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OG Patrons know the deal longer vids can get copyrighted on YouTube 

Here is a edited version if you cant watch the streamable link 


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Watch "gsw vs PHX gm 4" on Streamable.



It was cool the see book give klay that kinda respect considering they are both active players on teams that are both competing for a chip. You don’t see it often in interviews

Jimmy Ji

I thought Phoenix opening as favorites gave an indication of how this game was going to be officiated.


Sometimes I think we all take sports too seriously. Shouts to alch for keeping it light


Streamable works great I think the issue everyone has is that when you click the link directly you’re not able to watch the video sideways, it never rotates. All you gotta do is copy the link and post it directly in your browser and that fixes it completely.

Branden Edwards

"Congrats to the suns for a big win....in October" I see the shade and I love it


Klay’s gonna find out the hard way that ring talk don’t mean a thing to guys with no phone


What percentage of mike brown leaving has affected the defense?

Erin Laskey

Players out here making love and kissing each other's foreheads after games and fans taking it too seriously


The og always gets mad when the young bull starts cookin

Abhi Kelkar

JTA and JP damn near cuddling on the floor during the Lakers game


Great video thanks Alch


Can't open either link :(

Shea Johnson

The wiseman hype train is on the tracks. If he stays healthy, I think that this season he will end up being a rotational level big at the minimum, he wants it so bad, and the team is getting him the reps that he needs. i don't give a shit if we end up with the fourth seed, if we get wiseman into a great spot that trade is absolutely worth it in my eyes.


Fun fact I was actually classmates with Jock Landale back at Saint Mary’s and from what I remember from back in the day is that he’s a nice guy but does have that dawg in him. However, in terms of scouting, he really feasts off a system offensively hence him getting drafted by the spurs. There’s a possible exploitation for the scouting report having him create his own offense (think Aaron Gordon or Siakam with an itty bitty bag)


Our defense is trash right now, we miss GP2 JTA and OPJ


I hope wiseman figures it out, but as of right now, he's not a good defender, rebounder, or screener. All things that we need if you're going to play that role on this team. And Alch, I understand that Ty Jerome is from Virginia (poor man's Villanova) and he has a smoothness to his game, but dude is a cone on defense and I can't see him helping whatsoever. Watching some of his past highlights, it seems he found success in a ton of PnR's and no way he gets any of those on this squad. Much rather have wanted that spot to go to Weatherspoon or Trevion Williams

k fish

Alc good breakdowj bro but would like to hear you talk more about Kerr and these terrible rotations which I think is having a huge impact on the team and the young guys morale especially jk. Not sure what u meant by him not doing what they ask, seems like Kerr wants him to stand in the corner while Poole and Wise run pnr. Kuminga needs to play with the starters some, we have seen him feast with that spacing. The idea that j green, donte and now ty Jerome is even a thought of playing over the young guys I think negatively impacts this team. Those guys aren't good enough to throw off our young guys development, I'm assuming they were promised minutes


Fam it’s 4 games he has openly said he is experimenting. What I was getting at with Kuminga is the effort is not where they want it. Wise is F up all over the place but his effort has been consistent. Some players need a Pat on the back, others a kick in the ass.. reading between the lines, kuminga seems to be the ladder


I see where Alch is coming from but if I had to bet on it, Booker definitely said some shit to trigger Klay. Then goes to the presser and acts all innocent like Klay got upset for no reason. Suns never learn... remember the "winners only work" BS from when they beat the warriors at chase last season? Also when they were shit talking the Mavs in the playoffs when they were up then all of a sudden stfu when Luka started beating that ass. Its early days Phoenix.. Also, never seen a more accurate description of CP3 "little chode"


I’m sure he said the standard “you can’t guard me” stuff.. but I doubt it was anything out of the nightly nba talk


