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Part 1- https://youtu.be/wxSlDWiShjc

Part 2- https://youtu.be/thzS_TwzGBc


gsw vs sac gm1

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What do you all think of these 3 guard lineups with Poole and Steph in at the same time? And honestly, seems like Kuminga would be a better fit guarding a wing like Monk or HB than Fox. I know they like him on guards, but he's just not quick enough for Fox.

Kahlil Baker

The Sac fans were wild, waving bye, flipping off the Warriors. Man they better hope this don't motivate Steph to yank the life out these boys over the next games

Jimmy Ji

I think Wiggins did the best defending against Fox. I also wouldn't mind having Kuminga pick up Monk or Fox full court to try and slow the pace down. How about sending a late double to try and force the ball out of Fox's hands once he gets into the paint and commits to scoring (similar to what we did with Ja)? We were 27/40 from 2s, that has to be the first thing that Kerr talks about in the film room, the missed threes leads to instant transition offense for the Kings.


we saw Draymond got subbed out for a short stint last yr, interesting to see when it matters, hate to say it, if Kerr takes Klay out and get GP/JoKu in because when he wants to create and shoot these tough shots off the dribble (don't think he was hot enough to shoot those) when you have better options on the court (this is also definitely on steph), don't think anyone feels good about that. Hope we see our wings leave more fingerprints in this series instead of just running plays between Draymond Poole and Klay that mostly ended up a bad contested 3


Hey Alch, some of my own analysis Poole was the only guy getting to the rim for us last night and he was playing how he should play till he rolls that ankle I think this loss is mostly on Kerr and the coaching staff, you see the 3s not falling, you put in the guy who will drive to the basket (Kuminga). They have no resistance inside at the rim and we stop attacking in the 4th. Wiggins should drive more but like you said, he is confident in his jumpshot right now so I don't blame him that much for not attacking We also didn't run enough Curry Green PnR as well Anyway, will you break down non-Warriors game this playoffs as well?


Gonna need all our athletes to play heavy minutes against this team, Wiggs gonna have to get back in that starting lineup quick and him and GP2 gotta go 30+ a game to match fox and monk. And Kuminga needs 20+ a game. And maybeee a little less Klay and more Poole bc in the middle of the game Poole was the only one putting pressure on the rim and getting to the line


That’s a game I call a "good" loss. Not because we were trash, or because of turnovers, they just outplayed us a little. I didn’t feel bad about that game after that at all. Kinda like game 1 of the finals last year, I still feel like we've got this.


No other team can beat the warriors last night, so hats off to the Kings. Hopefully this will correct the “Kings defense sucks” bias amongst Dubs fans. I just want to enjoy this series as it is cuz these two teams are the two best teams in the West. The Kings showed their true face in that 2OT game vs the Clippers so I’m not surprised at Monk. But what beat the Dubs is being caught off guard by Leyles threes, Klay specifically. The way Monk and Fox played last night is not sustainable: the Dubs tried 7 defenders on Fox, no way he can play this penetration driven game for the whole series. Again, great game!


Game 2 isn’t must win either. Let’s chill. Just have to protect home and get one away game (2, 5, or 7). Would be nice to get it done soon of course. Agreed more Kuminga though. I thought the Steph, Poole, DDV, Kuminga, Dray lineup early in the 4th really stemmed the Kings run. Good balance of athleticism and offensive pressure while not giving up too much defensively.


Alch what’s your coverage of the whole playoffs gonna look like? YouTube video updates about how each round is going/matchup predictions?


This reminds me of last year's NBA finals game 1. D white went nuclear, then he went shriveled like I do during the winter. Series just started, just need to close Monday.


If or when the Dubs are done I will cover all the rest of the big games in a breakdown format. As well as overall takes and predictions on YouTube


Was hoping you’d make another, “Got it Ed Malloy!” comment. Maybe next time. Thanks as always. Warriors in 6. Cheers.


I’m sayin bro. This was like the Kings’ own championship parade by the way they were carrying all that artificial noise. Warriors in 6.

paul reboca sr

alch i was telling swish that i am not worried, because Kerr has always adjusted well after a lost. be blessed and safe.


Wiggins will be back and whether the refs balance out or not, the series is winnable.

Ryan Mitchell

Amazing breakdown! 🔥💪🏻🙏🏻

John Z

I just don't like we give them easy open shots while our main weapons have to work for every shot; Not a good balance, make them work, and then attack em at the other end. Crazy game.


Also, did Kerr make a mistake by putting Loo and Dray on the court in final stretch? Yes. Please, no more Loo and Dray in the 4th quarters. It eats up all your spacing and when you play vs Kings or Celtics who’s relentless in pushing fastbreaks, no chance. Steph hit a couple of lucky shots to keep the game alive.


