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gsw vs sac gm2 P

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If Dubs lose one of the next 2 home games, sure they're done. Until then, 0-2 don't mean sh*t. They lost close games. Inconsistent officiating and turnovers. They'll figure it out. Steph will. He had that face after the game ended going to the bench -- the same face he had after Game 3 in the Finals last year and look what he did in Game 4. That was Boston. An even worse matchup for them. But Steph went nuclear on them. I believe in Steph more than the entire Warriors team combined. He will beat this Kings team.


Draymond almost sent that dirty ass east european gypsy back to his caravan.


After watching the replay, I think we are all blinded by the shock Kings delivered. But I felt confident to say that while game 1 Warriors got lucky without being blown out, game 2 Kings got away with counting on Harrison Barnes to win it for them. I mean, if he played like last night in 2016 Finals, it's an easy sweep. Here's what I mean: play at min 5:16, warriors Box & 1, Steph cheating off Barnes the corner, got caught ball watching and Barnes turned into GP2, cut Steph for a Dunk. play at minute 4, warriors Box & 1 on Fox Sabonis pnr with Steph and Klay cheating off Barnes and Davion. Fox cross court pass to Barnes, Klay good close out, Barnes without hesitation drive to the rim and spin and banked it over Looney's help defense. 6 point lead. play at minute 1:45, warriors Box & 1 on Fox Sabonis pnr, this time Steph cheating off Barnes at 45 BUT was a tiny bit off the box position, Fox kick to Barnes who drove without hesitation again! and a tough finger roll over Looney challenge. Back to 6 point lead. Demoralizing. Warriors played only box & 1 after Dray was ejected, and had decent result. Yeah, there's a bucket given up by Sabonis offensive rebound, and some miscommunications on who to shadow Fox, and Monk made an incredible one foot floater over GP2. But in general, it is very successful. A successful execution would drive Fox into the box, a triple team at least and protect the rebound. If he kicks out, both corners, Davion and Barnes, are non-shooters. They have to make a play with 6 seconds left. Don't we all like that? So what will the Warriors scouting report look like, after 2 games? 1st, hang in there for 3 quarters. Kings won't slow down until the 4th quarter, when Fox would execute his clutch mode. Warriors did a very good job first two games hanging there I'd say. 2nd, attack the Kings weakness. Fox is the only Kings player that cannot be targeted. Going over Kings rotation, - Huerter, terrible on ball defense, and hence MB chose Davion over him to finish the game; so keep picking on him when he's on the court. I'm pointing at JP and JK. - Sabonis, essentially a tweener center like Ayton: non shooter, not a strong finisher, slow and get caught easily with penetration. As a result, Kings can offer very little rim protection. But, who does nowadays, given every team prioritizes on ball defense over paint protection. That's why players like Bam are so valuable, as they do both. But with Sabonis, Kings are vulnerable at pick n roll. Right now, Kings choose to double Steph in PnR, leaving a ton of spaces within 3 point line. One quick note on JP, he needs to be more patient in drawing fouls. He's taken down many center like Sabonis, so back at home I like the chances that he bounces back. - Davion, great defender, both on ball and help communication. But, a non-shooter in close game. They left him open in corner and he didn't take a shot when there's no room for error. - Monk, not a good off ball defender. Can get lost easily in chasing Klay. So, keep doing that Klay. Offensively he's the guy pinned at 45, so whoever guarding Monk, don't shadow Fox in box & 1. He's ready to hit that one pass away 3. - Murray, Lyles has been reduced to non factors so keep doing that, forcing MB to play both for 7-8 mins a game. This will shorten Kings' rotation to 6. In sum, I thought we need a nuclear Steph to come back, but I don't think so right now. The warriors have the clear matchup advantage. They just need to execute. For example, take Looney out of the starting lineup. You're playing box & 1 with both Loo and Dray, so why bother? Cut off that routine bullshit and be direct from the beginning. The Kings will fall apart after Warriors successfully execute for one game. So, panic level back to 3/10.

Kahlil Baker

Man what would this series have been like if the Warriors would’ve signed Boogie Fucking Cousins or Dwight Howard!! Instead we got Iggy still out with his hand, Lamb wasting space on the bench, etc. would’ve been nice to pick up a center to help out Dray and Loon but also give them some rim protection.


On one hand, it's within in them to win. On the other hand 20+ turnovers in a almost must win game is disturbing. At the end of the day, it's frustrating because we have seen this championship team at the top and watching them play below that standard is a tough pill to watch. But it does also make me thankful for the last 10 years. One that does drive me insane is what I said to my friend when they were down 10+ in the third. "They're going to make a run and tie it up with 4 minutes to go and then proceed to jack up 3s nonstop going for either the kill shot or trying to match 3s to 2s." Sac has no inside presence, take it to the rim!