Sorry figured it out, was my phone's browser was script blocking

k fish

I disagree, kuminga give effort the little he plays but it's hard to blame a guy when the coaching is purposely putting you in positions to fail. The experiment has been a big F, it's 1 thing to put together lineups that make sense to experiment but barely playing a guy u say you have hoped for tand then when you do play him he is used in the least convenient way possible for him and the team. Coaching has been the biggest problem with this team thru 4 games in my opinion


lol the ending "congrats to the suns a big win..in october"

Kevin Morris

That body language from Monty Williams was very odd. He seemed stressed, nervous and distracted all at once. The Warriors are unrecognizable from the team that gritted out wins in the post season. Of course that was a stripped down rotation with only the best lineups. Kerr is clearly playing the long game looking for lineup chemistry and trying to determine which of the young players can comprehend the system and put in consistent effort. I trust his judgement, but they have a big mountain to climb to return to championship level defense.

Geoff Brady

Both the streamable and YouTube links aren’t working for me


Think he said something of the nature that "you can't guard me no more" implying be was washed. Then when the chirpin got loud he doubled down in defense of the crazy shit Klay was saying back. Cuz the rings defense was only the last thing said, for sure there was more from both of them.


Kuminga needs to adjust and not the team. Want to make him a Westbrook 2.0?

k fish

Kuminga needs to adjust to not using his strengths? Lol and what is Westbrook 2.0 ? Kuminga ain't nearly that bad of a shooter...he ia better shooter then dray, looney and j green is debatable. Kuminga is ahead of schedule as a shooter, it's Kerr's job to use the special talents he already has to help the team....the ones that helped us win multiple games last year. Not sit him on the bench all game because Kerr is too lazy to adjust or find the right lineup's


Want him to be dependent on Steph's gravity? How does that improve a talented player? Charging like a bull with blinders on looking to finish or fish for foul (Westbrook), and I admit he pass but that's inconsistent. He's also predictable and unless he becomes Lebron where he is predictable but unstoppable when driving to the basket then I'd say just play him. However, he is not. Role players like JTA stops him.


Kerr sit him because of his lackluster effort on defense and rebounds. He should be dogging the ball handler night in and night out. He also not moving the ball well enough. Probably needs him to become Wiggins + GP2.

k fish

You don't understand basketball lol when this year has kuminga been charging with blinders on? If anything he has been super passive trying to fit in....and yes playing off stephs gravity is literally what the whole team does and what makes Draymond and looney playable. That's literally what they ask him to do yet don't play him with Steph, and most importantly it helps the team. getting to the line is a talent, how is he fishing for fouls lol. U seem to think relying on jumpers is a positive thing...when those shots stop falling u need guys to get to the line and easy baskets. You're embarrassing yourself, it's clear since last year Kerr doesn't want kuminga to succeed or play, Kerr is too lazy to adjust. He finally learned that wiseman is a pnr big ...but I guess with Kerr it's baby steps, now he can't figure out how to use the most efficient rookie form his class who also is a top perimeter defender on the team so he is giving him dnps instead of ACTUALLY finding good rotations....also we know he doesn't want him to play well because he needs minutes for Iggy whenever he decides to play

k fish

No Kerr benching him because he has never liked him, we saw this last year as well until he was forced to play him and he did great leading us to a few wins. They haven't even had kuminga guarding the ball much so how is he supposed to be dogging the ball handler lol do you watch games or just talk being a Kerr fan boy. Nobody in there right mind benches a guy like that 3 games into a season unless it's personal. Everyone on this team has had multiple bad moments this year, I don't want to hear that.....ty Jerome is barley an NBA player....donte turnover machine....moody inconsistent bad defender...the list goes on, yet I'm supposed to believe jk is the problem. That's y he brought him in last game after they was getting they ass kicked to try to save face cus it backfired on him


Kuminga is #7 pick talent not Looney or Draymond talent.

Nathan Glanzer (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-27 16:42:43 Just remember we looked like shit first half of last year too <3
2022-10-28 18:43:06 Just remember we looked like shit first half of last year too <3

Just remember we looked like shit first half of last year too <3

k fish

How can you look for chemistry when u don't play 1 of the young guys purposely? All the young guys should be locks for minutes until they play there way out the lineup