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Keep them comming Im loving how active you are on patreon and youtube👌


Was that a carry on the first play you showed in the breakdown, on MIA? Sure seemed like it.


Great Breakdown, really wondering if they could make a lineup change of some sort. Wiseman looked a lot better watching this than during the game. not that he was great, hope he can build on that second half Could starting wise and benching loon help alleviate the bad bench play?


Definitely an improvement, but what the hell was up with the passing? There must have been 10 passes thrown to knees, feet, 10ft in the air or behind the player as they drove.


thats the problem you can find it all the time if you are looking for it.. JP Ja and a few others do really create an advantage with it


The obvious is swap Jp and Klay.. but I bet they'd go back to early sit Steph before they dared to do that..


alch what do you think is happening with kuminga.It was just this calender year that jp and him gave a better version of this heat that work .He was so good in the second half of last season even with the dumb mistakes.Can a player really regress that much in such a short amount of time?Even during preseason, I liked what I have seen from him on defense. It iso weird to see him just iced out of the rotation.


true, especially with Klay being a terrible defender, it's not like he is offering something that Poole isn't. My thinking about starting Wiseman over loon is that it would make it easier to sub Kuminga, JMG, and loon when necessary. I really think benching Klay and Draymond could have the same effect that benching Andre did. it would turn our bench into a more reliable unit and alleviate the issue of Klay hero ball. Kerr would probably retire before he thinks about doing that though

Branden Edwards

Klay is more interested in getting the game-winner than he is with getting the win right now

Qiushi Hu

To be honest, I don't feel upset at all. This group has proved everything they had to prove since the last championship. I would be content if they barely make the playoff and then the true race begins


I think golden state is struggling to find a use for him. he doesn't stretch the floor, we only have one big who can even think about it(JMG), and what he would play is the same as wiseman, but he doesn't have the size. he doesn't play well with loon, draymond, or wiseman who are going to get minutes. It's just tough. he is the odd man out and he hasn't played well enough(though he hasn't gotten a fair shake in my opinion) to give him minutes. Wiseman is only getting 10 minutes a game too.


Klay 19 points on 19 shots, alch you stated that Steph realized his shot was maybe off and he was fine with distrusting.. how can as a team we be okay with klay jacking that many shots on an off night if curry isn’t even doing that.


mostly agree with you, but they need momentum before the playoffs to make sure the defense is fine tuned and able to travel, etc. there has to be a balance. but i'm not going to panic now either


There’s definitely a selfish factor to klays shot selection… not sure how the coaches and players can call him out on it without him getting upset. Klays ego seems very fragile at this point.


Surely you are happy that the league is calling these carries and travels not alch it was getting egregious


Wiseman minutes KILLED their momentum. The team really had it going early. They are giving Wiseman a ton of leeway while they are giving Kuminga none. Coddling Wiseman right now, it's annoying, and teams are attacking him relentlessly.


kerr always says one of his main responsibilities is to build confidence of the players in themselves. (essentially "trust"--which will work into my second point.) i think klay is his focus right now--helping klay to regain confidence and trust in himself. now is the time to do it, not at the all star break. and i do sense klay and steph and the others understand this too. i doubt any of us are any better experts on professional basketball, klay thompson, and shooting 3s than kerr. not that klay is caspi, but we can't afford anyone on the team to disappear into a cloud of self doubt. also, with kuminga, maybe kerr is trying to instill his system and the carrots/sticks have always been clear for every young one, from paschall to poole to kuminga. players do what kerr asks you to do for the team (hustle, rebound--basically do what ty jerome and JaMychal Green show us EVERY night), then you get a bit more playing time incrementally. it's about trust between player and coaches (and teammates). kerr will say all he can about how great kuminga is at the pressers, but i think from the breakdowns, it looks like JK hasn't quite mastered what kerr is expecting => dnp.


it may be hard to see, but it appears wiseman is learning pretty well. i love it that teams are attacking him and showing him his weaknesses, because i think he has the right mind, attitude, coaches--and obviously capabilities--to adapt. maybe his improved second half was in some part a result of learnings from the first half.


as long as they call it all year, on ja morant, and in the playoffs too, then i'll be very happy with this development.


Great to point out the possessions of Wiseman being able to switch onto probing guards and bigger/slower wings. Just like how Kuminga is right now (when he gets minutes), he can hold his own if it's just playing 1 on 1 defense. If the team is asking Wiseman to play the drop or any type of team/system defense, he's just going to continue to struggle until he has a good understanding of his role in that system and our opponent's personnel. And I'm not sure if understanding the scouting report is too much info for him or if it's not registering in the moment. Do you think he's still trying to figure out knowing what to do for certain guys when he's in drop coverage? Thinking about that Bogdanovic play where he clearly should've shown higher, but he just let him walk into a warmup 3.

Shea Johnson

didn't watch the first 3 quarters and just saw a bunch of wiseman hate online and he looked, goodish? people are so hard on that kid man


Great points.Kuminga has to learn skills that leads to winning games…playing games isn’t really helpful when you have bad fundamentals….can’t be trusted!

Jimmy Ji

If we are going to lose these games, we might as well sit the vets and let the young guys gets more minutes and develop. It's better to let them play through the mistakes now and get everything on film while the season is still early. I do not like how Kerr's handled his rotations thus far.

Ezra Abbey

Wiggs is not playing the same level of defense as last season, dunno why that is but hopefully he gets back to that level

Mikey H

they best be callin that travel shit on morant

Mikey H

i thought he was pretty bad at least early on. iirc he missed at least 2 alleys/dunks, and a few passes that should have been caught. Then got into foul trouble. def not one of his best. Either way, i just remember watching and thinkin he looked real bad

Mikey H

I get that they have to get the young guns moving. my thought is that how long can the starters build up a lead, then bench comes on & blows it up, then the starters have to come back from being down. gonna take a toll on them throughout the year if they gotta keep double taking the lead. lots of extra mileage as u know they are super competitive & want that W


Thoughts on Dwight for the 15th spot? Mentor Wise and give good bench minutes?


That man is tired lol 82 games straight carrying on defence let him coast for a bit


yeah there is no doubt they are "carrot sticking" Kuminga the question is, is it going to work?

Chip Tingle

That starter +/- stat doesn’t hold up for closing the last two games, losing a last minute 4 pt lead in Charlotte, and scoring 2 pts for the last 5 minutes last night. When does DDV get back? Is Andre ever gonna play?


I think he's never guarded at arc in his life, his instincts are to stay around the hoop. Which maybe explains why they have been so hesitant to have him switch.


I have been calling for him on this roster since July.. if you go back to those early free agent podcast I mention it 3-4 x


I think one thing we might not be taking into account... JaMychal Green was absolutely guaranteed min to sign here. Then you add in Kuminga attitude and he is on ice


fam I want them to call it at LA fitness... tired of these young boys dropping me off! They already way quicker at this point


Thoughts on the ref last night tryna make a joke (high five) during a pivotal point in the game?

Jerry Heverly

I’m confused. I thought Wiseman was terrific in the second half, the score seemed to confirm that, they built a ten point lead. So they’ve been telling him not to switch? Seems crazy after watching this game, he was dynamic, then they didn’t play him. I don’t care what the stats say, the vets are blowing leads with porous defense. I want more of the Wiseman I saw tonight.

Ryan Mitchell

Thanks Alch 🙏🏻 - 🔥 as always!