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I live in Minnesota now, so I cant


This year I can't, I live in Montana and couldn't afford league pass. Last year I did though


Always. My wife and I have only missed about 15 live games in the past 7-8 years, but we always watched them later and only afterwards do we watch the breakdowns. It's not always easy, since we're in Europe and games start at 3-4-5 AM, but it's well worth it. Shout-out from Romania!


Rarely, games start at 5 am and 3 am since I ive in finland. I tried for a month but my mental health suffered from it. I have been always to watch the playoffs though, less obligation with school and such that time of the year anyways.


Most of the time

Ken Bradford

At 50% this season mainly because the new leaguepass app sucks and doesn’t work half the time. Only recently been able to watch a game without error messages


This season we've started avoiding the games where they play like crap. We watch games to be entertained, not annoyed. Your breakdowns, OTOH, are a must-watch -- after the games we do watch, and instead of the games we skip.


When I get the time and chance yeah but I rely on your videos on this platform


I'm overseas. Live games are at night for me. But honestly, I don't really watch live sports anymore. Especially when there are all the time outs and add breaks going on. Playoffs, that's when I might stay up for a pivotal game. Or watch it in compressed version the next morning. I do look out for these breakdowns!!! Sometimes I have to delay bedtime, because I know Alch is going to deliver any moment.


I live in Cambodia (American) + I work ridiculous hours. Your breakdowns are how I understand the ebbs and flows of the team. Appreciate you!


Work a lot through the week, try to watch recording on the weekends. Watch the breakdowns rather then watching highlights online. You give a better overall flow of the game and commentary always appreciated.

Nathan Glanzer

I've found a reliable site that has the game up right after it's done, and split by quarter. It's hard for me to find the time for every game but what I usually do is check the box score and watch the good quarters, and your breakdown. And now I catch Jason T on the Volume, you should try to collab with him he's a solid basketball mind.