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warriors on the road GM7 in Sacramento 4-30-23



gsw vs sac gm 7



Steph versus Magic for best point guard of all time. I was in Mich when Magic came up through High School, loved him and still do BUT, when u compare Magic to Steph, Magic has too many holes in his game. He didn't play defense, he couldn't shoot very well, especially his first few years and they sagged off of him his entire career. Magic didn't draw double teams at the 3 pt line opening up the floor like Steph. And Magic had one of the best collections of talent in history on his team, he had tons of highlights on fast breaks, but so much of the time the Lakers depended on Kareem to draw the double team to get the offense to go if there wasn't a break open. Steph sets up the offense for the entire team at least as much as Magic did. And Steph's defense is now way above average. When he gets 1v1 on Ja or Fox he more than holds his own. Magic needed Harper or Cooper etc. to cover as Magic couldn't. Steph has put the Warriors on his back too many times in spectacular fashion now, the argument is over Steph is the best point guard in history, changed the game of basketball forever and should end up on Mt. Rushmore when it's all done. I now have him 3 or 4 on the all time list.


Out of curiosity who do you think is better defensively between Magic and the Chef?


Hey bro quick question, did you turn off comments on this video on yt or did YouTube?


Lmfao, Klay takes 100% on point .."most reckless gunslinger the west has ever known". Apparently, when Steph gave his legendary speech, Klay must have had headphones in 🤣


Yes to funnel comments here. I don’t look at those on this YT channel and realized people had just been left hanging there


How Kerr always gets these guys playing top notch basketball every single time at the exact perfect time is so impressive. We peak every freaking year like clockwork


A few things I wanted to say: First off Alch there’s no way you wasn’t the dude roasting mfs back in the day 😂 2nd: this is probably the most important series for Poole’s career coming up.. he can’t play as bad this next series because we’d probably lose and he’d be relegated as a role player like Harrison on another team 3rd: Steph is better than he ever was.. I can see warriors playing like this (hopefully better shooting) every game in the next series because of the opponent but now I’m worried that they’ll treat next series like their finals and take Denver lightly


Idk why but I feel like Klay is going to go off this next series


One word: JORDAN. We all remember that series where he hits the shot over Ehlo. What most might not remember is that MJ had missed a game-winner earlier in that series, which is probably why there was extra sauce on that iconic fist-pumping celebration. Think about this series, Steph misses that floater to tie in Game 1. He didn’t forget, and he took care of business in Game 7. Let’s go!!


On bigs Magic, on smaller guards Steph. Steph is now better on his man than Magic was in his shorter career. Neither is/was great at D but Steph has improved to well above average now. Magic was not for any extended time in his career above average.


Alc: "I knew all along!" Me: Damn Alc 😂


If the warriors play defense and don’t turn the ball over, they have a chance against anyone, anywhere. Big IF tho

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

Man, I hope so. The Lakers won’t play at the same pace so that should help. But iirc, a lot of Klay’s best games this season came after a little break. So these quick turnarounds don’t bode well. I do hope you’re right tho


alch: what did you think of Draymond holding and talking to guys after the game; seemed like HB wanted none of it. Interesting that he thinks everybody wants to hear what he has to say...


Is it tho 😂.. but I agree it looks like he thinks he can big bro everybody. Well except his kang


ya, good point...shouldn't be "interesting" at all anymore. I guess, for some reason, i think he's going to suddenly be normal-ish. Good at basketball...weird AF.


alch your analysis is so good! I've learned so much from your videos. Why don't you advertise your patreon on your youtube channel? Would've subbed earlier but didn't know until a random redditor put me on to your patreon.


I have a feeling we’ll see a good matchup between moody and reaves! I’d trust kuminga but he doesn’t get up for low profile guys. Need moody locked in on reaves 😤😤


If JP plays like he did last series and they lose, he'll be playing for the Shanghai Sharks next season.


yo alch you gotta have more belief man. looking at life half empty you’re manifesting unfavorable stuff and before yall think it’s vodoo it’s ok to be a numbers person looking at how the defending champs were down 2 . what makes us different than other playoffs teams that started with consecutive losses is that we have the best coaching and support staff, individual role players and contributing hall of famers and a very smart coach to unite everybody’s level.


