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gsw vs sac gm3



I’ve been seeing a lot of “the kings aren’t gonna shoot that bad the whole series” but that goes the same for us? We shot awful last night and for the most part the entire series. Gotta expect the variance to get back to normal for us and shoot a lot better the rest of the series


We happy? Just kidding. Have to mess with Alch after he posted the "What now" Draymond suspension vid. My reaction was "What you mean what now Alch? We go and win the series. We good." This is exactly why after watching Game 2 post Draymond ejection mins, I'm confident they got it. The benefit of learning box and one last season lend over to this playoff, how great ~ My fav box n one play last night was 1st quarter Fox and Sabonis PnR, Klay rolled to protect the paint and got a CLEAN block on Sabonis. Fan-freaking-tastic! So they did exactly what I expected: - box and one the shit out of Fox, and hey Monk too, because why not? - attacked Sabonis and Huerter relentlessly; Sabonis still is a big body so it takes Wigs and JK level of athleticism to just go at him. That's why Moses and Donte didn't attack him more in the paint. But they did attack him a ton by pulling him out of the paint. JP, Klay, Donte, Steph, all did at least one hand-off penetration move works great on Sabonis, who tends to play way too high on hand off actions. The Klay dish to Moses for the and one and the Donte dish to Moses for the dunk both comes from this action. Steph also pulled an easy layup in the 4th quarter using this move. So let's keep doing that, put the Kings defense on hot heels. - Kerr was so confident that he put in Lamb, JMG, Moses and JK all in the second quarter. That's just showing off. What I did not expect: Moody stunning overnight growth defensively. When Kerr put him in for Draymond last game I was surprised. But this game 3rd quarter explained everything: he understands the positioning of box and one. Ex, there's a play 3rd quarter that Moses was guarding Fox at the left block and Len comes to pick Moses. Instead of fighting over he read the positioning, chose to slide in between Fox and Len, switching Fox to JMG who then sent Fox to Wigs' help forcing a kick out to the corner for a non-shooter. This is a difficult play. Had he choose to tail instead of switch, Len would gain the rebounding advantage, making the corner shooter more comfortable in not making the shot. 1- I understand when the Dubs got beat in the paint, fans instant reaction for remedy is a big body "Rim Protector". But this is not the 90s no more. Rim is protected by stopping penetration, and basically even if you're slight overweight like LeBron you're done. Look at how Sabonis and Len is being roasted last night. 2- JK is explosive, and plays with correct intention and shot selection, but Donte & Moses is active. Active means multiple micro movements per second. This is way more valuable and impactful in playoffs. When they figured out how to get a stop whenever they want, they can't lose. Dubs in 6.

Omer Ali

Hot Take: A lot of our turnover problems comes from Draymond. He's always trying to hit a homerun play and force a pass that's not there and don't forget the spacing issues.


Not hot at all. Him and JP with the stable TO contribution. There's so little he can do offensively, and you take away his passing he literally can't do nothing, now. Loo in contrast grabs offensive rebound, screens better and can finish over guards. JP's TO comes from lack of handling the ball more fundamentally, hence you saw him passing in the air, or pick up the dribble off a double team. Not able to handle ball pressure.


I was very wrong about Looney


Not sure why it takes kerr half a series to figure it out every single year but before the series i said it would be like denver and boston last year, we can start looney and draymond if the players really want it but after the first 6 minutes you take out loon klay and wigs so you can run steph dray and the bench guys and then after the 1Q you go back to those 3 and whoever else whether it’s poole donte or moody but you only play draymond and looney together to start the 1q and 3q and then you split them the rest of the game. We also seen how draymond off the court actually benefited us last postseason so we know we can play looney in his spot (although last night was an amazing game from loon dawg) And it’s similar to boston because we had to open up the floor for spacing because they were packing it in and it’s similar to denver because we only have 5s to rely on against someone like jokic and sabonis and it’s the same strategy you let them get theirs and try to get 40 because the 3pt shooting, cutting, and momentum of the other players is harder to beat


Big props to Jamychal this game, able to keep Sabonis in check with his strength when Looney was off the court


I think we really gotta play either dray or loon but never both.

