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gsw vs min gm 61



Unwrapped a mummy 😆 So good! I new from day one when I heard your dubs love, b-ball iq & ridiculous sense of humor that I’m rolling with you as long as you keep doing your thing. Never gets old. Appreciate you and your work, Alch!


Tough to watch these games at times.. On one hand, down 3 starters and a win should absolutely be celebrated. I'm glad they did correct the 3 pt trigger finger at times but it gets frustrating to see so many layups turned into 3 pt atttemps. While I can accept losing due to not playing as well, it's so hard to watch when they just make dumb plays. With that last 30 seconds, they should have just lost the game. They almost deserved to.


The takeaway this season: TRADE FOR NAZ REID IN THE OFFSEASON!


Anyone seen Vando in the Lakers last 5 games (4 wins 1 loss)? How did Bob miss him? It it just stupidity or what?


Now this is a good win.. didn’t expect warriors to win this one but we had a good gameplan and didn’t guve up or get frantic when were down so many times this game..


You just keep on getting better. Keep up with the insights. Always makin' gold.


ALC is the best Warriors content going right now. Everyone else is somewhat annoying this season lol. I like the "Oakland Warriors" guy too.


Nerlens Noel just got bought out. 28 yo. do you see a fit here? will kerr play him?


I suspected when Draymond got injured the Warriors we gonna go on a run, because if the team is bottom in defense then there's no point playing 4v5 offense.


for me it was the mummy joke 🤣🤣 but yeah I’m definitely on the DDV> JP train. And I don’t even think it’s a tough decision.


Anyone feel free to respond but with the Nerlen’s Noel news of him being bought out I looked back into comparing him to Serge Ibaka and did y’all know he’s only 33? I mean that’s not old or young but to be a backup 5 with playoff experience and can hit the occasional 3 i don’t know how there’s a debate between the two. Anyone else have any buyout suggestions?

k fish

Welp looks like Wiseman been more then serviceable since getting away from kerr. Certainly better then our 2 way guys getting run or jmg. Sure u will still nit pick him alc but yea talent evaluation isn't a strength of yours bro. Good breakdown though, would love to see more jk but we know who the coach is

Neal X

I've stayed loyal to Poole longer than a lot of fans I've seen but man... I'm starting to turn against him, the guy just isn't showing the IQ. At this point I'd rather let him walk if we can keep Donte, that man is legit.

Neal X

Well I think like Alch said in his video on big men, we just need an "emergency" big, not someone who is necessarily going to play heavy minutes. Someone who can go in tough situations or tough matchups, give us high effort for a short amount of time, burn up 6 fouls if needed, etc.


@neal valid points. You might have changed my mind. Honestly need anyone to take lambs minutes. Im worried that kerr might pull a varejao and play him in clutch minutes during the offs


Greatness from you, Alc. The mummy comment I am sorry whoever missed that. And totally agree on Klay. Amazing redemption arc and playing like Alcs GOAT


Like Alch always says, you have to ‘want’ something to succeed in basketball. Such as defense. Im not sure kerr wants to develop anyone. On the other hand, its a hard juggling act if wanting to win and wanting to develop


dude naz went undrafted


this new lineup is solid with Klay leading

Ken Bradford

Same saw that in the Athletic comment section. Auction off Poole to whomever get some solid ideally cheap help at the roster backend and try to resign donte

k fish

His defense has been fine since being on the pistons....while ours is still piss poor. Maybe Wiseman wasn't the problem but the coaching and loss of Mike brown....it takes a coach to put a guy in a position to succeed. Also this notion that he couldn't develop wise is a joke. Minutes will help him develop, he is already better them lamb, Jerome and jmg...3 guys who played over him and suck on defense. The anti Wiseman club has no ground to stand on. ....and this is only like 3 games in lol maybe you will start to question the real problem which is kerr

Ken Bradford

Kinda done with Poole I just don’t think he’ll be the player we need him to be especially at that price. Hope he proves me wrong

k. marcelous

"Leader Klay." I'm here for it all Alch. Another great take! Keep em coming!

paul reboca sr

Bro, we need to call a meeting with Joe and the boys and figure out a way to keep Double D. talk about a killa


Dump Poole and keep Donte. I'd give you 2 Pooles for 1 Donte. Poole will be a culture and cap killer wherever he goes. Thinking back on his mega salary signing and subsequent knock out I'll bet Dray knew that Pooles 140 million was going to wreck Dray's money and have adverse affects for the coming Steph/Klay/Dray window going forward. I'm not condoning the punch but I believe Dray knew that signing Poole and his zero D attitude would be a Warrior killer.


I try not to be so biased with lamb but if he ain’t hitting shot and doing what he needs to do he can’t be on the floor. I sound like it’s playoff time but rn every game matters. Gotta find the right player in the buyout market


imo they probably have donte shooting it more because... he's shooting the fkn lights out lol. no idea the real percentage but my eye test has him looking like 40%ish out there, no?