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I'm with you, as fun as the trade machine can be, we good, Champ hangover is a real thing. If we were 5-20 then we could panic. We got time to figure out rotations and get our defense back online. I feel you about Poole, had the same thought, the front office has to be patting themselves on the back in a major way for drafting the kid, sticking with him, giving him the bag and seeing the results. Pretty impressive and a great blueprint for the rest of the young guys. Seems like the front office's approach is if there are signs and flashes of potential in their picks, they'll give them most of it not all their rookie contract to prove themselves wrong for picking them in the first place. Hope Kuminga and JWise follow JP's evolution and become the next gen warriors we need.


I think it's too early to panic as well. With back-to-backs, I think no matter what happens, rest all the starters. The young guys need to get some minutes to figure something out. The average is 13.3 back-to-back games, it's not gonna decide our season if we do that. Put Poole out there and start to develop some chemistry with Kuminga and Wiseman, the worst thing that can happen is that we realize they aren't the future and we move on. what do you think about benching loon and starting Wiseman? kinda like what they did with Damion jones. Wiseman would play in space and loon could help the second unit with Poole. It feels like Poole is doing everything offensively when the starters sit and loon is a reliable screener that can help him. it isn't like they would be forced to close with him, and you can more easily sub in JMG and loon when needed.


The good news is the issues can be fixed, but it has to come from everybody, from the coaching staff on down to the 14th man on the roster. The bad news is you’re right about Draymond’s intensity. For all the people who were ready to ship him out because of his attitude and walking the line multiple times, they sure wish he was that guy right now cuz now he’s trynna be on his best behavior and that’s hurting the team cuz now nobody is gettin in anybody’s ass on the court so the problems aren’t getting resolved


Focus and trust on Defense isn’t there….Feels like a group of people with different agendas….kerr is making the right moves with the youngsters…if they’re not locked in, they don’t play…simple.This group has no ceiling,just have to push the right buttons…This is the season where the big contracts are really weighing on the team…can’t find gp2s and ottos every year…


Panicking and seriously considering consolidating future assets for win now weapons aren't the same thing. Warriors aren't the only western conference contender with chips to trade on the market. Sure it's too early, but watch how quick early November and the autumn leaves turn to snow.


I get Wiggs is ultra athletic but it sure feels like he jumps a lot. Which doesn’t help on those defensive rotations.


Poole is starting to make multiple efforts on D, and his passing has taken a serious jump. His D isn't there yet but it's trending up. Wiseman is hurting us right now, understandable but I think they will use him a little less for a bit right now until we start winning again and we can afford to groom him for the future. He loves scoring, nothing wrong with that and I'm happy to see he and Kuminga r off the 3pt line, but he really needs to get stronger in his base. Right now anyone can make his shoes squeak, and u can't play the 5 on D if you can't at least hold your position. Even when he actually sets a real screen the guards are folding him in half. But he's now starting to block people out better, maybe he needs to get really pissed off before he starts throwing his weight around. When BeefStew scored on Wise and made the 2 small gesture that was where we are right now. One thing I've noticed is he consistently sets his screens behind guys when working with our shooters. Set up knowing that they are going over your screen, set up higher, copy Loon and Green.

Paul Hanson

I said exactly what you said Uncle Alch-on YouTube or my deleted Twitter: yes it is a championship hangover. No doubt. Draymond made it a little worse. The sooner they realize that this is a new season and all they did last year means nothing- the better


Warriors tanking for the lottery


I know some talks of Klay eventually coming off the bench was in passing but if Poole can develop defensively would a Manu Ginobli situation perhaps develop for Klay temporarily or eventually? Still too early to say and I want Klay to return better than ever but just some food for thought?


Besides the fact he wouldn't like it, there are no other reasons why he wouldn't be the perfect microwave scorer off the bench. He wants every shot available, he's physically limited as a defender from injury, and with his IQ off ball he should torch 2nd units.


Honestly, i think Wiseman wont be as great as hoped. He just seem so lost on defense alot. He can switch on smaller guys because he cant recover or know how to gap them, he get pushed under the rim alot and just doesnt have a nose for the ball. His hands are below avg to me. Maybe he a late bloomer....

k fish

Yup u hit it on the head ....Kerr is actively ruining jk....his confidence, his game, everything. U have to know you're personal and there was no reason to not be playing jk in the first place. Kerr thinks he is some zen master but in reality has no control over his players, never has. That's my biggest take away, in a year we are supposed to uplift the young guys and find out who they are, Kerr has took the guy with by far the highest upside and try to make an example out of him and I think it's impacting the whole team. Bench ain't that talented if jk ain't in the mix


