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The steph and Ky news coming out as Im finishing up, I will drop a thorough pod tomorrow 



gsw vs dal



It's crazy that the starting 5 is STILL almost unbeatable. Best lineup in the league by far. Really shows how bad the depth and chemistry down the roster really is. Two timelines fell flat on its face hard this year. Having this .500 record when you have the best starting 5 in the league is really a stain on Lacob/the front office.


This season is a wrappitty wrap even if Steph is only out a couple of weeks. It's clear as day that the consistent effort and focus as a team just isn't there. Time to really pivot to a post big 3 era. You don't trade them but the younger guys have to be the focus of minutes and development on the floor.

k fish

Lol you're so slow you don't get it, two timeliness? They haven't played the young guys clown, the starting lineup doesn't play all together all game this isn't hockey, that Stat means nothing, a coaches job is to put together lineups that make sense and play his best players, he hasn't done that. Kerr has sabatoged this year, had more then enough talent on the roster, he just never been much of a coach if we being honest. I already told you stop speaking about a sport you don't understand.....u said jk sucked just a few months ago and defended Kerr for dnp him while the team fell down the gutter. Jk is the only bright spot on this team right now. A bunch of the starters have thrown away multiple games this year, but Kerr is the biggest reason for this teams struggles. Ego and not understanding basketball is more then screens and 3s....

k fish

Imagine trying to blame two timeliness when jk Been 1 of the best and important player on the team lol and the other guys don't get a chance


Yes Kerr sabotaged this year, listen to yourself dummy. You're a clown with terrible grammar. Kuminga was a low efficiency player early in the year, and he's adjusted and Kerr's short leash worked. Now ask yourself why isn't working on the other guys? is it because they might SUCK? lol Moody gets outplayed by Lamb and has been given plenty of chances. Name another contending team that has 5-6 developmental roster spots dude, name a team...i'll wait. This is why the core and Myers/Kerr have beef with Lacob right now, they want to win NOW. They JUST WON A CHAMPIONSHIP yet you're saying the are 'sabotaging' this season lmao. You're a Wisetard too aren't you? clown. Embarrassing. Klay is actually having a better offensive year than last year, so is Curry, so is Draymond (best shooting splits of his career)..yet you're blaming the core? dumbass.


Two timelines = Kuminga, Wiseman, Jerome, Poole, PBJ, Rollins you idiot. NAME A CHAMPIONSHIP team with that many developmental roster spots. Name any good team in the league built like that? I'll wait. Go ahead, name a team dude. The core wanted WINNING VETS, but the Front office gave them two timelines. Keep Sucking on Lacob's dong dude, it's pathetic...I'll roll with the core and coach and GM who has given us 4 rings. Pathetic stuff. And your grammar isterrible and difficult to read and take seriously, learn proper english dummy. It's only right that you're a Wisetard as well, no instincts.


This steph injury is exactly why I always agreed with the 2 timelines, Steph is 34 years old and with age comes more injuries, it sucks but it's the way it is.


those are valuable roster spots taken up by development. Tell me a roster ANYWHERE in the HISTORY OF THE NBA where this has worked lmao. tell me clown. I own you.


Just took a look at Damion Lee's stats this year, he's having an amazing year. People talk about how we let go of GP2 and OPJ because of two timelines, but losing guys like Lee and JTA for two timelines was also devastating. Guys like that brought maximum effort, energy, and discipline every night and had great chemistry with the core. We essentially gave Lee away for Moody, and Lee is having a shooting season that Moody could only dream of....47% from 3! Two timelines fail again.....


100% agree with you Alch.. I may be late to the Kuminga train fully but I would start prepping Kuminga to be the 2nd option coming into next year.. if I were Kerr… Kuminga needs 25+ minutes regardless of mistakes.. and I’m giving Wiseman snd moody 15 minutes to try and figure out what I have and the best way to gameplan their playstyles… a positive is maybe we can win enough games to stay in the play in mark, give the core 5 some much needed rest, and develop the young players even further or we just play them out the rest of the year, sit steph out and come back next year with a much deeper.. hopefully more hungry team


Exactly.. I’ve been arguing with people for thus exact reason.. curry, draymond, and klay aren’t necessarily the definition of health… imagine we traded all the young guys a few weeks ago.. now we’d be praying to get a gimpy steph out there


