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gsw vs sac gm 3



I mean, Wiggins is playing great and I love him, but it feels like he is not really putting his best like it looks too easy for him. But still, an all-star level, for sure, and can't complain. Maybe he can improve even further? Thoughts? He is also super athletic and he could use this athleticism a little bit more, I guess.

Andres Lozano

He’s already rebounding better compared to his last regular season and so far’s been scoring efficiently 20 points. He’s also more used to the system so his passes and scoring is easier


The theory of our bench being deep(put out by many) is we have many pieces on our bench that can be put along with our starters to make good enough squad in non-Steph minutes. The atrocious +- in last 2 games from our bench(I know +- is not the best for sample size but I use it as a jumping points to look at the game), most of the run the bench giving up is during all bench line-up. I love Poole and he can be Steph Curry along with Steph Curry, he still cannot lead an all bench line-up when other teams play with one or 2 starters and bench. I think as soon as Klay and Dray comes of minutes restrictions, allowing for more staggering, our non Curry minutes will be better. Having 2 of Klay, Steph and Poole on the floor guarantee good offense while having two of Loon, Dray and Wiggs(hopefully Iggy at some point as well) on the floor should give us stable enough defense


I do feel that putting all the young guys out there without a veteran didn't help at all but in theory, they should have been able to protect a 20 point lead in basically extended garbage time. With Wiggins, I remember watching a Bulls video after they won their first title and everyone talked about how Pippen because a superstar after the first title because he started to play with the arrogance of being a bad mfer. I kind of see the same with Wiggins in the sense of, there's no doubt left that he's an impact player at the highest level in his mind and he's playing like it.

Jansen E

I swear just a couple days before opening night, the entire fanbase couldn't stop slobbering over "HoW dEep ThiS tEAm iS". And not even 5 games into the season, it's now "our bench is total trash". Was I the only one who saw this coming? The young guys are just that. Young and inexperienced. It's no surprise they're getting manhandled against actual NBA offense and defense. I saw people literally claiming our bench unit could beat some starting units in this league. For real? Name one. Anyway. I think the whole "gotta figure it out" approach is helpful but only to a point. It's becoming clear that they won't be able to just coast throughout the season with the young guys playing 25+ mins each. Also, I think Kerr just needs to find a lineup in practice that works and just stick with it. If the young guys keep playing with different people, they'll never get comfortable. A way of sticking out and making it work is deciding a lineup and making them commit to building chemistry within that lineup.


I would assume that Wiggs is pacing himself. I have no doubt that he will turn it up come playoff time


“Draymond was like ‘if you don’t start defending, you saw what happened to JP’“ Bruh 😂🤣


Switch Kevon and Wiseman rt now. It's cliche that young stars don't learn on bad teams. Our second unit is a bad team. They should intermix with the vets. Watching these dudes flail trying to BE the Kings w JP as "the leader" is not going to help the whole organism. And lastly, yes LoonGod. He looked like the third best W in the playoffs. But Wiseman NOW looks like it. As long as you're "just playing around w lineups" play around w starting someone that looks like an all star within three years at this rate


Kerr uses regular season as a “preseason” to the playoffs. Integrating these young guys is worth some ugly games pre-ASG.


No more 5 young guys lineups, need at least 1-2 vets in every lineup we put out there and that vet can’t be klay because he sulks just like the young guys


goddamn he already took a pay cut and your asking for more already let the guy coast a little..


Kuminga has that Lebron's bitchass attitude. Gotta use your talent kid if you're gonna be like that.

k fish

Lol how is kumingas attitude like lebron's? He showed us his talent last year, I'd be pretty annoyed if my coach is constantly putting me in a situation to fail

k fish

Not sure what Kerr's goal is with these lineups but as usual talent bailing him out. He needs to let kuminga run with the vets, and finish off curry's gravity. We saw how he played with them last year as well as in the preseason and looked amazing. Don't have him on the second unit standing in the corner while Poole and Wise run pnr


I liked this game This should be a message to the team don't let up Kerr has to keep searching for the right rotation combo. Moody- seems to be in a trial by fire, he is getting all the elite athletes , I am guessing he needs to prepare for Playoffs Wise-pick and roll looks good keep working on it JKu- seem that the scouting report is out on him teams are willing to double him and he need to work on facilitating more


Lackluster effort since he has "superstar" talent. Does he have the right to be annoyed? He's still not proven like Poole. Even Poole has to prove his defense to even earn more minutes.


Had to go back and find where you called out Poole's hand, cause I keep on seeing it. Concerning that it's been going on since game 3 and nobody's saying anything. I wonder if a week off from using it would help anything.