We are who we are! I was positive down 0-2 remember? I just thought 7 n the road tired was too much


I wonder how Lakers fans (not LeBron fans) would talk themselves into a potentiality of winning vs Warriors. Out of curiosity, I went through the Lakers Film Room preview and unsurprisingly, they did it by talking themselves into believing their players are what they are not. Just like the Suns fans believe D Book is a super star and a better SG than Klay, and KD is still the healthy KD who dropped 97 pts in two games two years ago in playoffs. In reality, the second best player on LA is Reeves, and he can't even make it to the Dubs best 8 rotation (starters + JP, GP2, MM). Not to mention you have to play with Bron's 260lb ass dragging you, fastbreak and half court.

Ryan Mitchell

Kinda feel like they might have gotten ‘too cute’ with Sabonis. It usually always plays to our advantage when the the other team adapts to our style of play.

Kevin Morris

I bet the Warriors front office is starting to think about moving on from Jordan Poole. He was a -11 for the Kings series, and the eye test showed that. A defensive liability, poor decision making, turnovers and pouting about minutes. I don't condone violence but I'm starting to understand why Draymond clocked him in the preseason. He is an entitled PrimaDonna. Not a great fit for the Warriors culture. Getting a big bag was the worst thing that happened to him. Post seasons are won on defense and if he isn't going to do the hard work grinding out stops and buying in to team defensive schemes, he's got to go.


He got one of the three balls after game 82 remember? They be watching the playoffs now without Jordan contribution this season. Jordan gives a shit and works on his craft. That alone is a rarity. Couple of aspects he needs to work on in the future, to better control his emotion vs the refs, ball handling, playing slower instead of trying to outrun the ball, defensive focus. But when you compare him to the rest of the league, he’s already ahead. Warriors has three players who can knock down kick out threes with high accuracy, Steph Klay and Poole. How many teams have one? As bad as JP looks this postseason, it’s growing pain. Next year when he comes back better it’ll make it so much easier to threepeat.


What games are you watching? Poole takes a bunch of 3s but he is shooter. He has poor shot selection and his 3pt % has fallen off a cliff this year. He has come along way in 4 seasons but truth is we honestly don't know how he will pan out as a player. He might continue to get better and better and this slump of a year won't matter in 5 years. Or maybe he's done most of the developing he is going to do. The lack of attention to the defensive end is certainly a concern. It's not about the mistakes it's the complete lack of attention and effort on that end 99% of the time which is most concerning. My concern is that he hasn't really been held accountable for that up till now so I don't trust that he is going to turn it around at that end. The team certainly can't afford to pay him 30 Mil if he's going to remain what he has been this season.


Let’s see how they trade Poole. Warriors and Steph has beaten the respect out of a lot of ppl here, you know why? Because they only have a one game memory. I’m not going to come back when Poole has another big game in the future, he has had more big games than 80% NBA players. I stated his flaws you just choose to ignore. You don’t think he knows he’s not consistent this season? You don’t think he wants to play better? Go back and watch his March games last year, or last year vs Denver. It’s meaningful to discuss why Poole struggles with consistency, but not to twist the man’s character. I said previously that Kerr is responsible for not putting Poole in a better position and just demand him as if hes Steph. I understand where you come from. I mean even Steph is still underrated, who cares? If you want to trade him, trade him, see if it works that way. Trade him for Luka if you will and enjoy watching Luka yelling at the ref every time while his man gets a layup at the other end.


This is what Kerr annoys fans : his belief in getting everyone ready prioritize the logic of the matchup. Who on earth is JMG matchup when LA plays 3 guards? Why is Draymond and Loo both on court if Dray is not even guarding Bron? I mean, how about getting JK ready as well? Or maybe he’s in his game 1 mode, scouting 1000 lineups and just wing it? He better makes up his mind cuz AD is going for 50. I guess only Poole knows LA drops on every handoff ?


And why get screened by Dlo AD PnR ? Because Dlo shoot like Steph in drop ?


First time they zone, 14-0 run. What a coincidence…


Good job Steve. I wonder how long does it take him to find out he has to bench Dray and play Loo again when LA zones and switches on all screen actions and pushes the warriors into the paint to meet AD, who can easily cover penetration and Draymond? 3 games? Why do we still have to live with Kerr costing games in 2023?


Definitely need Kuminga to attack the board and draw fouls. I think that would open things up for Wiggins


Kerr: “game 1 is a feel out game. “ well, Steve, how does Bron’s ass taste? Pinky?

k fish

Lol it's actually funny because people will defend him but the common fan already knew there gameplan, yet Kerr needs to lose a game, also waited 3 qtrs to say hey maybe I should run pnr with steph