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gsw vs phi gm 75



I’m gonna ask the question again… Wiggins where are you? No superstar would get this amount of time off… so im gonna do some speculating. People feel free to give me your opinions. 1) wife/baby mama cheated: well she came out and tweeted about the rumors and draymond also said it wasn’t true = Debunked. 2) maybe of of his kids are super sick and he wants to spend the last days with them. Very understandable and I think most of the fans would also understand. BUT his wife/baby mama has been subtly tweeting during his absence just about things. Isn’t that weird if your child was sick but hey you’re tweeting? Wouldn’t you go dark as well with Wiggins? 3) the jab has got him OR he has some sort of disease (like cancer). Would explain his absence throughout the season aside from his adductor strain. Those are my only theories to why he’d be out this long that would be understandable. Right now if it’s not any of those what could it be that would allow this long of a separation from the team?? Especially with the way the tides are turning wouldn’t you want him back and wouldn’t he want to come back? With GP2 coming, everyone ascending, and the 4th spot and option… wouldn’t you wanna come back to change the tides? I don’t know but lmk what you all think. Call me on my BS or agree with me but 33 Mil and no answers?


A thing that was put on to full display in this game is conditioning and lack thereof. The Warriors have another gear in crunch time that few teams can match.


it's possible, the way media people outside the warriors have commented on it, is that there is legal reason to why information hasn't leaked. To be clear, Lacob pays him 33.6 and I'm sure he is aware of the details of the situation.

Ryan becker

I didn’t even think about that with Embiid


This game is a roller coaster Jordan Poole experience, to be honest. He was taking all kinds of bad shots and on the edge of turnover so many times before his explosion in the 4th. What changed? His teammates on the court changed to the core squad. Maybe Jordan Poole just doesn't know how to play with the 2nd unit? He needs the other 4 know how to position themselves? Good to see Steph with the fresh legs. Casually walking around and close the game in the final 2 mins, ending with 29 pts? Too much swag. If the Sixers make it to June this year, it's gonna be an easier finals than last year.


I've said this before, if this was a contract year like last year is he still out this long for the same reason. And of course we don't know the reason, so it's all speculation but he's making a shit ton of money to not work right now. I've been trying to think of another player doing this for any reason for this long in any team sport.


Hopefully they start to call those travels next season on Embiid. They're on the right track lately with the travel calls.

Connor H

Harden with the dr. Suess lookin ass sweater


Bro why even sit here and speculate? All the things you said are disgusting.


That’s what’s so frustrating with poole.. it’s very similar to russell westbrook.. poole can defend but in his mind he thinks all his energy is better used on the offensive end.. it works when steph is out but him being an austin rivers level of defender will get his name called up before donte on 8/10 nights


I hope Poole is the type of player that steps up during the playoffs

Ruben Valce

Alch, what does moody need to do to play more than 8 minutes a game? His defense is much better than early on the season and it has to be his defense that kept him from seeing the floor. He plays with a high motor, always attacking the offensive glass.

gary garcia

I've been saying..... We are being hookwinked, bamboozled.... We are missing players, but we got the NBA with their arms down thinking we are blown.... It's like pitching a softball and then throwing 91,it looks like 105 after that, Kerr rotations and shortcomings will be cleaned up, calls will get more tight, guys will rotate better and the 3 point line will be defended.....


Alc, I dont think Embiid is necessarily afraid of the moment . He just tired lmao I'm curious how well he takes care of his body in terms of nutrition during the offseason.

Strong Foru

Let's go WARRIORS!!! p.s. Poole still needs to go.

Erin Laskey

A man that size isn't supposed to play those many minutes and games


He said it before and it's still an issue - it's his feet/staying in front of his man. Just like with Kuminga, Moody earns minutes with defense and the number of minutes is a pretty accurate reflection of the defense he's playing - even though the effort is clearly there the results haven't been

Jansen E

I think Embiid was definitely tired. He'd gotten a bunch of rest standing at the free throw line but we were making him WORK to get those 42 pts, even if it looked effortless. That being said, the amount of passed up shots and handoffs to guys like Niang and PJ was really surprising. Then the 2 bricks and ZERO pts in clutch time was even more shocking. I saw that one and only sequence from Poole and I guess that means he's the opposite of Draymond. Draymond's defense fuels his offense, while Poole's offense needs to fuel his defense. Proud of Poole but I hope he can keep up the defensive effort. He's not gonna score 33 every night but if he can just get timely baskets when Steph sits and keep the 2nd unit above water and not be a cone on defense, then I think he'll be alright.

Neal X

Poole has a lot of maturing to do, but if he does it, the potential is there, always has been. Question is, are we giving him the chance to mature on our dime, and our watch?


It’s easier to be the underdog. This repeat is tough from the beginning so being underdog helps a lot


To be fair, Draymond is doubling the heck out of him. And Embiid doesn’t have the skill to make the double team fully commit and then pass to an open layup. half and half I think


Not the quickest learner. But I do like Moody a lot, kid is humble and has the physical build for the NBA. I won’t give up on him for another 2 years. Even Looney played 0 playoff minutes in the first two year. Dubs have been paid so much for being patient on kids with characters. That’s how they built this stacked squad.


But if he doesn’t lead the 2nd unit, who would? Just take the L on the 2nd unit, play defense till the core rested? If so they need at least someone to push the transition. Otherwise, it’s a scoring drought.


I did notice yesterday as I watching the game that Embiid kept travelling and they weren't calling it. I felt like it wasn't that subtle every time he did it and the refs call that on guys all the time so I feel like there's no way they didn't notice when Embiid was doing it. But glad we pulled out the win. I definitely was expecting a loss with how the team has been this season. Gotta give Poole credit where credit is due but I also didn't like his attitude during the post-game interview. He's acting like the criticism from the past few months wasn't warranted or something just because he had a good game.


Facts. It’s just weird. I wish none of this upon him but what if it’s none of those things? Will he be excepted back in if he just was feeling down on himself? (That’s just an example) and again I have no idea and it’s all speculation (which is a right I’m allowed to have as a fan)


Great breakdown, as always. Thanks Alc

John Z

lotta good story lines in here, appreciate it as always


Thats a nice 3 game stretch for jp.But dubnation needs to be at his neck constantly. Lets not go easy on him now. Keep the slander coming. We need to win all of these upcoming games


Which would you prefer for the first round: home court advantage vs. the suns WITH KD, or facing the kings or clippers without home court? Idk…


To me, top priority is avoid the Kings. Man they're not going out first round this year, no matter what. That's the only team that could potentially eliminate the Warriors this year: ripe enough but not old. I say avoid them in semi if possible. Suns, Clips, Nuggets, Memphis, home court or not, no difference really. Suns may seem solid with KD, but they're broken physically already. Booker hamstring is not recovered. And they playing hard every game just to stay in the playoff bracket.


Good points all around, plus COTY Mike Brown's familiarity with the Dubs' system. I guess it's tough for me to imagine them as a threat after all these years, but that might make them all the more dangerous. Looks like the ideal outcome is Dubs 4th seed, Clips 5th seed, suns 6th. Not sure how likely that is at this point though


Agree. 4, 5, preferred. Not likely Kings overtake Nuggets. Seems like Memphis is more likely to do so, these kids are still playing at high RPM, sin of ignorance alas. It's a bit ironic as the Kings has been the D league team for the Dubs for almost a decade now, just like the Wizards to the Celtics.