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gsw vs mem gm 67


Derrick Maples

Just chilling watching the rest of the season play out. I expect NOTHING from this team this season and beyond. Like BB King said "The thrill is gone." Another great job on the vid though Alch.

Jansen E

Took me all of 2 minutes into this game to watching something else. 48 pt first quarter lol. And now Kuminga is gonna miss time. Just shut down Steph and don’t let him get injured. There’s literally no point to this season anymore.

Ryan becker

my patients for wiggins is over, no job in the world is letting you take this much time off? especially when you're getting 30 million a year. Are we being lied to? did something happen between the players at practice? it just doesn't feel right anymore- family issues? Also, im going to be at the bucks game tomorrow.......... who's guarding Giannis? LOL


Everyone criticizing Poole, but I would say everyone is playing trash 🗑️


You think it was a mistake trading wiseman? We pretty much trade a no.2 overall pick essentially for nothing/player we already had. Don’t know how Kerr could never find minutes to develop him when we’re losing anyway and somehow guys like Jerome who’s probably the worst defender in the league somehow gets big minutes even in the 4th sometimes?? Now wiseman looks like he’s going pretty good in Detroit


So about Draymond’s podcast clap back; he was just responding to the shit Dillon said!


Meanwhile Wiseman had 16 pts 13 rebs 0 tov 1 blk +13....you can't tell me that he wouldn't be contributing more than Iggy, Jamycal, and Lamb if was just given some runway earlier in the season


What did I say to yall when we were on that 5 game winning streak? Only once they start winning on the road we'll know something has shifted. This 3 game skid has shown that nothing has in fact shifted. Kerr starting 4 guards was the most 2022/2023 Kerr move and it was infuriating.


Am I the only one who thinks that Poole has been seeking a trade through his bad defense? He wasn't a good defender last year either, but I don't remember it being to this extent. I wonder if the organization's reaction to Draymond punching Poole, which was essentially a light tap on the wrist, really frustrated Poole and now he is seeking a trade by not giving effort on defense or giving a shit on offense sometimes? Not to mention, while he's inconsistent, the guy has a lot of skill and did a lot during our championship run last year and it has to be deflating to constantly have to come off the bench and not get credit for last year's success. Wouldn't be surprised if he wanted to get traded to an organization where he could lead the offense and have an organization that sticks up for him in the even he gets punched in the face...


It was clearly a mistake...the young guys were the scapegoats for the losses at the beginning of the season, but now we see the core was just as much as the problem


Even when Wigs and GP2 are back, it's the connectivity that's the issue. How connected are they going to be even with those two back?

Natto Santo

No Wig, JK and GP2, We can only play Zone, and hope we can run another team down at long rebound in counter attack.


I get you but Wise not expected to win there, just play freely, thus the stats. There was immense pressure on his shoulders when he was with the Dubs that it hindered his development. And even if he wasn't traded, Steph didn't wanna play with him anyways. And then Kerr wasn't playing him either so he stood no chance. Poor kid.


The mistake was not trading him last season when he had more value and mystery. Because they didn't trade him last season, Dubs lost GP2 to Portland.


Not doubting that this is the case, but if this IS the case Poole is a little bitch for that mindset. He has a fucking job to do and if the punch is that big of a deal he should get his lick back on Draymond and call it a day. Idk why poole isn’t trying at all on defense this year but if your theory is correct then it’s definitely time to get him the hell out of here


The point is if he can pull of those numbers with rookies and g leaugers, he should be able to do even better with a championship team. He is still playing against NBA teams some of which are contending for play in spots so I don't think we can just discredit his stats bc he's on a rebuilding team....The bigger issue here is that Steph Dray and Klay aren't coaches so they shouldn't be treated as such. Wise could have been the new element to the system that kept opponents on their toes. You can't rely on seasoned players to know exactly when they should pass on the torch and you can't seriously believe that the same system is going to work every year. This is where great coaching comes in to play, but instead you have Kerr coddling the core three which has resulted in losing a ton of games and still not developing for the future.


