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gsw vs mem gm 48



I consider it a great failure that after 48 games the warriors are sitting at .500 and their young players still weren't able to get the runs they needed. This is terrible management and coaching. Also they need to let wiseman be wiseman. Imagine if they forced JP to fit into the role of GP2. Poole wouldn't get much run either, but because his play style is similar to curry its okay to accept his lack of defensive awareness and turnovers in exchange for points.


over/under on how many sets of bicep curls des bane does in every workout? i'd say 9.5

Major Powers

The Draymond punch is making more and more sense lol

Neal X

I almost feel like the Warriors are so used to playing small ball that throwing a big in there might even throw them off their game at this point.

Mikey H

Poole has alot of potential but there's a bit to much westbrook in him. They gotta sort that out. Loved seein Kuminga starting. I know it's difficult w team politics & all that but love to see him starting more, especially if wiggs is out


Last two mins, Poole bad pass across court almost a turnover, Poole bad 3 point shot, Poole terrible pass to Klay. SMH


Kuminga should start every time when Wiggs is out. Really proud to see him succeed, I predicted before the season he would become our third best player


I think that we help too much on drives when Kuminga is defending, we should trust him more. He didn't bite on the pump fake by ja at the end and Dray fouled him


If Poole can get the Chef to throw his mouthpiece.....I can understand Draymond throwing punches! He has an annoying cocky manner....

Mikey H

ha. thats a good point. makes alot of sense. U really don't see steph lose his cool to often


we praise that shot from jp if it goes in, they’ve green lighted him taking those shots in late game situations which has proven to be a good thing because he isn’t scared of the moment.


I couldn't say for sure why, but the overall impression I got was that this game was bad. I guess because individually, they played well, but as a team, it wasn't easy on the eyes at all. The reffing didn't help, but it doesn't look good, not one bit.

Courtney Valdez

Agreed. Defending champs with LONG time vets who are the core of a dynasty should not be having these sorts of issues. Poole and the other younger players, even though they mostly had a place on a championship run last year, understandably struggle under the weight of increased roles and the burden of having to "defend" the chip. But the overall inconsistency is just bad and indefensible. The only positive I take out of this is the beating the Grizzlies yet again.


is it just me or dillon brooks always putting his foot under shooters when they shoot?

Strong Foru

I agree JP is a f*ckboy who may self-destruct!!! Let's go WARRIORS!!!

Andreas Wiedemann

I think context matters here. There hasnt been much, if you count andre, any games where everybody was healthy. We lost a lot of close games, that were winnable. So the record was always bad. This means pressure was always high, therfore no experiments were possible, exept for the games they let the young guys run. Remember new york games, pelicans? Poole plays because he fits the system and he can run an offence. if you want to play james you need to change the system and its unclear at what cost it will be. In regards of the main goal winning (not developement) it seems logic to take that approach.


Poole is that guy you hate to have on your team, all he wants to do is shoot and he doesn't care from where or what his shooting percentage is. His arrogance and selfishness just ooze off of him. Get over yourself, your 3 pt percentage is shit, your turnover percentage is shit, and you are a cone on defense. I'm tired of him, even when he gets hot, he's giving up so many easy points on D and turning the ball over so often he's still a negative. I'll bet secretly even Steph can't stand him.

Siddhant S

Can we talk about Draymond Green having 14 technical fouls before the All-star break? How ridiculously irresponsible that is considering he can be baited into suspensions during the playoffs very easily now.

Nathan Glanzer

I think double T's shouldn't count for that number. They give those out like candy.


One thing JP has shown this year is just why Draymond would want to send him KTFO. The dude definitely seems unflappable, no matter how badly he f*#ks up, but unfortunately its seems to be out of an innate new-gen narcissism than a focus on winning. I still think they should ship him out, yes he can score at an "almost" elite level, but if they decide to ride with him, I'm afraid he will just break our hearts in playoff crunch time.


Love JP man but the last month or so there have been little incidents where I'm like I kinda see why Draymond punched this m'fer out 😂😂😂. Onto the next... a win streak would be nice

Chris Cho

my favorite part was seeing JK's reaction on the bench for the poole layup. Earlier in the season, he looked unengaged on the bench but now that he feels like he is a contributing part to the game, he is the most excited about the win/shot


I'll vent one more thing about Jorturnover Poole. We all know when he got hit was at a time when Dray was desperately trying to get an extension. And I believe that Dray's very spot on our team depends on his ability to push the ball, pass, and screen for Steph. Without Steph and to a lessor but still important part Klay, Dray's value plummets. His incredible D notwithstanding, Dray needs Steph. If anyone thinks that Dray punches Poole if Steph liked Poole I seriously doubt it. Poole got hit because his act was wearing on everyone, Dray isn't an idiot, Dray has played the enforcer on this team for too many years without punching anybody because he's not a fly off the handle idiot. He's a chuck it into triple coverage or the stands idiot, but not a punching a popular teammate for no reason idiot.


Alch coming through again after a game that was having me tear my hair out during that first half. One thing about Poole was a possession where he tried the Steph hook pass and turned it over exactly like what happens to Steph 50 percent of the time! I forgot who commented on a previous vid about how Poole is getting traits from all the Big 3, but man we can only hope he doesn't get all the bad ones too. Also at the risk of sounding hella corny, if JK keeps developing into the monster I hope he becomes I gotta start calling him Johnathan Kaiju-minga.


You can justify anything if you like someone enough I suppose. Reality on the other hand, is wildly different.

Jansen E

yeah lowkey Im okay with the shot. Bad decision definitely both in hindsight and if he makes it. But he almost made that. He didnt throw up a brick, that thing spun out and was halfway down.