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gsw vs por gm 55



Are we turning into the Rockets, cmon being 3 happy probably costed us the 2016 and 2019 titles


They really love those Villanova boys huh


Ran into GP2 at Made Hoops in Portland (my daughter was hooping) and I took a pic with him and my daughter. Dude is chill af. Smiling the whole time.

Kahlil Baker

All these teams are making moves, LA just traded Pat Bev for Mo. Mavs got Kyrie, Suns got KD. I’m not understanding why we haven’t made any moves for anyone.


Yall we just got GP2!

Mikey H

so basically wiseman for gp2 yeah? more to it but that's the end result i'm seeing


there is a god ... but really, why all this drama, why not get rid of wiseman before the season started and just keep GP2 ... PS I NEVER liked the Wiseman pick but I hope he does well in detroit... I dont think the warriors training staff is all that it is made out to be With durant and Kyrie out west, we have little chance, but still hanging with the dubs till it hurts too much


With the recent acquisition of GP2 does this mean goodbye lamb? What do the warriors do here bc we don’t really have good size unless they’re banking on JMG to take a big step moving forward. Could they play the buyout market? Thoughts?


The Wiseman complete miss is now gone. I've said many times that Paddles just didn't have it but I wish him well, he seems like a nice kid and who knows Wemby may well end up in Detroit for the start of his run anyway, so maybe he grows with them. GP2 is a good fit for the Steph window but he's making a lot of money and I'm sure Portland was glad to dump his salary, basically he and Wiseman are overpaid but at least GP2 fits well.


We probably could have gotten some lower picks or a bench big if we traded wiseman before the season started AND kept GP2. This whole waste of a rare second pick in the draft and the way the warriors subsequently handled the mess will probably leave a bad taste in my mouth for awhile. This is the kind of stuff that tastes sour when I put my heart and soul out for my Warriors.

Abhi Kelkar

It's Kerr's excuse for us. Part of me thinks he's made a conscious decision to focus on it so much. Our offense last year seemed way more varied


With Chris Paul fuckery almost over, is Kyrie gonna end up in Phoenix next yr?


Just finished watching the livestream. I might as well follow your lead and put a couple bills on Volk, +300 is spicyyyyy

Andreas Wiedemann

you can train a rhino as long as you want, it will never become a unicorn. that said i think ownership wanted to stick to the plan, maybe this is also a sign that bob is free to take more decicions now.


Are the nets Utah east now?