Another disappoint loss. Kerr should stop putting so many guards on the court. Size and defensive effort should be the key consider when it comes to who should play. The team is desperately crying for leadership, if this is Kobe's team and you are lazy as shit on defense, Kobe would kill you and get you out of the team. But we all know Steph is not that type of leader. And I think after all the scene made earlier this season, Draymond is less vocal as well. IMO Kerr should be the "bad cop" here: bench the people who's not showing effort. And please please keep more people with size on the court.

Jimmy Ji

From a roster construction standpoint, everything that can go wrong has gone wrong. From the punch to extending Poole too early to now having Kuminga AND Wiggins out at the same time? This isn't our year y'all.

Johnny Marko

i have no idea how you stay so calm alch, this shit has been frustrating the shit outta me lmfao. great vid as always my man


Chamberlain, Wilkes,Parrish all went on to better teams…maybe Steph and Klay should follow in their footsteps. We Warrior fans have had an unbelievable run. Since West left things have gone downhill.


if Wiggs is out for the season, we will have an early playoff exit. Missing him and JK last might def hurt us on the defensive side. We could have also used JK's dog mentality to match some of the Grizz's aggression.


Wise might be more of an offensive threat than PBJ, Be on the lookout for pistons next season.


Giannis isn’t likely to even play. Both Wiggins & Giannis are listed as Game-time-decisions.


kd and dray before and now with poole. that’s either a culture thing or he’s got emotional issues. next to ufc there’s no other job where attacking personnel can still keep your job.


remember alch’s video for vanderbilt. perhaps kerr can only coach a curry system and it might’ve been why brown got out.


I feel like this entire regular season has been a bad dream where the NBA is Ashton Kutcher & the GSW are “getting punked.” Which is honestly how I felt about the recent NFL season for the 49ers…the league absolutely allowed the organization to believe they had a chance to compete when, as we know now, we were just being used to prop up another NFC team to lose in the SB. Maybe the Warriors saw this coming a mile away, and have intentionally been refusing to play along – it’s less crazy than a lot more actual things that have happened in the league over the last 20 years. A lot less crazy if we’re being honest…


this the new normal. we gotta blow up this roster and modify the tactics. there was never a back up plan for jku and wiggins out. that’s on kerr. let’s look at how other sports handled their dynasties. with the patriots, in their dynasty their coach reinvented their success multiple times and kept to the core what got the championship in the first place. the 2015 warriors, the first meta still would struggle with the current knicks, kings, bucks, and nugs/lakers


This team lacks the hunger and will to compete this season. DD and Kuminga are the only exception to this. Everyone else is just content to go through the motions


I respectfully disagree. As a young guy coming into an organization, if one of your veteran knocks you out and the organizations response is to ban for a couple of preseason games and that's it, and then have the nerve to ask you if he can play on opening night... like of course he's going to say 'yes' cause there's hella pressure to do so. I feel like the Warriors didn't stand up for one of their players there and I can understand that making him want out


I agree, Derwin. Like what Mychal Thompson indirectly said, Kerr is coaching looking through the back mirror instead of adapting and innovating. Wiseman presented a chance to innovate in the face of a league studying the Warriors and adapting themselves. Instead, he doubled down, even quadrupled down in last night's case, with small ball.


Jesus our defense looked SO BAD


How about have Andre in the starting lineup? Get all the OGs to start the show. 100% Poole's contract extension affected team's dynamic. Put yourself in Draymond's shoes - the floor general who put his heart and soul into the team and took a paycut for KD. But the only thing Lacob cares about is the Lacob Timeline. I saw tweets about how Draymond's pod was baiting Brooks into playing stupidly harder. But I was thinking this only means the Grizzlies will rally around Brooks more than ever. Without Steven Adams they NEED another alpha.

Johnny Marko

kerr has long been known as one of the most stubborn coaches in the league. he sticks to his guns even when they are outta ammo


Say what y'all want but I've never seen Moody make defensive mistakes like these....

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

Throughout the season, I’ve been mostly rolling my eyes when people keep talking about the punch. But I recently remembered how, at the time, Steph described the incident as the type of thing that could “ruin a season”. Looking back at this disaster of a season - particularly the bizarre vibes throughout the organization - maybe he was right?

Ryan becker

Well that was amazing to experience live, one of the best games I have ever witness in person


But Andre sucks, you want him on there on top of what we've seen.