Alch, you preached and we saw how great kuminga was tonight. How come he wasn’t out there to close the game out and even play defense. I hope Poole realizes that once this curry era is over and he officially is handed the keys… it’ll be kuminga driving the car

k fish

Lol you mad I been killing you all year bruh 🤣 you don't watch basketball you listen to talking heads, I can tell by you're two timeliness talk. Again you can't blame players who aren't playing dumbass, with the young guys this roster is still one of the most talented in the NBA and that's not debatable....but you don't watch basketball so you wouldn't know that. I can name you guys doing more with less.....pelicans got a bunch of young guys who are key contributors, kings have a rookie starting, nuggets have young guys playing.....etc..your counting the roster spots as if it's relevant especially when you got iggy sitting there....Kerr endorsed him, the starters along with poole jmg who Kerr wanted, ddv, kuminga, moody, Wiseman and since Kerr loves the lamb and ty are way more then enough. But when you're coach panics and benches guys because be sucks at his job that's when u lose....now you out here sucking off Kerr when it's clear he has been pathetic. Who says the vets and Myers are mad at lacob? I think Myers is pissed at kerr.....sitting his draft picks when they clearly can help. You trying to change the narrative because you're daddy Kerr is getting exposed lol if anything u and him look dumb for not playing the young guys more, Kerr is doing the worse coaching job I'm the nba


We're all ready to blow this thing up, but this ain't a typical season. Spots 4-13 in are up for grabs each night. Noone is pulling away, so we could still be in the race.


keep suckling up to Lacob and his two timelines, I"m sure it'll work out for you. Wiseman will be GREAT!! LOL. There's a reason why these guys ride for each other, Kerr rides for the core and Myers rides for the core. You keep siding with the young bums and Lacob tho lmao. You really think the core wanted this to be a developmental year? Are you fucking blind dude? You'll have fun once Steph retires and you'll have plenty of young lotto picks to drool over. Your analysis always sucks and lacks nuance, because you aren't intelligent. Kuminga did suck, he sucked hard early in the season go look at his efficiency, Kerr reeled him in. Are you even watching now? Kuminga is taking much better shots and cutting at the right times. And you said Kerr doesn't want WISEMAN to succeed because he loves Looney?? lmao, retard shit. Is that why Kerr started him in his rookie year over Looney and he turned out to be the worst offensive player in the league? lmao, again costing them games when they probably could've avoided the play-in? yes dude Kerr is my daddy and he's sabotaged the season, he also has 9 rings genius and flipped us from a mediocre team with MJ to a dynasty. You obviously just started watching, because if you've been watching you'd know all the young players who have improved under Kerr. Your grammar sucks, your analysis sucks, and you're unintelligent. Keep blaming Kerr though, other dudes on here are trying to TEACH your young and dumb ass that no roster EVER has been successful with 5-6 developmental spots yet you just ignore it because you can't face reality. You're a joke dude...and again, your grammar sucks, you can't be past high school. You need to read more too, the stuff on Lacob is well known, Wiseman is a Lacob pick, not a Kerr or Myers pick.


they should've traded them in the offseason, and resigned GP2. Added more vets who were ready to play. Two timelines was always a dumb idea, now it's being exposed.


but he took charges and was always in the right place. Better than Moody.


you aren't going to win shit playing Moody and Wiseman that much, or it's at least going to be much harder to win.


He should not have closed that game. they needed rebounding and Kuminga was mistiming his rebounds. They went with DDV instead of Poole for defense, and brought in looney for rebounding (which won them the game). It was a great move, and the right move.


They would be stupid as hell to blow up a dynasty because of a bunch of young guys who likely don't have high ceilings (aside from JK).

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

I’d love to hear an explanation as to why Kuminga - for all his impressiveness - still comes up so short on rebounds. Angles? Spacing? Timing? Effort? Just curious what people are seeing. I keep forgetting to focus on that during the game.

