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Wigs looks amazing out there, dripping with confidence. These TMC jerseys were fire btw


I'm a but torn by what this offense looks like in the first 3 quarters and then what it looks like the last 3 minutes when the Splash Brothers are forced to take over. Draymond looked fantastic, but it feels at times Curry and Klay sit back waiting for the beautiful game fluidity when maybe they're capable of a lot more if they're forced to put their fingerprints all of over the offense from the get.

paul reboca sr

thank God the joker is okay. BUT GO DUBS. no for reals, what is it with Poole


I was at the game! Several observations: * Poole looked a step slower than he usually is, less decisive on the shot obviously; overall he just didn't look comfortable * We could not hit a jump shot to save our lives, the percentages at the end of the game got closer, but midway through the 3rd I think we were at 25% 3pt shot while Denver was at 70% * Denver's defensive intensity was very high, and they fought over all the screens, while our defense felt a bit lazy, several shots weren't even contested * Bones definitely popped out of the gym with how low he got and how quickly he got places * MPJ is a fucking problem, he couldn't fucking miss * Dray played really well; and I found out how I really felt about Dray after the Poole incident: I found myself almost rooting against him * Klay is doing Klay things, chucking and all * Steph is definitely pacing himself * Wiggins hustled like crazy in some stretches, but I would rather he pace himself and not risk injury


Wiseman may get a new nickname. He's as big and sleek as an airstream but he consistently sets Airscreens. I've lost count of how many times Poole and Steph try to free themselves by coiling around him but he seems to purposely set up so he won't make contact with anybody. Damn frustrating to watch. Grow a pair, u are the biggest guy out there.


This is a game where I absolutely miss gp2. With him, dubs win. Hands down.

Ken Bradford

The klutch stuff is super annoying but i think a lot of us forget to readjust the threat assessment of lebron. I think the fact that draymond is on his knees for him is just confirmation that he and maybe the warriors as a whole just don’t see him as a big threat anymore. I think otherwise we’d here more from the locker room

John Pettus

I hope Kerr tinkers for 25-30 games, no matter how much Warriors Twittiots scream. We know what we have in our HoF guys. Best we can do is not get them hurt or worn out. And our new guys and our young guys NEED REPS!


I don't like what I see from Kuminga. It just feels that he is not going to be a good role player. Wiseman needs reps, but I can see what he can bring to the table. My bet on Wiseman. I don't believe that both of them are going to shine.


I got retro vibes from this vid alch, made me remember the Durant years when you could tell some games they didnt really wanted to win that game and they would try to comeback in the 4th. I liked the calming message you sent, there going to be a lot of nights like this i think, with how stacked the west is, i think the dubs will really pace themselvs in the regular season, being that with the experience from last year, the major part of the group has a feeling of ok, when push comes to shove, this is what it will take


I’m not sure it needs to be a certain amount of time.. just don’t it for the sake of doing it.


Cool to see Draymond split second realize he's falling on Jokic's knee and hold himself up and push Jokic's leg out from under him - without him realizing that I think Jokic gets injured there


“Max is nice” 😂😂