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Warriors vs Kings Game 6 4-28-23 in SF



gsw vs sac gm 6



Is there anything better than Angry Bus driver Alch? Surely not. Love it a nice cathartic viewing experience after the embarrassing performance the dubs put on yesterday.


Kerr deserves blame.. he’s being out coached. But the root of it. The lions share of blame if we want to do this goes to…. Lightyears himself

Ballin Forever

Yea Kerr is being out coached a bit... but ultimately.. there arent that many adjustments to be made. We have to contain those dribble drives... The Kings arent really doing anything special. They are getting downhill and kicking it out.


And as if we didn't have enough to worry about already, there's video of JP wildin' out at Draymond and getting a talking to by Steph in that last game. Queens really fracturing whatever we have left of camaraderie


I turned on The Last Dance after the game as a palette cleanser, and it dawned on me with all the off court chatter and drama this year (Dray/Klay contracts, Bob Myers contract, Wiseman fiasco etc) is speculation about whether this is the last hurrah for the core. The Bulls knew it was their last hurrah and bought into that idea of let’s leave it all out there one last time. This warriors team has no idea what the vision is, if this is a last hurrah season, if they’re gonna build for the future, I feel like it’s very hard to be focused on a goal when there’s uncertainty about what the goal is.


that’s how I want to hear the coaching staff talk to jp 😭


I’m not one to harsh on Kerrs rotations because the man is a winner and always seems to figure it out so I’ve learned to let him do his thing throughout the season but I’ve noticed a ton of pouting on this team more than any other warriors team and Dray has always said winning cures all which is true but guys like Jmych and Kuminga and Poole always have a bitchy attitude and it’s not like they are one of the core vets but I feel like some of the guys on this roster either don’t like eachother or don’t like Kerr there’s something more there when it comes to the personalities in our locker room. Moody has to play more and at this point as much as I love Kuminga and know he’s our future I don’t trust him to perform in a game 7 but you gotta give him a shot considering sacs small ball lineup but the way this series has played out but between him Donte and GP being bad this series or banged up in GPs case Kerr has his hands tied. The only way we win this game is kill monk and fox pre game honestly


Alch, I know you picked Kings to win Game 7. We all frustrated. But who's accountable for this game really? It wasn't Kerr. His game plan was sound. Other than Steph, they were following the game plan: zoning & trapping Fox, Klay picking on Monk and Huerter, boxing out, Draymond keep his aggressiveness, attacking the rim; It was Steph who - froze on defense, caught on ball watching and missing corner 3 coverages; - bad pass to GP2 leading to TO; - dribbled into 2 Kings players and had ball stolen; (5 TOs overall) - missed 3 FTs; - didn't communicate in transition defense; - didn't communicate on Fox & Monk screen actions (Kings was picking on Steph) - didn't run back in transition; - shot badly from paint, mid range; 1-6 in 2nd Quarter! - Outplayed by Tre Lyles. - had no idea where Huerter was second half. Kings didn't earn it; Steph gave it away with a brainless presence. Kings actually played a bad game until later 3rd quarter. They wasn't even looking to pass when they met the help defense in the paint, allowing the Dubs to get stops easily first half. Then 3rd quarter Kings realized they can kick out after no resistance of penetration, that's when they hit 3s in a row, opened up the game and never looked back. I agree the way Donte guarding Monk off ball, denying the ball, was pretty bad. I don't know if that was the plan. I agree that Klay fucked up covering Murray ( it was your man all the time, you're not on Barnes!). But Steph was the one who shit his pants. And guess what? He knew that, as he said "need to play with a brain". I hope he was calling himself out. Pull yourself together Steph. Dubs has proven they were the better team overall, all they need is for Steph to show up tomorrow. I like the odds.

Natto Santo

If they go small, Play PBJ at 5, try some Lamb.


And just one more observation: after the Kings started the game 8-0, Kerr called timeout. When the camera turned to Warriors bench, Steph was sitting by himself with two or three chairs away from the rest of starters, eyes looking lost. Sth to pay attention.


Warriors vs lakers with home court advantage. Final Steph vs Lebron series. It will happen


Absolutely, he fucked the season up with his two-timelines pipe dream. It is bad roster construction for a team trying to repeat as champions. All of the other problems stem from this initial and fundamental tal problem. Lacob was so worried about the future that he took his eye off the present. When the current dynasty STILL ISN'T OVER, why the hell would you hazard its success in order to marginally increase your odds of being decent five years from now. One of the more baffling approaches by a owner and FO of all time.


What annoys me about that viral clip of Poole is what comes after, Poole smiling like we aren't down big late in the 4th quarter. Dude just doesn't give AF about winning. Put Kuminga in instead of him. JK played bad with the few minutes he played early on this series, but we should give him another chance. Heck, anyone other than Poole. I didn't feel much sense of urgency from these dudes in this game, they might regret letting this get to game 7.


Donte's been quite bad. I love his shooting and his off ball defense, but he's kinda ADHD as a defender like he can't stand in one place. That's kinda why he gets so many steals and hustle plays, but it's like he can't stand his ground against an opponent one on one. I feel like Moody has consistently been better, there should be little debate as to who gets more playing time. Factor in Donte's +- this series and it should be obvious.


