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gsw vs min gm 76



Everyone checked out basically, except for the role players esp GP2 who never ever checks out. The last play: why don't you put Draymond to inbound and Loo to screen? Donte is a mediocre passer, Wolves overplayed Dubs screens, Steph has his man sealed and Draymond was open under the rim for a split second. Donte wasn't even looking. JP was supposed to be the decoy at the backcourt, so that the rest can play 3 on 3. Turns out he has to take the bail out. It is what it is. You barely see Dubs choke on offense, esp this season. Take the pill, look up to the next one. Schedule-wise, the Dubs should be fine. Eventually they'll likely end up 5th spot facing Pheonix.


McDaniels is one of their better defenders and he barely played into a rhythm. Can’t imagine steph and Klay would get easier shots if we matched up again.

Jimmy Ji

With 27.7 seconds left, Minnesota was not in the penalty therefore they would've had to foul us twice in order to send us to the FT line. Draymond did not need to make that pass with 16 seconds left. If he continued to just hold onto the ball, Minnesota would have had to foul, shot clock resets to 14 with about maybe a second difference? ConIey tried to foul Steph with about 23 seconds left but the refs let it go. I don't think the team was ever aware of this, poor coaching by Kerr.


Steph and Klay went 13/40. Hard to win with that outcome. Nothing more or less than a bad shooting not by the top shooters on the team. The Slo-Mo heave from 40 ft was also a difference maker. Foolish finish because we still could have won. But I take solace in our defense has improved greatly in the last 1-2 weeks.

Jansen E

Klay only hitting 5 shots isnt the problem, its Klay hitting 5 OUT OF 17 shots. He has reverted to his selfish play that he was doing back in January.


It was a hard loss, but 2 weeks ago people were talking about this squad like it was dead the water. They are still a contender in this wild and unexpectedly underwhelming West. For every team this season, there's good days and bad days, good weeks and terrible ones. Best to not get too overwhelmed when it rains or too excited when the sun starts to shine.


Yes they were. Steph even said it in post game interview. It’s easy to blame Kerr but this loss was lack of execution and shot making

Chip Tingle

Slander vs. informed criticism, even coaching. Big difference. I sincerely hope the kid wants it, stays open to how to get it, then works just as hard as he has on his O. He has all the necessary physical tools.

Mikey H

seems like when poole plays better Steph & klay play worse...dunno. was cool seein GP2 back. seemed like he started right where he left off. good stuff & made some big plays. I know it looked bad at the end but I'll chock it up as a team big brain fart & it wont happen again 😉. Still think they can end solid after they get wrecked by Milwaukee 😵

Jimmy Ji

Looney got fouled (where he split 2 free throws) right outside of the final 2 minutes. That was the final foul that Minnesota committed and only their 3rd team foul.


If Kuminga is 35% from 3 and 40% in 2023 (saw someone else throw out that stat, so assuming its true for the sake of this comment), other teams leaving him wide open at the three point line does not pose a spacing problem for the dubs- it's statistically a great shot to have that high percentage of a shooter wide open. Problem solved. Bench Lamb.


Why not just be old school and start Steph, Klay, JK, Dray and Loon?


they were not in penalty. If dramond were to be fouled we would've taken it out again. You saw when klay was fouled, we didn't get FTs, we took it out again


alch do you get any sense that poole will want out ?


It does not matter what stats say, teams don't believe he can beat them from 3, so he better improve as a rebounder and playmaker.


But if he's wide open and a capable 3 point shooter... whats the problem?

Strong Foru

Poole is a cancer and needs to go!

Strong Foru

I think Steph needs new contacts he's been squinting a lot lately he might even need to wear sports glasses but he would never admit it.


We can sit here and blame Pooles defense till we are blue in the face but at the end of the day our defense as a whole gave up only 99 points, that needs to be good enough in today's league, an offense that had your 6th man go for 27 and you have 2 hall of famers at guard needs to be able to score more than an anemic 96. We lost because Curry and Klay shot like shit and that's becoming way too common for comfort. This core is aging and can't do what they used to do.

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

Yeah, it’s sort of funny that the “problem” with his three is that nobody guards him. I mean, I get the spacing stuff - it’s just a bit weird that teams supposedly have so much more respect for GP2 or Lamb. Like…why??


