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gsw vs was gm 57



Maybe it’s recency bias but has kuminga attacked the rim less recently? Switch more to play making and jump shots. Wish he could find a happy medium and get to the line and collect some fouls on the other team. I feel like he’s driven less and has become a little “rusty” in that aspect. Which makes get offensive fouls more

Daniel Fries

Alch, Lakob should be paying you to keep the season's narrative interesting for dubnation. put you on postgame live I might even watch it

Andres Lozano

Past couple games the defense has treated him like Dray when he’s at the perimeter and there’s a good rim protector waiting for him in Porzingis and Davis compared to attacking Jokic

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

The more I think about the Wiseman trade, the angrier I get. It was just horrible asset management. It’s fine if Wise didn’t fit our system, but he’s a 7ft dude with great touch, who can move his feet, and, by all accounts, would work hard to do what the team asked. And the team couldn’t get anything out of him?? Nothing?? It’s fkn unacceptable. He’s soft, he doesn’t play defense…fine. Give him 8 minutes a game specifically drawn up to highlight his strengths and minimize his weaknesses. That might have been all it took to be able to trade him for real assets - not a depleted GP2. If you don’t want him, then the job is to do your best to convince the league that he’s the next KAT. We did the opposite. Its just madness. Throwing valuable assets in the trash is NOT the way to support the oh so precious core. Okay, rant over.

Nathan Glanzer

I think he's realized that at this stage of his career he's not going to get calls and only attacks when he truly feels he's got a lane to score not just draw a foul 'cause the refs just ain't giving it to him. I counted 3 this game that were fouls on anyone else in the league but not our boy.


Life of Pi/ Kuzma in a dress lmao...This was a good win....I just hope they can be more consistent and I hope they can do this one the road


Great breakdown as always alc, the best in the game !!


There is a certain podcast host who has an irrational hatred of Ty. Last night on Twitter he posted a series of Ty's bad defensive sequences. I thought to myself, heck you could easily do the same for JP every night. Lets be honest, Steph too. Look, you don't want him playing 20 minutes a night, and we've had to play him more than we should, but in a perfect world he's a solid 11th or 12th guy. The number one thing that Kerr loves about him is that he doesn't turn the ball over. A 7:1 assist to TO ratio last night. Nice. Hope JMG's wrist does not become a thing because him playing playing like its 2020 is an integral part of us threading the playoff needle this year.


Great game for Warriors we almost let it go again but I loved Wiggins game. Loved J. green showing his game off. I think he takes his clothes off before a 💩. He has that look to him. I know I stole that from you Alch but you had me rolling! 💯! Anybody notice Dre had 0 rebounds in 23 mins? WTF! Let’s steal one from the LA Strippers!

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

Totally agree. I think my favorite part of this season was the first half of that homestand in December (before Kuminga went down). During those string of games, it became clear that our bench had some straight up winners - Ty Jerome played a huge role in making those games special. Just a smart, skilled, poised dude who competes.

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

I’m not sure, but I feel like he just kinda had that spin move and teams were ready for it ps If that is what happened, pretty cool that he’s adapted, rather than forcing it

Thomas Ogas

Absolutely loved your energy on this breakdown. And I'm still laughing over the "Life of Pi" random reference!


Poole looking more and more like a guy that just signed a huge contract and he doesn't give a shit. At least he's passing now, but his turnovers are kind of funny, so many times he trips himself. I ask you reading this, how many times have you dribbled the ball until you tripped and fell on the ground face first. I think I can remember maybe twice in my life. Poole might average about 2 times a game when he trips himself and lands on the floor face first. I can't say I've ever seen a small do it even half as much in my entire life


Fans will be fans but hating on two ways and vet min guys like ty and d lee is some weak shit.


Moses Moody stepped up 👏JMG and DD did their thing and props to active Looney. I’m too casual to fully understand the nuances of long bball strat. Kerr got the long term vision. Yo Alc you think we might get Santos on the roster within the playoffs?

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-27 10:26:11 I think the front office/coaching and draymond really messed up our dynasty. Just finished Clip& Dubs game and I don’t see it anymore we cooked
2023-02-15 05:40:10 I think the front office/coaching and draymond really messed up our dynasty. Just finished Clip& Dubs game and I don’t see it anymore we cooked

I think the front office/coaching and draymond really messed up our dynasty. Just finished Clip& Dubs game and I don’t see it anymore we cooked


Even though we won the game against the wizards, I still think the way we play is not enough. The end of the third quarter was horrible and shows what kind of season the warriors play. I already punted on the season. I can only hope that Kerr and the older players learn from that season and make the necessary adjustments. Also I hope that the younger players get more playing time.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-27 10:26:33 Yup pretty much how I feel. Moving Wiseman for GP2 was a bad move as this game shows we need really need a big but we knew that all along. Draymond punching poole made the team lose trust in him so now we don’t have the emotional leader. Poole & Wiggs getting the bag clearly show that’s we probably won’t retain Dray an integral part of our defense and offense. Not to mention Poole’s lack of defense or effort is just not a good sight to see. We might be competitive and still show flashes but unless we have a huge revelation I don’t see championship success in the next few years
2023-02-15 14:36:37 Yup pretty much how I feel. Moving Wiseman for GP2 was a bad move as this game shows we need really need a big but we knew that all along. Draymond punching poole made the team lose trust in him so now we don’t have the emotional leader. Poole & Wiggs getting the bag clearly show that’s we probably won’t retain Dray an integral part of our defense and offense. Not to mention Poole’s lack of defense or effort is just not a good sight to see. We might be competitive and still show flashes but unless we have a huge revelation I don’t see championship success in the next few years

Yup pretty much how I feel. Moving Wiseman for GP2 was a bad move as this game shows we need really need a big but we knew that all along. Draymond punching poole made the team lose trust in him so now we don’t have the emotional leader. Poole & Wiggs getting the bag clearly show that’s we probably won’t retain Dray an integral part of our defense and offense. Not to mention Poole’s lack of defense or effort is just not a good sight to see. We might be competitive and still show flashes but unless we have a huge revelation I don’t see championship success in the next few years

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

@Jakob. Agreed. Although my beef is less about playing time per se - it’s more about Kerr’s ability to squeeze as much juice out of each player as possible (pause). His ability to put every player in the best situation to succeed and help the team either in wins or in the trade market. For example, was there any good reason to start playing Wise 18 minutes at the beginning of the season? He’d been away for two years and being asked to play a role that depends on timing. Even vets remark on how fast the game feels when they’ve been away. Was giving him that many minutes out of the gate the best way to help the team? Why was he playing more minutes than Kuminga, who was more experienced, had played more recently and was less likely to need time easing into things?

Strong Foru

Never fully count the warriors out especially if everyone's healthy going into the playoffs.


Couldn’t agree more. Not to mention giving Kevon and Draymond a little bit of rest each game. It’s a win win