I've got another take on all this. I live at a distant 5 hour nexus between Sac and Warriors. So during the season was watching Sac as a way to cleanse my palate after watching; the Warrriors shit the bed during a road game, Poole carelessly dribble the ball away, Kerr not play Kuminga, Meyers not geting folks in trades before the deadline ( see Vanderbilt ), etc. I've come to like the style of Sac play more and more and dislike the warriors style of play (what style, just hoping Curry can save the day by jacking up 3's) and ended up rooting for Sac in these games. It was more like like enjoying watching quality basketball, with Sabonis at the top of the key dishing out assists or going old school inside, or enjoying watching Fox take a team apart at the end of the game. Also enjoying a less well paid team dismantle more expensive teams. Lacob and his "Lightyears" shit has always irritated me as well. I have a real difficulty supporting Hubris. Even from family and "my team". So this was and has been an easy transition for me. I'm not anti homer, I'm just anti hubris and anti, whatever the hell the Warriors management is about since West left the organization. Draft picks like Wiseman (and staying with that shit pick and not trading straight away), or paying Poole a big bag, or getting weak souls like they have for years in the draft. Like Ive said before, trade Myers for Presti and Im back on board, but these days I feel like I'm rooting for an idiot organization if I root for the Warriors.

Siddhant S

I think the source of these TOs is the fact that the core’s body is failing them. Their minds are already somewhere their bodies aren’t.


Dray suspended game 3. Ugh


I had to stop and watch a few times but at around 4:15 in the vid sabonis is closing out on GP2 and after contesting he turns and straight up hits him in the back for 0 reason right in front of the ref, dirty af


It's obvious the refs have wagers against the Warriors and Adam Silver signs-off on this. Anyone who disagrees with this is lying to themselves. When I heard Draymond said in his podcast - "this is a young team that doesn't have much playoff experience" - my reaction was: oh fuck.....that's the old ass mindset the Warriors have going into the playoffs. So I didn't watch Games 1 & 2 and only checked Twitter after the games were over.


Embarrassing taunting of the crowd after the fact definitely factored in. Inexcusable stupidity. You would think he would learn but this just is who he is. One more year left max

Ryan Mitchell

Just from reading the comments you can tell who has (and hasn’t) competed in sports. Has some experience winning AND loosing. Hate to see this group (meaning Patron members), turn on each other. It shows too much weakness. Thanks for the breakdown Alc 🙏🏻


Don't overreact to Draymond suspension. Yeah, our marginal player suspended, BFD. Not like he's the 2016 version Draymond. That's why Looney is so awesome: cover his ass when he shits himself like this. We good.

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

The team reactions while Draymond goes off on the crowd is cinema. Core ignores it. JMG is all for it. DDV calling security. Moody unsure how to feel. JP making jokes about something completely unrelated. PBJ a complete statue.


I've been a Warriors fan for a while, so I am used to us not getting favorite whistles. What worries me, are the overly physical stuff, Green and Curry, even kLay could get injured with the kind of physicality there allowed to get away with.

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

The funniest thing about Dray is the weird lack of self awareness. It’s one thing to have a guy like him who says, “yeah, I be wilin’ sometimes”. But Dray says stuff like, “I can’t get goaded into techs.” To hear him talk, you’d think he’s always in complete control at all times. I’m not mad at him. It’s just funny.

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

At this point, the only thing that would save this season for me would be an announcement that Michael Lewis had been embedded with the team all season and has written a tell all.


Im wired where I have never used another team in a video game other then the Warriors or Niners in over 30 years of gaming. I do get so mad at times I root against them


Tyler, 68 year rabid fan here, I mostly agree onyour take especially on the genius management hype. Once West was shown the door we have headed down hill.What I saw in both games was Kerr got his ass kicked by Brown.


Shit looks rigged

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

I wonder if the Warriors whistle has anything to do with the salary cap. The league works for the owners and the other owners are clearly not happy with Lacob et al rocking the boat. It’s admittedly hard to imagine something that coordinated remaining a secret, but the incentives make sense.

Siddhant S

The season started with a Draymond news, and it’s about to end with one. This pain in the ass is like that homie we always cover for. He better not go live under Bron’s nuts next season after years of this shit.


Hey Alch, your thoughts on what JJ Reddick said on the Kings plan to bait Draymond to get a dirty play out of him? All cap or facts?


Lacob in the thumbnail is hilarious


JJ is a fucking clown and embarrassment as a media member. The way he's willing to go over the line and say shit just to get clicks is not less than Perk. Just youtube "Jerry West JJ Redick". I won't take anything he said seriously.


haha i thought the same. you can hear him thinking "ohhh god damnnit draymond"