Carla Davis

At least not for this series. We may need them both in another but I think we should go with moody. He is good enough defensively for this team and is a shooting threat. Also gp2 has to shoot more. They leave him open and he shoots well enough from 3. Especially the corners. Donte and kuminga need to drive more! That kicking out and settling when they can get to the basket ALL DAY is driving me crazy!


I thought he had good minutes overall, but did anyone else see or have thoughts about why jaymike lost his shit at kenny Atkinson when he got subbed out?


hahaha how you gon call that man Keegle Murphy


If Dray’s ego would allow it he’d be a perfect sixth man in the Andre role. It’d preserve his body and he’d be able to organize things and be the adult in the room. Then close with him in most cases probably, but that would be a perfect world

Natto Santo

Bench Draymond is the right choice, but Kerr will not do it. So we are doomed again.

k fish

Agree with everything except for adult in the room lol that certainly isn't dray


I don’t know what the audio was like on TV but we had to wear earplugs at the arena last night. It was deafening, especially when Sabonis touched the ball. Chase also made kings fans check their cowbells at coat check.


True 😂 def not as much of a calming presence and more turnover happy but at least an elder statesman


Question for the pod: Took a trip down memory lane when you said that book is the closest to kobe we have right now …but is it not steph? The laser focus and the venom that steph played with last night, gave me chills. Mamba vibes.


I loved how Steph interacted with the crowd in that game and got them hyped! Also I think you are giving Klay too much credit on defense. I remember one play where we got cooked by a backdoor cut and it was Klay's man and he was just standing around without guarding anybody. Also I think he is prone to overhelping and that creates some open 3s for the Kings.


Steph is the next Michael Jordan in terms of achievement. Kobe played like MJ but never had MJ’s unbelievable stamina to take that many shots per game, and of course never played in a no zone era which matters a lot. Book learned to use Kobe’s moves. But he’s got no balls.

Chip Tingle

Gotta agree, as there have been multiple mistakes when Klay hasn’t even tried to recover, surprised by that mindset from him. But I know I’ve become hypercritical of Maestro Klay’s D as a measuring stick post-injury and while aging. His D on bigs remains special and more consistent as Wiggs takes the quicker options.

Chip Tingle

Love how you focused on how Kings are vulnerable in the paint w Sabonis! On paper, that shift toward attacking him will travel to Sac. We shall see if Dubs can be disciplined about this rather than chucking by habit. The Fox/Curry sub minutes adjustment also proved huge for Steph, as Mitchell’s D gives Steph real problems. Fox is far less likely to break a game open this way.

Chip Tingle

I think Dray is less necessary at small ball 5 because of Sabonis and how well Loon matches up against him. Add Loon’s improved passing next to his O board dominance, and it adds up to fewer Dray minutes necessary.


What a roller coaster. I guess the Kings live and die by Harrison Barnes. Don’t know why, don’t care. Petition for Barnes to play 48 mins Lol


Little accidents change the route to the outcome, that’s why a series is played to average out those little accidents. Game 1 Dubs avoided a blowout with Steph ridiculous shot making, game 2 Kings got lucky with Barnes unusual performance. Game 4 Kings got a chance to steal a game that doesn’t belong to them. Anyway, Kings shortened their rotation, put one or two more shooters on the court to try to lever box n one, and as a result got burnt defensively. It’s not that Dubs have to rely on box n one, as we saw that Dubs are perfectly able to play man to man. But this is why Dubs rotation is reduced to 7 as well, because they were not playing that many box n one this game.


In my opinion, Kuminga has a right to be upset, they chose wiseman over him beginning of the season despite having a great rookie year, they've played kuminga out of position all year and he's still adjusted to how the coaching staff has wanted him to play including knocking down threes and making the right passes.


Yet despite all of that they still won't give Kuminga and chance and has the shortest rope on the team, go watch all of kumingas minutes in the series, he hasn't been bad or made many mistakes and still doesn't get a chance