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Warriors in sac for gm5 4-26-23

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gsw vs sac gm 5

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John Z

Loving all the details you catch, stuff that I don't even think about. That Wiggins play at the end felt like Finals Wiggs, supreme confidence. Appreciate the breakdown as always!

Chip Tingle

Continued gratitude, Alch! Especially your spotlight on Loon’s drop being higher on Fox, an impactful adjustment. Steph looked even worse in review, and I’m betting he steps up to close out at home. DDV stat blows my mind, and makes me question his Sac experience even deeper for scarring. No shame on being behind Fox, Mitchell, Halliburton, especially after injury/surgery. I love this kid, and trust he’ll bounce back.


Fuck Sac


I'm really surprised Fox was able to play through a broken finger. Maybe they were just playing it up to psyche the warriors out. How long do you think they keep Dray coming off the bench? Just this series?


@Alc I don't have access to the advanced metrics, but aren't the vast majority of non-Steph minutes a minus and isn't Donte playing primary as the backup point guard with Poole starting?


Gem: “ …and then Klay reminds us of why he is a sicko”. 😆

Abhi Kelkar

I think it's crucial we close out G6 at home; G7 back in SAC would be too chaotic and anything could happen.


Alch what the hell bro, no outro sound??? Its what i live for


Man “Keeegel Murphy” has been stuck in my head for days 😂 that shit’s so catchy. Is Malik Monk really unlikeable to anyone else? Bro has one move and stays flexing and mean mugging on every basket he makes then add in the head whipping on those foul calls. Also I feel like the Sac crowd hasn’t really kept that same energy, this was nowhere near the craziness from game 1. I yelled out “Maple Jordan” in the bar after that fade from Wiggs, that was 🤌🏼


“Last night Steph wasn't very good" Dude scored 31 pts on 50% shooting. And we could all agree he had an off night. I mean this is not taking him for granted. This just shows you how great Steph makes his teammates. His pure presence opens the space for his teammates to operate, and even with 0-8 from the 3pt line, Kings still guard him as if he never missed. It's a just different feeling to watching Michael and Kobe iso. With MJ and Kobe, as soon as they get hold of the ball, the defense starts to scramble. When Steph iso, it usually has to be a mismatch to feel like that. But without the ball, you just can't catch a break.


I think they figured out that they can run whoever offense on Keegan Murray, last like 4 buckets were just put keegan on an island.


Alch, do you think we have another player other than Donte who can dribble the ball to front court under ball pressure safely behind Steph? That's why he has to play. Not about +/-. Kings pressured ball like mad.


I'm glad you pointed out Pooles hustle to steal us possessions,he "only had 10 and 6 but he played like a vet all game. I had to laugh at him running away from ball on the break though lol. Also I said it last year and I'll say it again, Looney is the best rebounder in the league, bar none


I guess the question isn't what I see, but what his teammates and coaching staff perceive about his presence and impact. Though he had a bad offensive outing and hasn't had the best series, it feels like he's trusted not only by Kerr but the core to be a positive player any time he's on the floor (regardless what the metrics imply).


Right it’s the trust.. but as you know sometimes that gets you in trouble. Godeau made a great point, it’s the ball handling. I’m not saying bail on him entirely. I’m sure he could come up big in another matchup but he is struggling to have his typical Defensive impact. The pace seems to be hurting his overall game


This game was the championship flex we've been waiting for. It seems like the more games they play with the full unit the better they start to look


Donte has had small moments, but they are really becoming few and far between. I understand that he’s shot the ball well this season, but if you know, you know that guy isn’t a shooter and who you are comes out in playoffs. If he can’t shoot the ball well, I don’t really see the reason to have him take any minutes from GP2 whatsoever. Dray just dominating that game as the true alpha on the floor. Let’s close these fools out, I’m tired of watching sabonis and monk


I feel you, and the blinding trust has definitely been an issue in the past. Maybe I'm unaware of how strong my bias is towards him with my infatuation with the two energizer-bunny dogs off the bench in GP and Donte. They just feel like the most optimal 7th and 8th men in basketball. I think both the coaches and Curry watching from the bench are just happy to see the ball in his hands because of the calmness he brings to a team that too often feels like a circus show (for better or worse).


Kosta - it hurt me too But we'll get it on the W that ends the series soon 🙏


Dray has to move to bench permanently and be this aggressive all the time. This drastically changes the complexion of the team if it's an adjustment the can implement over the long term. Can Dray swallow his pride and take a long term lesser deal to stay with the team on the bench. We'll see.

Qiushi Hu

I call Davion Mitchell '' Forever Chewing''


This was a great team game. The main 6 guys all showed up last night. Steph obviously didn't play as well as he can, but overall it was a great elite team showing.


“Goes to supercuts and orders mild salsa on his Mexican food” 😂 we got to get alch to be the next warriors commentator , brotha is funny and knowledgeable

Neal X

So I'll have to eat my words again. I am guilty of slandering the great Draymond Green and he showed why he's indispensable to this team still. Question is, can he do what he did in this game again? And again? And again? Because we're going to need it.