Kerr: Can't play young inexperienced players b/c those guys don't win in the NBA. Also Kerr: Tied 3-3 in the playoffs against a team that starts a rookie.


I respectfully disagree, Alch. Part of the reason for the two timelines was also about the luxury tax. Lightyears has been balling out with his personal wallet for this team and he reserves the right to go for cheaper young guys to not spend too much. If you replaced those young guys with veterans who are more expensive, the luxury tax would have been even worse. It's unreasonable to expect Lacob to spend even more than he has. Now, would you rather those cheap players on the end of the bench be 2-way players with little potential, or young guys who can become great in the future? While it didn't work out with Wiseman, Moody and Kuminga are already starting to pay dividends. I don't see how we can blame the owner who spends more on his team than any other owner.


But look at the difference between Kerr and Brown's approach. With Brown, his rookie had several bad games. What does Brown do? Continue to play him and express confidence, and now the rookie is going off. Players always say that their coach having faith in them goes a long way in them having confidence in themselves and ultimately having success. Kerr's style is really not conducive to that with the youngsters.


Like if Kuminga had been playing this whole time, with the coach's confidence, would he have started to figure it out more?


we’re about to witness something on sunday


Something good for the dubs hopefully


With the pace at which these guys are playing as well, might be worth having one of our guys deny the quick inbounds after we score ... almost like how you defend a side out of bounds to at least delay the quick runouts they get after we score. Otherwise, we might get ran rugged again. Man, this game is gonna be a doozy


Either it leads to a big shake up in the off-season or we miraculously win game 7


PBJ played 226 minutes during the regular season, their rookie played almost 2400 minutes. PBJ is just not prepared to make an impact at this level

Neal X

A big shakeup is needed regardless. Kick Poole to the curb.


I dont really want to see us against the lakers if that’s the level of effort that we bring to a must win game. The most frustrating game I’ve ever watched from Steph. Mistakes are one thing, lack of effort is another. He killed our energy from the jump. Not pumped about this game today


I 1000% agree I coach high school ball and recently stopped playing in college so I know how big player confidence matters. The way Brown did it is the way to go because Kerr hurt JKs confidence throughout the season and he just plays in his own head sometimes


a little pregame music to fire up everyone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8nAecqBoWo&list=PL8iLW_282k2l0pep0AXYiE_I1snAxA2TQ&index=24

Neal X

Steph is burned out in mind and body, and he's full. I'm a bona fide fanboy but that's just what I see. His play style is extremely taxing and he is having a hard time making it work at his age.


Moody needs to play over GP2 for this game. He has been mentally prepared for the last 4 games and this game too. Donte may get a DNP today. 1st Q, Everyone still a little sloppy with the ball. Better than last game for sure. Steph showed up and defense is back to normal. They were not agitated anymore when they were caught up on mismatches. JP was caught on Fox twice, Draymond directed him to lead Fox into traffic. Everyone knows who's guarding who. Kerr did call shots for JP, great. 2nd Q, Kings went small, with Fox, Huerter and Monk all on court. I don't like Kerr went for the double team on penetration after switching every screen. Just give too good open 3s and more importantly vulnerable to offensive rebounds. And they're not going after Huerter and Lyles on dribble penetrations. Kings hid Huerter on Donte. Moody needs to play over Donte to make it easier for pnr. HB40 hasn't played much in 2nd Q. The 4 threes made by T Davis & Lyles are though to swallow. They replaced Barnes and Davion in the lineup. Klay was silent. Steph scored 20 and didn't sprint once in the first half. Master piece. Loodman inked the 3rd quarter. Kings lucky to stay in the game with some JP brainfart mins, some bullshit calls and terrible FT shooting. When's the last time Steph and Klay both missed two FTs in a row? Steph still hasn't sprinted yet. Guess what? Still built a 10 pts by all means. And it's only appropriate to finish the quarter strong behind Game 4 Steph's greatness. I mean, 2018 Game 7, 2019 Game 6 Rockets, 2014 Game 4 Celtics, 2011 Dirk Game 4 OKC, 2011 Dirk Game 2 Finals. This performance is legend. And Steph finally ran once for a handoff.


We good, Alch? Don't worry about picking Sac. Just know, this post-covid Steph Curry we're watching, is in the same zone as that early 2010 Dirk: unstoppable. And when you get a player like this caliber, if everything fails, all you need is to do is to slow down, play D, and let this player shoot 40 times.

Neal X

We good. Never been happier to be wrong. Like Alch said, the players gotta play, I spectate.


Steph gave away, and Steph took back. Airtight game plan from Kerr.


Right after the Kings come the Queen James. What’s next? Rook, Bishop? Lol

Mikey H (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-11 23:23:39 Just found out that Saboner was the 2023 reg season rebound champ - & loon destroyed him on the boards- yet had to find this out in a youtube video comment. smdh, loon doesn't get any respect from the media
2023-05-02 00:26:16 Just found out that Saboner was the 2023 reg season rebound champ - & loon destroyed him on the boards- yet had to find this out in a youtube video comment. smdh, loon doesn't get any respect from the media

Just found out that Saboner was the 2023 reg season rebound champ - & loon destroyed him on the boards- yet had to find this out in a youtube video comment. smdh, loon doesn't get any respect from the media