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gsw vs hou gm 73



I want to believe Kuminga can average 5-6 assists a game someday. I feel like Killer Instinct Paul George / Jimmy Buckets is an incredibly reasonable thing to hope for JoKu’s ceiling


Poole's idea of D has morphed into how many stupid things he can do from behind his cover. First he lets the guy dribble past him, rarely even needs a move, then Poole springs into action as Dray or Loon try to stop the now free drive. Poole meanwhile knowing he has lost his man will try to foul him with reaches and swipes. Happens almost every time. He looks like he's an usher at an old peoples home as he stands sideways and politely puts his hand out asking if the driver would like to drive this way?.. In the playoffs if we get there, the other team will be having a Poole party for every minute Joran plays.

k fish

Good breakdown alc, I want to keep the faith but Kerr makes it difficult. I've been saying all year, kuminga needs to be a focal point on offense...right now he is scoring without that but if he was featured as a efficient offensive threat it would take much more pressure off everyone especially poole. But Kerr and his system won't allow that, yet we see klay get post ups to take contested mid rangers lol

k fish

He easily can....they aren't even playing thru him, kuminga has some point forward ability, check how he played for Congo


Kuminga has way different skillset than Paul George and Jimmy Butler hes an Athletic finisher maybe shot blocker like Shawn Kemp

Strong Foru

Mr. green has never prioritized his conditioning and it's catching up with him as he ages. Firestick


Draymond isn’t playing road defence but he is playing excellent at home, draymond is showing the front office we won with stephs offence but we can’t win without my defence. Ohh and the warriors want the 6 seed they want the clippers and suns to kill each other of.


I was just thinking this.. at the moment with how poorly they play on the road it seems out of their control with regard to holding the 6 seed. But i really want to see the Kings in round 1 if possible. And I actually think the Mavs could take out the grizz in a 2 v 7 matchup

Ryan becker

IF they ever get wiggins back is still the question... this is so frustrating for the fans.........


Everyone's here talking about trading Poole, and I just want Draymond gone ASAP. he's been pissing me off with his lackadaisical arrogance about the regular season. I'd be willing to bet 75 percent of the locker room issues stem from him somehow. All that and he's going to age like milk in 100 degree weather. When you still have your core 3 playing and still struggling that is not the time to trade young talent and lean into vets, lean into Kuminga, PBJ, Moody and Poole more


I was at the game and Houston and just as a note and something that could speak to pooles character is that he was always talking during timeouts, he would either be talking with jamychal, looney or whoever the fuck but just not really seeming like he even cared that he’s playing basketball and it’s just distracting to the rest of the team, idk dude just needs to mature a lot and stop being such a dickhead


Yo Alc and community what you think about Lester Quinones ? Over the past month he’s been making a lot of noise in the g-league. Thinking ahead here: could he potentially replace poole if dubs trade him within The next season or two?


Moody, Poole and PBJ can’t guard better than Draymond on a bad day. Learn to deal with Drays excesses like the rest of us or suffer the consequences

Neal X

He is getting up there in age, and that hits a big guy like him harder. If we keep him around, expect him to be injury-prone and tire out quickly. If GP2 can get back to form, I think we could let Draymond walk, with the pros outweighing cons. Don't get me wrong, Draymond was and still is an elite defender with elite IQ, but we can live with replacing him with some long, big, active guys who can spread the floor because they are actual offensive threats as well.

Neal X

I'm all for just aiming to rebuild for a one-last-hurrah season next year. To do that, my view is to cut out all the fat. Let Moody, Draymond, Poole AND Lamb all walk (frankly, I'm not a fan of the rape allegations against him, I feel it's against the Warrior culture under Kerr to tolerate that). Build a team like the Bucks have now -- long, big, active guys who can defend and shoot. Get a true, veteran big man who knows how to set screens and grab boards.


Innocent till proven guilty.

Neal X

It's just my opinion, I don't expect people to agree. In my view, there's usually fire where there's smoke -- yes, false accusations are a thing, but in my view a woman doesn't take her entire university to court over something that didn't happen. EDIT: multiple women came forward about him, not just one.

Jansen E

While my judgment of him does not change at all, this was by far the best game Ive ever seen from Lamb. His contests, his activity, his offense. He was a diamond in the rough last night.


I agrée with the matchups but I promise you we are keeping the 6 seed Haven’t you noticed the clippers and warriors have been close to each other on the standings all season Because that’s how they don’t face each other. That would be a blood bath