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gsw vs por gm 62



Hey Alc, I remember you said you working on your Gut, I am as well, and recently my holistic dr recommended me going on a strict keto diet( no carbs,no sugars, and no diary) which entails, I eat soon as I wake up and stop eating at 1pm, I must say I'm starting to see benefits. Also make sure you add some magnesium, activated quercetin and Medicare supplements for your immune system

Connor H

Rubs me to catch a predator had me fucking DEAD bro 💀


Poor Dame


To catch a predator is one of your best jokes ever fam lmaooo. I'd love if they got Noel or Chriss as a buyout big, just for front court depth. Wouldn't need them to play tons of mins, but what do you think? Steph, GPII, Wiggs hopefully all back soon to. Sleeping giant is the right way to put it.

Branden Edwards

It's become clear last season wasn't Contract Kevon, it was the arrival of Prime Kevon


I'm normally not a pessimist but.. come on guys. This three game win streak has all been at home against inferior competition, and we needed luck to win one of them. If they start winning on the road, then we can start saying that they are on the rise

Joshuah Jerge

Eubanks thought Steve Kerr was Chris Hansen 💀💀💀

Arjan Gill

Great win. Turn around point in our season right there, with the blazers being neck and neck in the standings, no Steph, down 20+. We back!!

Neal X

Steph expected to return next week. There's still hope.


Not sure how people haven't identified that the Warriors success rate is dictated by the quality and depth of their opponents bigs. In match ups where the Dubs give up a ton of size on the glass at 5, they need to shoot the lights out to get the W. They need to go get Noel or another proper center.


(Love that a few wins get logged and no one wants to tank anymore...this fanbase is way too fucking extra)


Hi Alc, I was curious if you could explain more about the Box and 1 defense? I just remember in 2019 I saw people criticizing the Raptors for using it in the finals and calling it like a middle school defense but we have done it now too against the Mavs in the playoffs and now against Portland. Is it just something you do when you are only worried about one main player like Dame and Luka? Why do you think it is becoming more popular after people criticized it before?


It's not the Keto It's that you cut out diary, sugar, and processed bread Disease and parasites all feed off sugar. And diary, especially the version we are being fed is is essentially poison But regardless, glad you're feeling better and keep running with it for a while while, but you no need to eat super early 🍀


Right, the concept is we are really only worried about one player and we want to force/ bait you into having none scorers make plays. you see a lot of funky stuff work at the HS level where you truly may only have 1-2 kids that can play on a given team. In theory NBA teams should easily be able to dissect it, Nick Nurse figured out .. hey teams aret ready to deal with 3-2 zone press on a Tuesday night or a box in 1 out of the blue. I think the key is the element of surprise, and Nurse opened Pandora's box with it in the NBA where I think it was kinda of thought of as taboo or "bush league" but its a copy cat league


I still want to see this defensive intensity on the road but I will say this is the exact same time of year we started clicking 2 years ago. Also Portland loves losing to us in the exact same way every time dont they?


I hear you.. at the same time look around! Outside of Denver none of these teams look that good. I know a lot of my optimism comes from the other teams


yeah the big body thing is like boiling a frog... even last night Eubanks was giving us some trouble. If we hadnt gone into that zone probably would have hurt us more


appreciate the advice.. im going pretty much keto as well.. tho I need rice or some fruit on heavy training days. I agree with Stevie I think what ever end of the spectrum you are on whether its vegan, carnivore or somewhere in between. The key is sugar and processed carbs. Got to find a balance and not get caught supplementing with weird fake healthy stuff.


Warriors staff pulled up. We gon be alright. Kerr with a billion IQ. In about two weeks or whenever from now things finna get real spicy.

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

“I know this coaching staff,” [Draymond] Green said. “I know when they put specific game plans together, it works. I’ve seen it work year after year, playoff run after playoff run. When they lock in and put a specific game plan together, we want to guard guys this way, we want to make this guy score and not let this guy, when they do that, it works.” Given the defense this season, I can’t tell if this is praise, happy talk or shots fired.

Derrick Maples

I'm still skeptical Alch. I still think they're a 1st round exit. We gon' see...


Yup and they just signed Lester to a 10-day so prob a sign it’s gonna be Ty or Lamb


Don't forget just like 2 years ago, we clicked right after Wiseman got hurt 2 years ago and this year right after Wiseman got dumped.


Can we please please keep Donte. He's a basketball player, and his 3 point shot form is fire. Trade Poole for a big if anyone will take him with that toxic contract. If you like Poole because of his occasional outbursts of success, all I ask is spend a game watching Poole not hustle back on D and then watch him play D for the entire possession. When you do, you will see why so many of us know he is giving away so many easy buckets that his offense rarely makes up for it. When he's on fire maybe it's a wash, when he's cold or he's tripping himself and a turnover machine it's horrific. And remember he is shooting below 33% on 3's and that's almost exactly his career average. That's abysmal for a scoring guard who doesn't get assists, doesn't play D and turns the ball over like he does.


I have had that thought also, but I don't think they can keep Donte unless he is willing to hang around for a few years on the MLE until we have his bird rights and can sign him to a real contract due to the salary cap situation.


Thoughts on JMG? Was getting going than vanished like thin air. Could he be bought out and replaced and that allows us to either sign a guy on the market or both 2 ways? Heard he is a pouter and has no voice? Not very veteran like… thought anyone?


Thanks. I haven’t looked into how to keep him but damn I want him on the team. Jordan at 140 is a toxic amount of money for an inefficient scorer with no other skills and therefor he’s unloadable.


Also, after Klay went down (and missed game 3 with another injury) Draymond Green was the second leading scorer on the Warriors team that couldn't beat a box and one in the finals. So, part of what made it seem cheesy at the time was it pretty clearly only worked in the finals because two out of three scorers on a top heavy team both were catastrophically injured in the same series. (That said, props to Nurse for being able to adjust on the fly and take advantage of an opponent's vulnerability.)


Feel like he needs games off to stay fresh. When he had that great series against Denver in the bubble, he was down a significant amount of minutes in the series against Dallas right before (14 vs 20.7 in the regular season). Now he's three years older. Would rather have him be good for a few games and DNP the others than mediocre all the time


I probably said this like 5 times already we need to keep Donte Hes making up for Steph absense in shooting and playmaking and Wiggins on defense.


I can already imagine Donte gp2 Draymond and wiggins Looney thats scary defense right there

Ryan becker

Seems like the FO office told green to prove his max contract. Well seems like he’s doing it. He’s been the most reliable of the big three. I don’t know how they’re going to do it


can anybody transcribe the chirping that was going on at the FT line before half? I couldn't make it out...