Jerry Heverly

First order of business is to get Jerome and Lamb on the roster. Who volunteers to tell Iguodala that he must retire? Kerr does look…..disengaged, but it’s hard to judge, he’s always been more stoic than most coaches. I spent 40 years watching the Warriors flounder, NEVER even making the playoffs, so I’m hoping they don’t trade away the youngsters who will make the Warriors relevant for years, PBJ, Wiseman, Moody, all useful for keeping the team in the playoffs. Throwing everything in for one last gasp…..ugh.  Who thinks Kyrie can coexist with Jason Kidd? I don’t.

k fish

Small part is his aggressiveness attacking the glass but mostly its because be is primarily guarding the best perimeter player, I hate how we nitpick young guys yet we have guys who disappoint on the glass alot like klay and wings, this seems to be a problem with Kerr and the fans...tough on the young guys but vets cans slide

k fish

🤣 it hurts u so much jk is great, u don't know ball

k fish

Bro u already lost y are u still here lol, Wiseman was a team pick but little did they know Kerr would try to sabatoge him and the rest of the young guys including jk, he only played jk once he realized they were going to be the worse team in the league, stop trying to make it vets vs young guys, its everyone vs Kerr lol he been trash that's y dray be about to put hands on him


yes, Dray is about to put hands on Kerr. Dray, Steph, and Klay LOVE Kerr and Myers, he brought them rings you idiot. You're one of the dumbest posters I've ever seen on here dude. You're the idiot who says Kerr doesn't want Wiseman to succeed because he loves Looney so much lmao, and Looney isn't that good lmao...fucking lunacy. And now you're saying Dray is about to put hands on Kerr lol. Kerr and Curry brought us a dynasty you imbecile, they made Mark Jackson look like the fraud he was. You don't know ball dude.

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

Not a nitpick, man. In fact I’m asking specifically because I’ve been so blown away by just about every other aspect of his game.


You can't imagine they fully pack it in and go all young now. Even if Steph is out for 6 weeks, the warriors are still currently in the playoffs as it stands. It's a fucked scenario, but when has this organization ever waived a white flag this early?


I agree with u. With his physical gifts, it's weird that he doesn't rebound more, the same with Wiggs. Wiggs was a monster on rebounds last play-off, but now it's gone for whatever reason. Kuminga also showed some promise in that Charlotte game when he was grabbing rebounds late in the game. So I have a couple of possible reasons. Obv, he guards perimeter players so he's usually far away from the basket, but even when he's under the basket since he's been guarding perimeter players he just loses focus and timing. Looney is always under the basket so he kind of gets into a rhythm. and Kuminga isn't also very tall (6.6) and doesn't have a huge wingspan (6.7), I mean he's explosive and athletic if you gave a little bit of space he can dunk on your head, but it's all with pace and acceleration so from a static situation he's not that great I can assume (he's still better than anybody else, but most 4 are taller than him with longer wigspan). I mean he must be a much better rebounder still and I think his best position would still be 3, not 4 and playing in front of guys with occasional post-ups, cuts, drives and corner 3. so if we play him at 3 we have 4 and 5 to rebound and can allow him to concentrate guys on the defence on the perimeter. He's still 20 and while he's athletic his body hasn't developed yet so he lacks upper body strength a little bit. I noticed that when Morris from Clippers could overpower him for the rebound and some other older and more experienced guys.


I think it's better to let some young guys go like Moody and Wise and concentrate on others who can actually succeed here like JK and PBJ because still, Wiggs, Poole, and Looney are pretty young so it's not like we will lose all of our players at once.


Only reason I don’t immediately say punt the season is the fact that half the west is around .500. That being said, let’s see what we can do with a lineup of heavy minutes for the young guys. Get Wiseman out there, run things through Kuminga, and let’s see what we’ve got for real

Neal X

While it's true that every team can shoot 3's now, I do recall seeing a stat that the Warrior's perimeter D was the worst in the league. Literally DEAD LAST. I don't know if that's still the case, but it's one of the major reasons for their struggles, it's why games are close even when we're not being turnover machines. We lost GP2, we lost Mike Brown, the vets are older and slower, we lack length/size, and there's a general lack of focus from everyone. All those factors together combine for teams just raining 3's on us at will. We rely on the "Clamp Bros" as Alch put it, but that's not enough, and frankly Wiggs has been a disappointment there too. We just lost too much defensive oomph. It's pretty obvious when you just compare last season's team to this one and just ask "what changed?"


Kuminga has been the reason I have been tuning into these games