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gsw vs tor gm 49



We are quietly playing much better basketball the last 6 or so, the celtics and nets games that were easily wins that we blew sting because we could be sitting at 27-22 and in the 4th ish spot


I would have no problem trading Poole if we got something we needed. I like him about as much as draymond only less respect on the hoops end.


Broke Back Offense! 🤣🤣

Strong Foru

Being on the east coast sometimes difficult to start watching the game at 10:00 PM but I'm so glad I watch the entire game last night it was amazing!!!


Hope Wiggins is alright man.

Qiushi Hu

I don't get the hype with OG. If I'm a team like the Cavs, I would much rather have Wiggins than OG, especially in the playoffs


Check Steph out when Poole gets the blocking call 3 min. into your breakdown. Steph just walks away as Dray picks up Poole. Maybe nothing maybe what we think that there is some resentment. I say the tunnel after the Memphis game was Steph looking to have a man to man talk about what Poole isn't getting about what it takes to be a Warrior and a winner. And Poole just makes a wisecrack and blows past him. Poole can't close games, he's a bucket for the other team every min. he's on the floor. I've taken to just watching him on D, I'm sure you've watched, either he's at full hide and rest or he's got no clue how to play defense. With great defenders all around him at max effort we can try to hide him, but night in night out he's not worth it. Shit Lou Will and JCrawford can score at will and even they weren't winners. Poole is just too hard to hide.


Agreed, trade him for something that can help now and keep Dante


Y'all are always so trade happy, we'd have a completely different roster every year if we traded this often


you're right, although Steph has improved the past few years on the defensive end, he is still their weakest defender in a closing lineup of, say, Steph-Klay-Wigs-JK-Dray or Step-Klay-Wigs-Dray-Loon. so having JP out there instead of Loon is too much. Sure, we get extra offense but I'd rather have Donte closing instead of him, who is still a pretty good shooter, steady and high IQ, crazy rebounding guard, and is feisty and scrappy on both ends of the floor -- great defensive instincts too.

Dan Doerge

Once again, Our Boy called it with the 'Clamp Brothers'. DLo = Wiggs + JKu = gold


It’s the first time I’ve ever mentioned trading a player. I think his vibe is better suited to another team. Winning is much more fun to watch than scoring.


Here’s a theory: Kerr put JP in the starting lineup last week with the intention of replacing him in the closing lineup. It’s a trade-off to assuage JP’s ego while ultimately making the right basketball move. After half a season, it’s obvious that JP’s best value comes in the non-Steph minutes to begin the 2nd and 4th. I expect to see DD or Kuminga closing from here on out. Kerr taking a page from Phil Jackson’s book in managing these egos!


Dubs need size so if you're suggesting trading Poole the obvious question is who can you translate him into player-wise. I can see why people find the kid annoying I guess but isn't that the character trait we also admire in winners? Michael Jordan was a world class asshole from all accounts but we love him because he won over and over again. If Poole can fine tune his ego in just the right way then we will be looking at another transcendent series of dynasty years. Time will tell but I doubt Poole gets traded any time soon unless it's for a legit star

Mikey H

Great recap as always Alc. I know last night's lineup only closed once but think that is the best closing lineup they could have. Hot take but think Kuminga can be a better version of siakam than siakam. Thinking, what are some or yall's thoughts on there bein any chance at all they can retain dante? That guy plays really well w this team , & been lethal w the 3 lately. i'm thinkin at some point they're gonna run out of good luck w free agents tryna up their value w the 1 yr contract. Obv he's gonna want to get paid a bit but there's def some things that can be done to retain him.


Has he gotten a decent bag in his career yet? That’s why Wiggins worked out so well but I’m with you, would love to keep him. Random thought, when is Klay’s contract up? It would be awesome if he actually takes a pay cut unless he returns to form

Natto Santo

JP is not playing D as hard in this game. He has the potential of playing good team D. I hope the coaching staff will remind him of that

Natto Santo

Joku’s shooting form is getting better. He put his feet in a better angle and the release is soft enough. He has a strong base so if he consistently shoot this way, he will be a 40% shooter. I hope him not doing the side steps or step back now. Just shoot quick and keep it high. Next step is one dribble pull up.


What does TOR's performance say about Nick Nurse? I know you've spoken about him as one of the elite coaches in the league. Just curious. Thanks!

Jimmy Ji

I have a different take on why I think Steph hasn't been fully engaged. It's the same reason why Tom Brady wasn't himself this season. They were both involved with promoting FTX. Knowing the type of guy Steph is, its probably eating at his core. He promoted a Ponzi Scheme that lost a lot of people their hard-earned savings.


Gem: “This looked like a Saturday morning at LA Fitness”😆

paul reboca sr

i pray and hope to God that we DO NOT even consider siakem, please Lord

Mikey H

Think he's got one year after this. Not sure if it's a player/team option or not. Be cool to see Klay & Dray take a bit of a cut to add some solid bench players. Not sure if they're into that tho.


true, Donte is a better fit for us, i would give him all Poole's minutes, integrating Poole too early, maybe as a shooting guard yes, but as a ball handler, absolutely no

Neal X

If I'm being honest, VanVleet scares me more than say, Jason Tatum.


Damn, not a single joke about Ty's fit


alch we need another signature vid alot of killers in this league

Andreas Wiedemann

Question: If we indeed trade for caruso, is it in the lamb role? or where do you see him fit in?