Communication and Chemistry issues, I wonder if one teammate punching another in the face has anything to do with it?

k fish

Kerr has been terrible with the young guys lol, you're just a Kerr defender, how can u say jk wasn't locked in when he want even getting on the floor lol the vets don't look locked in at all times, it's funny how kuminga is held at the highest standard on the whole team


I think they know kuminga more than us at this point…there’s a type of energy and mentality you have to bring as a bench player…isos and post ups won’t help the chemistry they’re trying to build…it’s an adjustment and he can take it as opposed to wise…just give it time…

Major Powers

Andre's trying to sell his bench seat for an NFT loool

Ezra Abbey

moody's got a dif feel to him this year, u can tell how comfortable he is on the court. dude needs more minutes


Wiseman has talent in scoring, but he lacked defense instinct. He played drop, giving up 3 even to a slow and sharp shooter. Under the rim, he was like a traffic cone. It is early, but I don’t think he is a foundational piece, at least not the one worthy paying Poole money. I would rather have Isaiah Steward, and pay Looney plus money to him. Part of reason that defense regress so march was that we replace GP2 with Wiseman. I can see Kuminga’s franchise player ceiling, but not Wiseman. I would rather play Kuminga than Wiseman.


At the post-game presser we were told that in the locker room Draymond reminded them everyone is coming for the defending champs with their best effort. They have to set the tone from the start and make other teams uncomfortable. I mean it would be easier to do that with GP2 and Otto but here we are. They'll figure it out. The starters need at least 2 reliable shooters. When 1 person isn't doing well there's this jittery energy in their ball movement and defensive efforts leading to fouls. So how about instead of trying to get Klay going, they get Wiggins going. Klay - coming off injuries has made him anxious about his shots not falling when everyone knows this is really normal for him early in the season. For now he should focus on defense. The buckets will come synergistically. Don't worry about it.


Disappointing to see Warriors fans (including on here, even with all Alch's education and imparted wisdom) with serious short-term memories. Why do so many care about W's or form in the first 7 games after a chip? We KNOW the vets are going to start slow. We KNOW we are going to get growing pains with the kids. We KNOW Draymond can't amp up the intensity right now. We KNOW Klay is effectively just getting to the end of pre-season, given his lack of games. We KNOW we lost a great defensive coach and a great motivator. All those criticising Kerr for 2 years straight, they shut the fuck up in the title run and now they're back as soon as we aren't playing well. How many times do you have to learn the lesson that he's not coaching to win in November? You ask questions of your team throughout the season, test them, see who gets it right, who gets it wrong, and you have a better idea of what tools you have when it gets to April. Right now, I think there's a mix of positives and negatives. At this stage of the season, I'm ok focusing on the positives because the negatives have 6 months to get ironed out. Moody looks great. Poole has hit another level. Wiseman can catch the ball sometimes. We know the core can defend at a high level when they need to. We'll have Donte and JaMychal if the youngsters don't improve. My guess is that Kerr will give the kids enough to rope to hang themselves, and then cut trim the rotation after the ASG if our position in the West is looking precarious. Why would we throw Green in there for 30 minutes to get a win in the first few weeks of the season? We know what he his and what he will give us. Wiseman is going to have to sink or swim. Kuminga is going to have apply the right attitude, and then get a chance to sink or swim. They have 5 months to get them to a point where they can contribute in the playoffs. Use that time. Be patient. Sure, it's frustrating to take L's when Steph shoots well and the bench coughs up leads - but championship teams keep the bigger picture in mind.

Qiushi Hu

Come on alchemy, comparing Cade to Luka is like comparing PJ Tucker to KAT. He might be a bigger winner but the talent gap is just too huge


2 years from now, check Cade and Lukas 2nd half metrics (I'm aware that doesn't help much at the moment but it'll be interesting:)


I understand what you are saying, but still wished they would have somehow traded for MacCaffery.

Nathan Glanzer

I'm with you buddy. I'm not going to put much stock into any win or loss until after the All-Star break honestly.

Jerry Heverly

Luka is a much better defender than you say he is. Kerr is not infallible as a motivator but I trust his approach towards JK, even if I don’t understand it.  For someone who has played fewer than 50 NBA/college games I think Wiseman is pretty advanced defensively. Give him another 100 games and he will be elite.

John Pettus

It's always hilarious to see dudes come out here and not only say they can coach the Warriors better than the guy who led them to 4 chips in 8 years, but that he's "actively ruining" players. Kerr is not a double agent, trying to sabotage the team. He's good at his job. Give him time.


This reminds me the start of the season last season in terms of your outlook on things. Young player positives and so much optimism. Can the core lock in? Regardless. “They had us @ the first half”