, Dlo hitting 2-2 on kick out threes, and some tough shots. As expected, LA is best at first. LA crowd is like a fly tho, noisy Lol


Putting in Walker is literally playing one guy short. What an adjustment. Ham said pregame they gonna feed AD like mad. Well, try feed double team. LA players enjoy watching Dubs Triple team on AD


Wigs just bullying Bron at half court. Love it! Is it too easy to penetrate without AD? I mean it’s hilarious at this stage of playoff


Another “whoop that trick” game. To be fair they did execute the plan well before that 20-2 run by LA. But never managed to pull it back together second half. This is why you don’t give away that game 1 Kerr


is it on Kerr though? Isn’t getting the players back in focus his job too? But I can’t recall any coach actually pulled this off. Then is it fair to expect this from the coach even tho it sounds like a coach thing?


It felt like Steph needs to have his back against the wall to focus 100%. Once he has cushion, he’ll take a mental nap. It does remind me of the 2009 Lakers though. Kobe unnecessarily went thru a 7 game series vs Rockets without Yao, and split with Denver 2-2.


Some adjustment LA made: put both non-shooters on the same side, and their 'best' shooter Dlo on the other side when AD pnr. This way, when Dlo's man helps on AD roll, Dlo is open. Simple read: don't help AD, help ball penetration and force the one pass away. More handoff actions, even tho Dubs all went under. One interesting adjustment was to direct non-shooters (Vando) to screen for kickout shooters (Bron), This way, Vando has sth to do instead of just being a liability. Plays like this are very minimal and have little impact, and easily countered as games went on. After all, Dubs are daring Bron to shoot anyway.


How 2nd quarter run started: Dubs 40-29, Klay missed Steph's fabulous lead pass to a layup transition. He was visibly emotionally upset. Right after that, Reeves got away w hitting Draymond when screening for AD, leading to AD's open lay. Then, too much trust in Moody: didn't pick up Bron in transition, forcing a shot against AD, blocked and flagrant. Then LA put their foot down and hunted for transition. This is when I believe Kerr missed at least one timeout. The Dubs are visibly disturbed by the Ref's calls, and were totally disconnected. To LA's credits, they caught the moment and delivered a perfect punch to close the half. After the 2 min timeout, Dubs came back w. a 6-0 run. But right away, they got carried away. And of course that Bullshit Klay push call: I don't like to comment on the refs, but the inconsistency on the physicality did impact the game and Dubs stepped on every one of it. Donte's 3 second was the right call tho. I mean, Donte just brain farted at that moment.


Games like these feed the conspiracy theory. But the # bullshit calls Klay and Draymond get in this game, is outrageous. I don't believe in conspiracy because the product of manipulated games are lame. Going back to 2006, almost all of the fouls Wade get in Finals are correct, as the Mavs guards had bad defensive fundamentals. Even when I rewatched the 2002 Lakers Kings series, I didn't find it outrageous. Hedo was hot and Kings would have won that series if they didn't give Hedo's minutes to Peja just because of hierarchy. (The same thing happened to Orlando in 2009 when Stan benched a red hot Alston and played Nelson who hadn't played the entire playoff; but Kobe was going to win anyway) I think the league should be more flexible in calls such as the 2007 Horry incident, and quite frankly the 2016 LeBron step over Draymond. 2007 suspending the whole Suns frontline was a ridiculous call for fucking Horry who didn't even play, blowing a 'Finals' decisive game 5. And the LeBron stepover, just cancel Draymond's suspension. I mean, Draymond actually responded to being stepped over like a coward and still got suspended? Following this logic, in retrospective, Draymond should absolutely just break LeBron's leg. So overall, I think the Dubs' did best after the game, not calling refs out.


Dennis: he needs 3 secs to prep his three. So, at least pretend to challenge his shot. Don't let him prep uninterrupted. Dude hit 2 threes both at critical timing, both at the pace of free throw. It's a joke. Moses: LeBron totally took advantage of experience gap in this matchup, the two runs he made at 2nd and 3rd quarter was in Wigs' absence and Moses has to matchup him. So, why does a 38 yr old overweight player with a fasciitis play more mins than a 28 yr old who rested 3 months before the playoff? Why Steve? In the meantime, when LA made the run, Dubs single-mindedly attacked the rim and stop trusting the kick out threes in Moses and Donte, mostly Moses. JP, Loo: what a terrible game for both of them. Loo was obviously under the weather, not even moving normally. JP tho, WTF bro? Clear your head, focus and attack. His game plan is very simple: drive and pass, or catch and shoot. This is JP's worst game so far this playoff.