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gsw vs mil gm 68



How was JP’s defensive effort last season? Can’t remember it being this bad but I guess we had Wiggins & GP2 to paper over the cracks. To me it seems like he’s sulking and hes beginning to strike me as one of those guys who think it’s not to cool to try.


Its a shame we have to go on the road for 5.... Our record could be horrible


Gotta savor every damn minute of this championship core, there'll never be anything like them again. Great stuff. Basketball won't be nearly as fun with Steph gone (most of it is unwatchable to me now anyways).


yeah but it's also a good time for them to show if they are pretenders or not. They'll show us who they really are and if they're worth our time lol.


I hope Kerr continues to limit Poole's minutes, especially when Dante is playing so well. He really kills us with the turnovers and poor defense. I don't understand why he's always falling down for no reason. Can't wait for gp2 to get back along with Dante to terrorise opposing guards.

Neal X

I think he's just dense as hell. He's like a puppy, eager to please and works hard but nothing upstairs. You can't just work hard, you have to work smart, and he shows all the hallmarks of someone who thinks he can be the next Steph Curry tomorrow. I think being surrounded by elite talent has actually been detrimental to his game, he's trying to run before he can walk.


Curry with the help of everybody on the team did an excellent job👍


Poole for Jalen Suggs and Wendell Carter. Who says no? Gets dray and looney help


The minute Pooles name is mentioned the Magic hang up.


Sigh… they had interest in him this past off season… we’re gonna end up stuck with him 😭 just wanna have a player who’s tradeable and desirebale by the league that isn’t our big 3


Totally agree, there r two choices imo, play Poole so he gets a couple of fancy dribble drives etc. to interest other teams and have our defense suck, or bench him, have our defense improve and expose Poole for the 10th or 11th best player on the team that he is. Second option means we win more but we can't get shit for him.

Strong Foru

Let's go warriors!!!


I don't want to see Ty Jerome play one more minutes, and what are they sitting on Anthony Lamb? Jerome is horrifying on defense, making all kinds of stupid moves to leave opponents open. Offensively, even the Bucks knew he sucks and left him open. They were playing 3 on 5 when Jerome and Draymond/ Looney/ Iggy were both on court for God's sake! He is the one player that's consistent at home and on the road.


All the podcast I listen to wonders why Warriors sucked on the road. Can we just say it: they suck because they chose not to play on the road. Even if they lost all the remaining road games, can we just chill? 3 months away if they want to repeat and no one knows how to save their body for the last better than Steph, Klay and Draymond. This is not an apologist's take.


And If Kerr didn't tell him how to play and just put him out there waiting for himself to figure it out, it's irresponsible. If Kerr did, even worse. Either way, the Ty Jerome experiment has concluded long long ago.


Remember last October and early November when they had GP2 and used to run opponents off the court within the 3rd quarter lockdown? JP was playing. They ran KD and Harden ass off in 3rd quarter without Steph. I think JP is getting inconsistent messages on defense. He was not even a defensive liability in the playoff last year.

Ryan Mitchell

Goes to show you where we are this year: celebrating big a win against the Bucks WITHOUT Giannis. What an open and down year. Thanks Alch 🙏🏻


It's about damn time. Times X.

Andreas Wiedemann

his handles aren`t good enough yet to get him through trouble. If you look at steph, he gets into a lot of hectic situations too, but the ball doesnt get out of control much. poole gets himself in the same situations, but it looks like he then has to shift his attention to the control of the ball or does his predetermined dribble moves.

Derrick Maples

Steph is the Warriors' best rim protector. lol