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gsw vs mil gm 68



Honestly I was shocked to see Steph with 8 points in the 4th and the Warriors with a 20 point lead against the Bucks. So this is the polar opposite of when all the shots are falling. For those who were worried a couple of weeks ago - it all evens out over the season. Hopefully we don't see that 2 week rut at the wrong time, ie playoffs!

Sean An

Giannis getting to the FT line feels like he earns it every trip, comparing to Embiid and not to mention Harden. Great shot selection from Killa.


That was the most fun I've had watching a Dubs game in a long time.


I was thinking the same thing, it's doesn't piss me off because he's just a beast not a bitch

Sean An

I shit on Kerr a lot and strategically he sprayed all over Bud last night. Credits to where credits due. He anticipated the defensive scheme from the Bucks and countered from the get go.


That's so weird, I made the same twilight joke about Coach Buds assistant while watching the game last night lol about the game I'm curious if Kerr moves Poole back to the bench when Dray comes back or if Dray just starts at center


given the context of this performance, who would you want the starting 5 to be when dray comes back?


Klay really is just the best dude. Joyful af. I'd love to spend a day fishing with him in the Bay


The "shooters all around" lineup or the "pick your poison" lineup as in who should we put Holiday on ? Forget about the boat you're gonna need more Holidays.

Chip Tingle

Nice touch letting Klay’s interview sum up a special night! Go Alch!


The Jaws motif had me rolling, Alch. Bravo!


Jordan Poole must be extended. No longer an "IF X happens"...nah this dude has the juice. Unless he completely no shows in the playoffs, 4/80 is a deal the Warriors should not take for granted.


"we're gonna need a bigger boat" - a classy Jaws reference followed up by "cheeks get spread apart like the tiger king". Had me rolling. That's why you're the goat for breakdowns Alch. Love your content.


Good shit, good shit... A Steph/Poole/Klay/Wig/Dray death lineup, could be the fastest/deadliest offensive lineup we will have seen (excluding the KD lineups ofc)


Man... scary hours


My bf and I were noticing how Steph just stopped and hung out in the corner for much of the 3rd quarter, where we’re used to seeing him in constant motion off-ball. Either Holiday or Carter was sharing his jersey the whole night, and then the hand thing happened (again!!!), so…frustrated by Bucks defense? hurt? just saw the other Dubs were doing great w/o him and taking a mini vacation? new coaching ploy?


Great breakdown Alch! Klay got me tearing up. I wanted to give Kerr some props for this game, since no one ever mentions him when we win. This is the first game without Draymond where Kerr's system broke another team's defense. Obviously, it helps having the splash brothers, but the wide open shots were system level events, and Kerr deserves credit. That was beautiful basketball!

Kahlil Baker

Do you think having Dray back on the bench has changed the energy with the team? It seems like since he has been back on the bench the team has a sense of urgency. Dray can still hold them accountable defensively from the bench. Offensively i think you pointed out against Denver, Dray was barking at Poole to get the ball from Curry cause Poole had Jokic on him.


I just hope he can be patient being behind Curry and Klay for a couple more years. Dude seems ready now and would probably be a 20-point scorer on an average team. Hes a smart kid and hopefully he feels good competing for a chip as a role player is worth it over chasing stats. Although hes a rfa so I guess its a bit of a moot point unless he becomes a locker room problem.


We got Contract Kevon & Contract extension JP


I think the big question is going to be who is our 6th and 7th men. And who myself included would ever have thought a month ago that Moody would look this comfortable and move even or even ahead of JK in the rotation. Every game is so much better to watch knowing Moody and JK are taking DLee, JTA, and Belli out of the rotation. I can watch those two develop all day. Poole too for that matter, The Warriors have so rarely had great draft picks to watch develop, it's not as good as winning, but it adds so much win or lose. When Moody lets it go it just feels like money, and the way Poole is shooting, which looks like a slightly higher release point and more from a balanced set position also looks sweet.


Bucks didn't have Lopez...... maybe that would have mattered in the rebounds. But when the shots are falling, we're scary. But the issues of not enough bigs is still there.

Branden Edwards

How many players in this league get face guarded while 3 of their teammates combine for 89 Points on good efficiency? The answer is 1

Patrick Kennedy

“Stunt double for Twilight…” 😂🤣

Jimmy Ji

The spacing from this new lineup really gives us the opportunity to get more offensive rebounds. Misses from jump shots tend to bounce farther out and when the floor is so spaced, it gives our guys an advantage in tracking the miss because there are just less bodies in the paint. This lead to 12 offensive rebounds and 5 by Kuminga.


Drip Line Up instead of death line up?


im all over Kerr most of time, but total props for yesterday


We back back

Nathan Glanzer

Yeah and normally defenders have their backs to the ball when it's put up so offense usually has a better look at where it's going to bounce when missed.


THIS is the kind of scary Klay needs to be!


Mannn i was at this game and watching the bucks trap curry Live in person was wild😂 and to see how willing curry was to make the pass out of the trap was amazing he could care less about scoring double digits he just wanted the W thats an elite mindset hell always be my MVP


I disagree. I thought Grayson Allen was key. He was a big defensive liability and contributed little on the offensive side. I'd like to see Poole go against Ja. I think he could outscore him and out defense him. I still like GP2 starting to establish a defensive mindset. Let the death lineup finish. From what I saw of Wiseman at Santa Cruz he still looks like a lost puppy on defense much of the time. I don't see him getting many minutes going forward. (why was he on the bench at the close of Sunday's game?)


Finishing out games with steph klay poole wiggs and draymond would be killer. As far as starting lineups go should poole come off the bench again or should they consider bringing wiggins off the bench? I feel like it would work well to bring wiggs off the bench but also might not from a mindset perspective. Wiggins has been great attacking more aggressively lately, not sure how he would handle coming off the bench, vs Poole who is gonna go hard regardless.


were they keeping the cheese this whole time just to be a doppleganger for Steph in his recovery?