Looking back, game 1 should have been a blowout. Game 2, Dubs tried really hard, and still couldn’t keep it up with the Kings high ball pressure. Entering game 1, Dubs looked fresh. Two games in, they looked gassed in the 4th q. Now backed to a corner, how much mental and physical stamina Dubs have in the tank? Not only do they need to even the series at home, they better blow out the Kings once at home to keep it alive. Sometimes it takes challenge to wake you up, and sometimes the challenge takes you down. This is exactly why I said they need to avoid the Kings who has been saving it for the playoffs. Kings playing with the 2015 Warriors Vibe and no one saw it coming.


Strategically Kerr did everything he could. they need to treat this series as the Finals as opposed to first round and leave it all out there.


what do you mean looney been getting boards and playing defense specially on sabonis , if it’s kuminga we get eaten alive , he couldn’t even keep up with Malik Monk Kings are playing free basketball having fun , happy to be here now the warriors have to rally the troops and punch them hard where it hurts at home klay, curry, poole , wiggins , everyone has to step up big in game 3 being down 2-0 it’s not over but 3-0 you done 🥴


Welp… here we are down 0-2. A few things to note: - Curry and Dray MUST stop with the sloppy turnovers, it’s inexcusable for vets to be so casual. - Stop selling out on EVERY close-out. Way too many blow-bys and we’re too reliant on help defense; bad habits have formed. - Jordan Poole continues to slip out the rotation and is only playing now because he can still drive and draw fouls. We need production when Steph sits. His poor shot selection and nonexistent defense continue to hurt us. - Klay needs to revert back to catch-and-shoot. Great things don’t happen when he has to think or create off the dribble. Keep it simple - Dray can’t continue to hold the ball and telegraph passes, he’s gonna find his shot near the basket more often. Not looking good for our guys, but there’s still hope we can clean some things up. Game 3 we need to be more physical and play smarter and not let SAC dictate everything. Dubs in 7


If they cut down the to half, we could have won one of the game


I agree with your points. As Alch says, a lot of the turnovers are systemic. I think we need to revert to more PNR's and iso offense. Kings also having 3rd worse PNR defense in the league should factor into this decision. Steph and Kuminga PNR, shooters in the corner, or ISOing Wiggins more often for easy shot attempts need to be employed more. As for Poole, he hasn't been playing well but from what we've been hearing it sounds like he's dealing with an injury.

k fish

Lol Kerr quitting on kuminga is so predictable and I called it. That run wasn't on kuminga, offensively Kerr treats kuminga like a liable instead of a weapon. Kerr is getting killed in the coaching battle. Kerr loves the 3s, he won't focus on paint scoring with jk and wiggins


I don’t think it’s that simple. Playoff is different, one minute of brain dead can easily cause you a 10 nothing run. That’s why playoffs coaching is conservative and playoff rotations are short. Look at Poole last year, first round he’s a major player. Second round and forward he became a backup point guard. This series is too bloody to mess with. The fact he played Moody when Dray and Loo were in foul trouble says a lot. And to his credit Moody didn’t fuck up. Heck even Donte could do nothing. The Warriors are doing the same thing to Kings, daring the marginal players to shoot and eventually Mike Brown also had to shorten the rotation. Bottom line is, Fox was out of the world the first two games, outplayed Steph both ends. And to win this series, we need to play on the level of last years finals and Steph has to activate Saiyan mode now.

Jansen E

@godeau While you do make good points, that doesnt explain why they wont use Wiggins iso more. Wiggins caught a rhythm and is clearly our best iso guy and their worst matchup. Wiggins iso would not only slow the game down, it also would allow us to attack their weaker players or at least make them expend energy. Curry gets doubled and tripled running 8 miles every possession while Loon and Dray are stuck in mud. Wiggins is the only other guy who can create his own shot and doesnt need a screen to do it. So why wont Kerr go with more of that? Same reason why he doesnt want to let Kuminga play through mistakes. Arrogance. Moody played well for what was asked of him, but was the offense really functioning any different when he was out there? What does Moody provide on offense that Kuminga doesnt? At the VERY least, Kuminga is a threat to drive and a vertical spacer. So is Wiggins. Yet Kerr doesnt want to take advantage of either of those. Kerr is getting outcoached by his former assistant. And frankly, its a bit embarrassing.


Yeah the PNR’s are only gonna work if the screener is an actual threat in some way. Like Alc pointed out, SAC is just ignoring the screener/roller and trapping/doubling Curry— teams know to sag off Dray/Looney. If Dray can find a floater or find the back door cutter our PNR action will be deadly again. You’re right though, we should slow down and hunt more mismatches like Fox on Wiggs down low and draw more fouls by design. Poole does have a bum ankle but he’s still out there turning it over, not executing final-shot possessions, and taking bad shots. We need him so he’ll continue to get some minutes but man I hope he can carry some of the load.