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gsw vs den gm 52



the ironically part was too funny watched it like 10 times!


the nuggets rn are what the warriors should have been if bogut or mcgee or kd never left


Jordan Poole for Jonathon Isaac?

Captain Rossco

This team needs a shake-up. The vets are unmotivated, the youth aren't getting minutes (outside of Poole and a little bit of JK). The other teams have caught up to the Warriors and now we're the ones behind. We have too many non-scoring players and are happy with the turnovers. It sucks that we're going to waste our only season with Donte. If Curry, Klay and Dray want to keep the band together, they sure aren't playing like it.

Natto Santo

It seems to be the wake-up call we need for Chef for Kerr and for the FO. The team now knows we are no match for Denver now. Either give up or step up.

Jerry Heverly

I don’t agree with your criticism of Jerome for not making the risky pass. The Warriors have enough turnover machines as it is; his job is to be the adult in the room, not turn the ball over.


Did it come off as criticism? I agree it’s a healthy change. I brought it up for context to passing to Wiseman

k fish

Lol risky? Ty Jerome dropped the ball out of bounds and takes terrible shots at times, far from an adult in the room, the offense would be better with him on the bench and playing thru wise and jk


I’m surprised you haven’t been reaming Wiggins, I agree on the breakdown but I thought you would be going in on Wiggins about now, the man is unplayable I mean missing layups? Missing easy dunks in OT vs Min. He’s been trash lately beyond so, JK has legit outplayed him. We need our wings to score especially with no Klay and Wiggs provided nothing all game was just a person on the court no impact whatsoever. Wiseman shouldn’t get another DNP all season, he needs reps and he’s more impactful than JMG even when he messes up. Kerr is embarrassing himself not playing the kid. Damn the politics he’s sabotaging the season and this teams potential by not playing him. Harsh reality is, we may not make play in, and with Steph on the team that’s inexcusable and unacceptable.


Wow never realised the problem with wise till you pointed it out ,cause i still remember when we drafted him he would be open a lot but they wouldnt pass to him.So it does make sense on passing angles and all that but also were some that were wide open looks for him an they would miss him


After this game; i am now convinced that we can't win a chip this year, and the sad thing is, its not because of the people we have, its all mentality issue, Dray being passive, Poole didn't get the guidance he needed from him, Wiseman trained as a traditional big "which he clearly isn't", instead of an actual perimeter defender "which he is really good at", Klay never adjusting and studying the game, instead just forcing things in a mental trap against himself, making the young once feel disrespected... this is a real mess.

Ryan Mitchell

Thanks Alch 🙏🏻🔥


I'm even surprised how Kuminga is enchanting his game so much in this environment because clearly, Kerr isn't helping him and not letting him fulfil his true potential yet. How we handle Wiseman's situation is just terrible. I mean, they continue to say that "Oh, yeah, he's a great kid, a great talent and bla bla", but they why you don't use him. Trade him then, don't ruin a guy's career by using him wrong and not letting him any developing time. I don't think we can help Mood and Wise here so it's better to trade them now and don't waste their precious time when they can develop skills they need further in their career. If they think that JMJ is better than Wise at this point of the season, then it's over for him in the Warriors.


Last year's success is hurting us so much. We won the whole thing, and we didn't make any trades so now, I guess, they think they can do the same thing and I genuinely think talent-wise we can in theory, but in practice not so much. Steph played his best playoff performance which he should show again and while it's possbile he is not going to play any better than 30mpg on crazy efficiency so there's that, Draymond is the same, but less athletic and older, but maybe he can switch to his beast mode in the playoff and here's the main question that we have can Wiggs show up as he did last year? He was a defensive menace and monster on rebounds and was constantly displaying his superior athleticism dunking on Luka's and Clark's heads and all that while being an efficient second/third scorer on offence, that was a peak of Andrew Wiggins, I mean, I am not sure he can repeat that. Klay was kind of average so prob he's gonna perform the same if not better, but it's Klay, you never know he can shoot 1-11 or drop 50 pieces. Poole is the same as Klay but terrible at defence. We lost GP2 and Porter while obtaining Donte and Kuminga to some extent since he didn't really play last play-off. So can they bring the same impact? In theory, yes, but will they? It's a big question mark, and we also add drama to our struggles with other teams being better than they were, so our chances don't look good at all. I mean, at its best this team can beat anybody, but it's not likely that they can reach that level, unfortunately, unless Wiggs, Steph and Klay will play at their absolute best. Dray is doing fine to my eye, Looney is as good as always and man hope Kerr will use Kuminga better, we need him, without his impact we are not winning it. We're just too small and Wiggs being like he is rn we don't even have any athletic player at all except Kuminga. If they could use Wise, but it's a dream at this point.


yea also concerning Wiseman, he should be used as a SF, a Michael Porter Jr, not a center, its not happening, and i though GS was light years ahead, while treating Wiseman as a traditional big

Neal X

Lol I vote for "King Koopa" to be his official nickname... let's make it happen