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gsw vs lal gm 56



kerr FR acts like were not gonna need kuminga come playoff time the way he plays him. close game situations were he can be developing experience, he's on the bench


Yo Alchemy, should there be trade limits? It seems to benefit the formations of one time teams rather than drafting and building a long term squad.


Gotta give it up the Lakers Front Office, what a great job they did retooling the team and going for a chip even with an aging star. That's how it's done. They got a bunch of players who would be a perfect fit on the dubs as well, particularly Vando. Vando has been an underrated beast for a while.


I'm done with Poole. He has to go.

Mikey H

refs are crazy. They were beatin the shit out of AD- no calls. Looked at any other player- instant whistle. Refs were treatin AD worse than steph last night


and their fans were killing Pulinka all year and saying how terrible he was his job. the man said bet


I think this pretty much says it all: https://twitter.com/NBA_University/status/1624763114188070914. Last year we had high iq vets who could lift up Poole and cover up his mistakes. This year we expected Poole to carry the bench and all the inexperienced youngsters, and it's turned out to be a huge mistake.


they couldn't even beat the Lakers its pathetic, Klay missed like 100 consecutive shots, everyone is sitting on the Warriors' plays!

Mikey H

Honestly, these guys don't look good. even when steph is playin. Half court offense is stale, they just shoot 3s, & some low prob middies, thats it. rarely ever drive. Defensively, opponents gettin anywhere they want. i don't remember their offense being this bland last year. maybe im wrong? Either way, they need a serious change up


and I couldn't believe they passed on Vando!

Kahlil Baker

In his defense, he’s a 2 guard playing point. He shouldn’t be running the offense. His passing is coming along but they should be running someone who can control the game along side him at all times.


The only defense foe not getting Vando is that he required a 1st rounder. Now if they just didn't want to trade a pick for him it's inexcusable since he's exactly what this roster needs. But there's a possibility they have a backup plan this season to make a big trade that includes the 2023 rookie, the 26 and 28 first and come combination of young talent for an All-Star If that isn't the plan though, yeaa they fucked up royally not getting Vanderbilt, I been pushing for them to get him since the Gobert trade


How long do we have to live with the bullshit 5 on 4 offense with Draymond on an island? He's not even contributing defensively in the final minutes, completely out of position on these simple pick and rolls, appearing gassed. Talk about accountability, Draymond needs a long break.

Chip Tingle

Thanks Alch. I think you answered your own question about why Ty was in rather than JK. JP and Klay were both in shoot first mode, and Kerr wanted more point mind from somebody. JP will be able to shift gears down the road, but not yet. Almost no one wins with 4 minute scoring droughts in 4th along with 10 fewer points at the line. Closers aren’t playing smart enough to actually close out! And props to LakeShow for making serious moves, as they’re a tough out again. They got more shooting, more D, more boards, and more ENERGY! Now if LBJ doesn’t kill it for the cameras…

k fish

Bruh shut up you're a kuminga hater, go find a team


many of us have. IDK if they were dead set on OG from the beginning and that's why they didn't push for vando, or if that was some last-ditch move at the deadline. but you'd got to think they had something better to offer the jazz than what LA did?


they tried Jerome but having both out there kills the defense. Like Alc said, they should play kuminga more. he has playmaking abilities when donte not out there

Ryan Mitchell

Something about this loss just didn’t sit right. Thanks Alch 🙏🏻