Just need him consistently in double digits and it would have a huge impact 🥂


For me the theme of this series is “we’ve seen this movie before”…I had that feeling when they were down 0-2, and again in game 5 with how the Dubs wear down their opponent and snatch all the momentum, thru vet savvy and methodical exploitation of weaknesses. This was the perfect round 1 primer for the Dubs. Whether it’s the Grizz or Lakers in round 2 they’re going to have PROBLEMS.


Regarding the take foul, Nate Duncan on his pod address it like this: at the beginning of the season, they were whistle it in a very open to interpretation way. However, there has been multiple guidelines publish throughout the year that basically said that takes foul will only be called if it seems like the defender gave up on the play. So basically 2 bs take foul by the ref om warriors.

gary garcia

If reviewed they should get a tech for flopping.... And then it will stop..... Steph gets clubbered every drive and no calls..... Imagine if he starts flopping the head around......


I think this is a great question: why GP2 isn't playing 30 mins a game? This puzzled me since last year. He played 30+ min in the 2021 Xmas game, that Otto Porter game. Played very well throughout. But never been a stable 25+ min player. Why? Is it because he's been playing injured? Sabonis is pretty hard to watch, dido that. Didn't exhibit any of his father's DNA Lol


I never actually cared to watch sabonis but always saw his numbers. Now actually getting a chance in these playoffs, the dude is simply a bruiser and I just don’t think guys want to put up with it during the regular season. He has no where close to the IQ of his father. When it comes to GP2 minutes I think the guy just plays so hard maybe the coaching staff knows that the way he flies around, will make him susceptible to injuries. And idk if you can expend that kind of energy during a game for 30+ minutes a night


His father is a BASKETBALL PLAYER ! Bruh, shame he didn't get much exposure because of the ussr shithole. For GP2, he don't have to provide that energy. His fundamentals is so good that even without the playmaking defensively, he's still a very very good role player. Like, if you want to preserve his stamina, sure, put him on help defense every now and then. His cut to the rim for a layup keeps the help defense honest. But Kerr just put him on the bench. I just couldn't put it together. He's such a different type of defensive player compared to Jrue, such a joy to watch. Players like GP2, PJ, Iggy, Caruso, TJ McConnell, the passion they played with, I just want to watch them play as much as possible while they still play.

Natto Santo

Curry always has a bad habit on lazy passes, even in closing minutes. He will do that under no one pressing up on him. I think that is a fault in his character. Thinking passes are something that he can do it with his eyes closed. It is a attitude problem. Not a mental lapse. Luckily that is a single fault I can find in his game. It costs him a championship. But nothing you can do about it.

Ryan Mitchell

Real talk - this was an INCREDIBLE game!! Lucky for us as fans. ALSO - the refs damn near stole this from us as well ha

Freddie D

My only concern is if Klay comes out trying to force the game 6 legend if it's not there.

Jansen E (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-29 02:29:02 Late to the party. I wasnt near a computer when I finally got to watch the video. Though I know no one cares, I will gladly eat my (partial) crow for my comment on the game 3 video. I did not expect them to win this game. And it was pretty clear the refs were trying to keep that trend going. Curry is one of the very few guys in NBA history who can have a pretty shitty game and still drop 31 and 8. He definitely double dribbled on that final play, but I didnt even notice it in the moment. But that dagger and1 felt BEAUTIFUL. Klay was having an awesome game as well, and then of course Draymond/Looney/Poole put on master class "role player" performances. Despite some expected lazy TOs as usual, I finally saw winning basketball. And they didnt almost throw it away at the end. It got close, and the fouls were killer, but I saw way more clutch plays than mistakes. I absolutely LOVED the Wiggins iso at the end there. Obviously if he misses that, we might be having a different conversation, but just the confidence in which he backed down and shot it made you feel like he was looking for that. The series is not over. I dont even want to say I "expect" them to win tonight. I want and need them to. But this series has shown that literally anything can happen to make a game flip just like that. Got to close out tonight for sure. Not to jinx things and look too far ahead but, Ive never have rooted for the Grizzlies this much in my life. I do NOT want a potential Lakers match up. As amazing as Looney is, the Lakers are huge across the board. A Grizzlies matchup is way more favorable despite the travel. I doubted the core and Kerr to begin this series. And Draymond was playing like an asshole in the first two games. I said I didnt expect any adjustments from Kerr after game 3, and surprisingly and thankfully, he actually did it and relegated Draymond to the bench which was exactly what I was hoping for. Since Dray left the starting lineup, theyve won 3 straight. Not a coincidence at all. GET IT DONE TONIGHT. DUBS IN 6 PLEASE.
2023-04-28 21:14:33 Late to the party. I wasnt near a computer when I finally got to watch the video. Though I know no one cares, I will gladly eat my (partial) crow for my comment on the game 3 video. I did not expect them to win this game. And it was pretty clear the refs were trying to keep that trend going. Curry is one of the very few guys in NBA history who can have a pretty shitty game and still drop 31 and 8. He definitely double dribbled on that final play, but I didnt even notice it in the moment. But that dagger and1 felt BEAUTIFUL. Klay was having an awesome game as well, and then of course Draymond/Looney/Poole put on master class "role player" performances. Despite some expected lazy TOs as usual, I finally saw winning basketball. And they didnt almost throw it away at the end. It got close, and the fouls were killer, but I saw way more clutch plays than mistakes. I absolutely LOVED the Wiggins iso at the end there. Obviously if he misses that, we might be having a different conversation, but just the confidence in which he backed down and shot it made you feel like he was looking for that. The series is not over. I dont even want to say I "expect" them to win tonight. I want and need them to. But this series has shown that literally anything can happen to make a game flip just like that. Got to close out tonight for sure. Not to jinx things and look too far ahead but, Ive never have rooted for the Grizzlies this much in my life. I do NOT want a potential Lakers match up. As amazing as Looney is, the Lakers are huge across the board. A Grizzlies matchup is way more favorable despite the travel. I doubted the core and Kerr to begin this series. And Draymond was playing like an asshole in the first two games. I said I didnt expect any adjustments from Kerr after game 3, and surprisingly and thankfully, he actually did it and relegated Draymond to the bench which was exactly what I was hoping for. Since Dray left the starting lineup, theyve won 3 straight. Not a coincidence at all. GET IT DONE TONIGHT. DUBS IN 6 PLEASE. post gm 6 edit: Ha. Ha. Ha. And just when I start to think this team is proving me wrong, they go out and do THAT. What the fuck was that? What kind of dogshit, lazy ass, "we dont give a fuck", effortless, washed up performance was that???? Nah man. Everything good I said in this original comment, I basically take it all back. Absolutely ZERO faith and confidence they even have a punchers chance in game 7. Prove me wrong you fuckers. You play like THAT on your home court in a closeout game??? Fuck out of here. Im fucking HEATED.

