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gsw vs okc gm 50



I think the late game strategy would have changed if they had a 2 possession lead vs 7pt cushion. Based on the 3rd qtr they didn't want to give up 3s or and 1 fouls. Funny that this gave them more reps at late game execution based on this lineup without Wigs on perimeter defense

Omer Ali

How many years has it been and Steph has not tried a pocket pass?

Omer Ali

I was kind of hoping last night was a blowout so Wise could at least get some minutes to showcase something. What are your thoughts Alch? If they're not gonna play him, why don't the Warriors just trade him instead of fucking with his career like this?


I've lost all faith in Poole. I feel like we have to survive when Steph is off the floor but now we also have to survive when Poole is on the floor.


Me too.. I think they are trying. You read between the lines of Kerr recent comments. Something like “ whether I get to coach him or not”


Feels like there was 20 pts scored from both teams in the final minute


I guess I understand those two are great a getting contact, but that was too easy and fast for my taste


Just me or was the stream a bit shacky or stuttering?

John Pettus

Klay is also high suspect late game, for both decisions and ball security.


Alch .kerr has to be screaming for some size. Our biggest player last night was technically kuminga. He stands at 6'8 225 lol.

Ryan Mitchell

BIG FAN of SGA! Really solid. I also thought that ‘Santa Clara’ Williams kid was good. Thanks Alch 🙏🏻


I have a feeling that this isnt enough, we got bailed out by the chef and some good shooting, we still allowed 120+ points,


Wise take about Steph's limited passing options. He does go to the overhead hook pass far too often. Also agree that Kerr's late game execution is suss. He 'trusts his guys' a lot but they might need more Xs+Os. Great breakdown as per usual


"Ugly and Uglier" lmaoooo


Thoughts on Vanderbilt trade rumors? Will it take away from kuminga’s growth? Or will they likely play him more at small ball C? If they do trade for him it’s just another body ahead of wiseman


Thinking it'd take Wiseman in a package to even get Vanderbilt, and yeah wold love to see Kuminga/Vanderbilt as the backup 4 and 5 combo


I think regardless if it is Dray or Poole that gets moved, re-signing Donte should be a priority this off season. He is looking like to be the team’s next Andre. Injuries are a concern but he just turned 26 and fits perfectly on the Dubs.


when the dubs built a 21-pt lead I just knew they were gonna get complacent and lose the lead and sure enough it happened. its better they don't build big leads that early. they ALWAYS relax and allow teams to go on huge runs

Jerry Heverly

A not-very-popular opinion on Alchemy but……I’ve now seen most the the trade possibilities in actual games (Vanderbilt, Poeltl, Turner, et.al.) and, though they might offer something this year, in the long run none of them seems to have the potential of Wiseman. If he is as fragile as his injury history indicates that’s a different thing, but anyone can be injured. I want to keep him. He should have been in Santa Cruz last week. Why they sit him I don’t understand. I feel similarly about PBJ.

Neal X

It does make me sad that we might not be able to keep DiVincenzo long term, I had a good feeling about him from the start and he just fits us like a glove.

paul reboca sr

alch, what's your opinion on the referring lately? did you see where Tatum fouled Lebron late in the game? and the ref was right there perfect view. really man there has to be repercussions for these LIES

Chip Tingle

Thanks Alch! I like how you point out the mistakes that could have led to another careless close out for an L. I like this OKC team and their future with Chet and more draft help. SGA and Giddy are skilled and fun to watch, and they’re deep. Add that college like home crowd, and they could be tough for a long time, much as I miss Seattle in the league. I truly hope your takes reach the Dubs, as you always put meat on the bone w spice added. Go groove