“You owe it to kuminga”. Exactly how I feel. The dude works his ass off out there and is playing exactly how you want him to, but you bench him and don’t give him the opportunity … favoring someone who is just…worse. Also, idk if I’ve ever heard it talked about, but I swear klay may have one of the worst transition games in the league in terms of decision making. Maybe that’s exaggerating, but I just feel like he always messes them up somehow lol


GP gets the kuminga treatment, lamb is a shooter in the scouting report. Lamb is playing because of Draymond and Loon really. Same reason Beli played over him last year. But let’s let the kid shoot! I think they are worried he be taking 7-8 a game….

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

Remember that first game in January when JK hit four 3s in a row? Pretty sure it started with him missing two wide opens. Ended the night 4/6. So he’s demonstrated an ability to stay right even after a rocky start.

k fish

Kerr is a confidence killer and will have kuminga 2nd guessing himself again soon at this rate. We seen enough of kuminga to know even on a bad night he should get 25 min, Kerr seems to not think jk is important to this teams success

k fish

I made this same point....we know Kerrs ego though, makes you wonder is it really about getting the best shot or Kerr running his pretty offense. A wide open kuminga shot I'll take all day...or is that going to upset Kerr and the vets who are taking tough shots and missing.....also Kerr is smart how about some counters.....simple dribble handoff like draymond does because teams never guard him


The context is ant on an double taped ankle, stiff kat playing first game in months. And suddenly, 99 kinda seems like alot


Kyle Anderson is “Stealy” from Rick and Morty. It’s too perfect

Paul Hanson

Uncle Alch-this game pissed me off so much that I haven’t even gotten around to watching your break down until now. Now they are the seven seed and Minnesota is winning on the road. Which means that the Warriors have to somehow finish ahead of them to be out of the play in. This year‘s Golden State Warriors are going to get what they deserve for the level of inconsistency that they’re playing with. Can’t say they don’t deserve it.


Wiggins - I never thought about checking out his girlfriend's social media until someone here mentioned it. She posted trifling random shit on her IG Stories 2 days ago which means she's able to cope with whatever is going on and it has nothing to do with her, their kids or her side of the family. No calls for Steph. A billion free throws for the Lakers. Rescinded Luka's 16th tech. Adam Silver's father, Edward Silver, would've been proud of his integrity-less son. 1. Lately the Splash Bros are out of rhythm. 2. JP conserves his energy by barely guarding anyone and occasionally Klay imitates him. 3. Steph is stepping up on defense. At the other end his defenders are free to do whatever they want and he's becoming cumulatively frustrated and fixated with the no calls. Next thing you know they're scrambling in the 4Q.


Feel like we can call it on a Wiggins return this year. Would’ve heard something by now, and we know opaqueness from this franchise usually means the worst. Probably trying to keep fans engaged through the end of the season. I know they’re trying to protect him by keeping it private, but gotta factor in the speculation/resulting harassment from asshole fans that will blame him for wasting a year of this core. Might eventually have to reveal what it is in order to protect him from further slander (which will only get worse if he misses the playoffs) Hope I’m completely wrong about this lol

Ryan Mitchell

Wow - everyone is actually kinda feeling the same way ha! I ultimately believe that with this roster - we actually NEED JP’s offense - almost like we have no choice. And with that comes the downsides. Either lose because we can’t score (without JP) or lose because we can’t make enough stops (with JP). Perfect

Erin Laskey

Alch, I know picking on JP right now feels like a low hanging fruit but it's not always about being right with young players, which you all are about his defense being trash. It's also realizing when the criticism becomes a nuclear overkill. If he is making so many mistakes and still getting minutes, at what point do we start questioning the person keeping him on the floor?


The contract = minutes thats how the league works. Maybe Im being too harsh. I have to watch these games twice and give my take on every game. So my frustration can boil over more than someone who watches live and moves on. When you go back and look at the tape, its absolutely ridiculous some of the stuff he does. But message received sounds like quite a few of you are tired of me point it out. My hope was pointing it out helps it gets fixed .. Guess Ill just leave it out


Alch, do you think his offensive chokes boils over to his lack of defensive efforts? Because I find when he’s stroking, his defense issue also disappears. But when he’s not comfortable, hesitating on offense, he starts to checks out defensively too. Maybe, just maybe, Kerr needs to make him more comfortable on the court. He seems to take more bailout shots this season than Steph. Might be wrong.