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went to bed mad

woke up mad 

did the breakdown mad 

hopefully tonight some positive signs from the youth 


gsw vs orl gm 9


james moore

Lol you was in rare form on this


I suspect Poole is a Dlo type of situation, he is only getting this much minutes for him to be a tradable asset by deadline.


Thank God for this breakdown Alch. I am in the same frame of mind, I can barely watch Wiseman now, I don't care if he gets a dunk or not, I'm sick of him. Soft as soggy cardboard, I think he has hoofs not hands. His Matador screens have me wanting the refs to call a foul on him or something. Klay getting hot may be a negative in some ways as once he gets going he won't stop chucking it up, and he's a space cadet on off ball D, they likely solved that in the old days by putting him on the opponents best player, now he can't play that guy so his head wanders. Poole is back to not really making much of an effort on D. As I said at the beginning, thank God for your breakdown, it said what needed to be said for all to hear. Wiseman shaking his head at Steph for not getting him the ball was the final straw, Dude you can't catch it anyway and if you do Wagner would probably push u out to the top of the key anyway. Shake your head at Steph who has put up with your pussy ass Matador screens for your entire career, u are screening the best shooter that ever lived and Paddles still thinks the better play is to Him! I'm done.


im excited for the young bucks to get out there and hopefully build some confidence and chemistry. Hopefully, they build some momentum they can carry back into their roles when the starters come back. hopefully, we get to see some PBJ splashin, JWise reclaims his balls, JP play a lick of D (pause), and Kuminga go ALPHA. unfortunately, that is a lot of hopefully for a defending champ team. we def gotta give them more time, but it is hard to watch right now. Banchero def gonna be a prob given this is how he looks this early in his 1st season.


Looks like Dray stopped holding people accountable .. because of the incident .. you don't want the visual of Dray barking on Poole for his mistakes .. it will be adding fuel to fire from media point of view


Something I noticed watching this game yesterday was how often Poole is trying to jump a pass in transition and how it forces the defense to scramble. Not sure if anyone else noticed it but there were like 3/4 positions where he did that and absolutely whiffed

Mike Peterson

I want Wiseman to succeed but that tantrum was straight embarrassing. You really nailed his attitude. How about instead of sending him to the G-league, we lock him in a gym with KG for 6 weeks? Like a boot camp. Think Lacob could spare a million or so to make that happen?


Wait so Wiseman has an attitude problem? Then why he playing over Kuminga?


Said before the season started that even if it makes us worse this year Draymond needs to be traded for this team to ultimately move forward. To me it was just impossible for a locker room to recover from something like this so quickly. We’ve all been in this situation. Everybody must be pussy footing around practice scared to say anything that might upset anybody. Nobody is getting questioned and things just keep getting pushed under the rug. How many times did we see Draymond yell at Poole last year when he did something wrong? And how many times has he done it this year? No accountability because the dynamics are ruined. The knock on effects are endless man. Remember poole was meant to be the link between the vets and the young core. Team chemistry is an intangible that makes the tiny difference in high level sports and right now it just seems like nobody is playing for the team. Anyway it is what is, at least we have time on our side. For real though who’s guarding Zion tonight?


Klay got plainty of time to develop a veteran game, especially since he knew his athleticism isn't going to return, instead he just double down on shooting, and i am afraid that we have a low IQ westbrook stubborn kind of thing here


Hilarious breakdown though Alch think that was the energy we all needed

Andre Brooks

I haven’t seen Wiseman show he has some nuts yet. He’s soft as fuck

Paul Hanson

Love the reality of this breakdown Uncle Alch-and nice to be here talking Dubs ball now that I've quit Twitter. There is something to the Draymond punch-the trust and connectedness is not the same. It's like when you know there's something seriously wrong with the marriage or relationship-something was broken that can't ever be truly fixed. The lack of focus is amazing. The lack of defensive connectedness on either the starters or the bench is godawful. This reminds me of the 1993 Oakland A's-they were in the ALCS in 1992 at the end of their 5 year championship window. The team lost a few veterans and everyone thought it'd be just fine. They they kept losing and losing and looking awful and they ended up deep in last place. They never quite woke up from the bad dream. They had a very high payroll-they never even thought they could ever be a bad team. They were living off the past. This looks very similar. I wanted Wiseman to be good so bad-I am so sorry for the kid. He's someone you want to root for. But he's a godawful mess of no confidence, no feel for the finer points of the game. How can a 7 footer look like a 6 ft 5 player always getting rooked on D? It's amazing!