Late to the party. I wasnt near a computer when I finally got to watch the video. Though I know no one cares, I will gladly eat my (partial) crow for my comment on the game 3 video. I did not expect them to win this game. And it was pretty clear the refs were trying to keep that trend going. Curry is one of the very few guys in NBA history who can have a pretty shitty game and still drop 31 and 8. He definitely double dribbled on that final play, but I didnt even notice it in the moment. But that dagger and1 felt BEAUTIFUL. Klay was having an awesome game as well, and then of course Draymond/Looney/Poole put on master class "role player" performances. Despite some expected lazy TOs as usual, I finally saw winning basketball. And they didnt almost throw it away at the end. It got close, and the fouls were killer, but I saw way more clutch plays than mistakes. I absolutely LOVED the Wiggins iso at the end there. Obviously if he misses that, we might be having a different conversation, but just the confidence in which he backed down and shot it made you feel like he was looking for that. The series is not over. I dont even want to say I "expect" them to win tonight. I want and need them to. But this series has shown that literally anything can happen to make a game flip just like that. Got to close out tonight for sure. Not to jinx things and look too far ahead but, Ive never have rooted for the Grizzlies this much in my life. I do NOT want a potential Lakers match up. As amazing as Looney is, the Lakers are huge across the board. A Grizzlies matchup is way more favorable despite the travel. I doubted the core and Kerr to begin this series. And Draymond was playing like an asshole in the first two games. I said I didnt expect any adjustments from Kerr after game 3, and surprisingly and thankfully, he actually did it and relegated Draymond to the bench which was exactly what I was hoping for. Since Dray left the starting lineup, theyve won 3 straight. Not a coincidence at all. GET IT DONE TONIGHT. DUBS IN 6 PLEASE. post gm 6 edit: Ha. Ha. Ha. And just when I start to think this team is proving me wrong, they go out and do THAT. What the fuck was that? What kind of dogshit, lazy ass, "we dont give a fuck", effortless, washed up performance was that???? Nah man. Everything good I said in this original comment, I basically take it all back. Absolutely ZERO faith and confidence they even have a punchers chance in game 7. Prove me wrong you fuckers. You play like THAT on your home court in a closeout game??? Fuck out of here. Im fucking HEATED.


Nothing to say really. It’s a physical bullying game. A high school game. Simple, nothing complicated. This is how Kings wants the game to turn out from game 1. Physical defense on ball without fouling, forcing turnover and run. Dubs just couldn’t pull out any juice.

Jansen E

I knew it was gonna go to shit when the Kings had 8 TOs in the first quarter and the Warriors couldnt even have a 4 pt lead. What a joke of a performance that was.

Jansen E

This was also my concern and he did exactly that. And it spread throughout the entire team, and they all shit their pants.


This game reminds me of last year whoop that shit game in Memphis. I don’t know whether they gassed out or they had a hangover. Only they know. If they feel juicy on Sunday, they’ll come out strong and win game 7. If not, they’ll be bullied off the court just like today. If so it’ll likely be a quick blowout. Either way, only they know. Let’s wait and see.