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gsw vs atl gm 71



This game Poole completely checked out. No excuses. He's not going to grow like Steph, everyone has unique journey. We know he responds to critics, gives a shit and self-criticizes. He's not doing the things he even did last year: move his feet and communicate on pick coverage and helps. Whatever is holding him up, ego, money, he needs to look in the mirror and let it go. Right now it looks like he's in a couple fight where he knew he owes an apology but just won't admit. How about starting with a 'my bad' when he makes a mistake? Let your teammates know you're paying attention. Time is running out for this kid this season, but it's never too late to play defense.


Loon is the Rebound Whisperer. Always amazed how he knows just where to be and does not even have to jump a lot of the time. Its like he has a sixth sense of where the ball is going to go. That's what was frustrating with my guy, Big Jim. I mean the 6-9 guy who can't jump can routinely hall in 12-15 boards every night, and the 7-1 guy with crazy athleticism and a 9.6 foot standing reach has a big night when he halls in 7. Also, got to love the fact that Loon also plays like its Game 7. By the way, so does Moody. Would like to see him get some more mins. Mood has his short comings, but lack of effort is not one of them.


I'm curious about how better could Kevon Looney cam get. He's still only 27 and who knows if he could add a mid range shot and maybe a post move or two. He's the kind of player I love to root for and his improvement so far has been the best thing to come out of Wiseman's stint here.


I and undoubtedly the Warriors FO dearly wish we had given Poole a 1 year contract and made him play another year showing effort and growth. But he was hot after the finals when Boston didn't have any quick small guys to guard him so he would have signed elsewhere. The tell for me was the film of Poole and Wiggins in the locker room after the finals win jumping up and down chanting "We gonna get a bag, we gonna get a bag.." We should have known then that Poole would pack it in after he got his guaranteed money.. Can u imagine Steph, Klay, Dray, DWest or Andre chanting that in the locker room as the first thing they were thinking after winning a chip?. Tone deaf.


i think they’ve just given up because they know Wiggs isn’t coming back 😫

Strong Foru

I'm very curious to see what will happen over the summer will the warriors trade JP will they renew the contract for Draymond? Which role players will we keep? And, finally, does Bob Myers stay, or, go to league headquarters?


Masterfull performance by Looney considering he's been playing non-stop. If they can't minimize turnovers then they need to control other things in the game. This entire season they've been over helping in the paint and not defending the 3-point line. They don't have to kick-out all the time. Do the easy 2s. They don't have to shoot only 3s when they're scrambling in the last few minutes of the game. When Steph is heating up or in psycho mode - let him fly. The moment you pull him out of the game you're dousing flames. They've lost a million games this way. This game was winnable. Trae with the sassy finger-wag. Eww. Bitchassery is such a turn-off. Grizzlies entire roster are bitchasses. I used to think Steven Adams was an alright guy. Changed my mind when I saw him scolding anxious kids for not saying "please" when asking for his autograph in the arena. And snatching a rookie's towel and giving it to Ja.


After that night. Collin’s and JP have similar 3pt numbers.

Ravi Dissanayake

We’ve literally become the Houston rockets ffs


AAAAAND they just lost to the grizzlies again lmao


Draymond owes us one.. well not vs the Grizzlies


I agree with your take that something is up with his mind. I have a theory that getting punched by his veteran teammate and having the coaching staff/organization not give Draymond any real punishment could maybe hinder his trust/willingness to fight for this team. I wonder if he wants a trade


I’m more optimistic on that end. First, Draymond basically admitted this is his last run with Dubs after the punch. Second, the conversation within the organization that we don’t know about also matters. From observation I couldn’t see signs that JP lost his trust in the team. And I believe last night game at Memphis gave us all a big relief on Poole. Kid is good.


Nah, even without KD in 2019 they didn’t just give up. Heck if Danny Green didn’t injure Klay they might very well win game 7 in Toronto (although Klay should have gone for a two feet dunk instead of a one foot dunk, or a simple old man layup; adrenaline was way too high … ). They ain’t LeBron, they play every game without presuming they would lose.

Ryan Mitchell

I honestly don’t know if I can watch any more of this season. Just frustrating as hell. Thanks Alch 🙏🏻