Cant set a screen at all , Doesnt know where he is , loses every 1vs1 battle ,no feeling for the game at all and thats your nr 2 pick . Sounds like a clear bust to me even if he missed a lot of time .


Seems like Klay wants to prove he's top 75, which is good and bad


Had a couple drinks before watching this and I highly recommend it. It’s getting harder day by day to defend wiseman y’all


You're right about Steph not playing well, didn't realize that until you pointed it out. I thought he just made mistakes during crunch time. Also, he really needs to stop using that one-handed scooping overhead pass, it's already been scouted out for like a few seasons now. Wiseman is just terrible man, I miss Marquese Chriss, Heck, i think Smiley can contribute better than him. Even Draymond was eating when Bell was on the floor, no such thing with him and Wiseman. The bag brothers was also cruising and playing on autopilot. Wiggins didn't look lost defensively, but he was so bad on offense, especially that missed open layup during crunch time. Go yam on people my guy, stop it with the soft ass drives. Poole was horrible on both sides of the floor. Looney had more points than both of them. Game after game, the solid players have been Steph, Dray, Looney, Ty Jerome, and Moody. The rest shit the fucking bed.


Kuminga was already looking real good last season. Warriors are doubling down on their investment in Wiseman. Seems like it's a mistake.


Smiley had fight in him, it's just unfortunate that he was never meant to be a good basketball player. Wise is just soft... disappointing


If i was Kerr i would tell Steph that he is hurt and to take a month off till the team gets it together. If he keep trying to win it all, on offense, things could get bad. Don’t want to use tbe I word

Andreas Wiedemann

its good this is happening now. We have time to adjust. I don`t think wiseman is nececarily really bad. He is just far away and he is not a batman type or guy nor a robin. It`s unclear to me if its worth the investment. We do have 5 players on the roster to develop, this is to much in my opinion.


I think we are forgetting what a 2nd pick actually means. Need I remind you that 1 - arguably 8 picks are franchise players out of the gate. You see it every time they step on the floor. Not saying they don't make mistakes but you know they are on a different level mentally and with high bb IQ. I mean, does a number 2 pick needs this much hand holding on how to play basketball? Even if you're not an offensive threat yet, screens, hustle, defense should be great. Honestly excuses like "he didn't play much of college ball" is not acceptable. You can't just be this bad at basics of the game for a number 2 pick. Hopefully I'm proven wrong but with all the personal coaching and sitting for a year watching plays, this is very discouraging. G League stint: 16 points...and if we are talking about missing games due to injury for a big man, Embiid is a prime example of an all time great. Every time he played even with injuries, the moment he was healthy, back to dominating


Unc, outside of lamelo and edwards in the 2020 draft, who would you have chosen in the draft besides wiseman if you didn’t know the information you knew now? And not wiseman


Glad to have you here Paul.. I remember the bash bros and the team around that time.. but not with proper context too young

Paul Hanson

The early 1990's A's were oh so confident. Tony La Russa had all the opponents figured out. They were the dynasty that never was-they got schooled by the LA Dodgers and Kirk Gibson's one at-bat backdoor slider miracle home run in GM 1 in 1988. 1989 they got Rickey Henderson (who's 3rd on the list of Bay Area greats behind Steph and Willie Mays) and they dominated the Giants in the Series-they were the best team but no one wanted to celebrate because of the earthquake. 1990 they were supposed to do it again-got swept by the Reds in the World Series. 1991-they were down because of injuries. 1992-they made a run to the ALCS, Canseco was traded and the A's had Ruben Sierra and some other all-stars. They couldn't quite make it back but they had established themselves as a perennial winner. IN 1993-they had basically the same roster as 1992-and they fell on their faces and were a last place team. It happens fast sometimes when it happens. I think the Warriors are different and have more successfully established their dynasty. However-the end can come sooner than you expect.


Nice write up! Ricky was my favorite Bay Area athlete as a kid. Had me trying to steal home in little league


we all mad Alch, this shit is frustrating fr, I'm not even excited anymore to watch warriors games.