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gsw vs den gm 67



Super stoked to hear your Wiseman takes Alch....


Looney Slander is forever off the table. I was one of the ones who absolutely grilled him early in the season. Now it's looking like the Warriors should definitely keep him as their backup big and give him a nice little contract since he's only 26. The Warriors really should extend Poole this offseason. He is only 22 and if he takes another leap next year, 4/80 will be off the table and teams will be throwing more than that at him.


Is it the return of MVP Steph? Gosh I hope so.

Chip Tingle

“Respect’s a lot longer than fame”! Go Dray Go Alch!


What I love about guys like Poole and Kuminga is that for years we kept bringing in shooters that were afraid to shoot next to Steph and Klay. Now we have these young guys who are around average shooters look those two off to hit their own. This makes them more valuable than those 40% guys who are scared to shoot


stoked to get some wiseman content on the big game tier! but honestly, glad to support you at that level regardless. The content you put out is well worth it


One silver lining of the Klay/Poole minutes battle is that they don't seem to let it affect their relationship as teammates. You can tell they support each other 100% and want to see each other succeed and get super hyped when the other hits a big shot. They could easily let the frustrations leak into the locker room but they both know the big picture. JoKu is so fucking clutch. That's it. Last, the most exciting things about Wise's highlights were A) he looks significantly bigger and stronger and B) it doesn't look like that size has hindered his explosiveness/agility, judging by the rebound/putback for his (I think second) bucket of the game. All we need him to be this year is Javale McGee with a jumper, and it looks like he can provide that.

Kahlil Baker

Watching the game I was wondering, Looney randomly gets hit with these bad moving screen calls. The Nuggets use their hands a lot in screens to actively push the defender out of position. The refs didn’t call it at all last night.


Hey Alc, one thing that occurred to me when watching this game last night and excitedly waiting for your breakdown today is it would be awesome if you stiched together your real time reactions to live games down the stretch, especially as we get to this playoff run! I think your fanbase definitely lives for your commentary/ entertainment value and I think this would be another awesome medium for us to experience those. Other Patreons, please chime in if you agree! Much love


Juan T is an NBA feel good story, but I don't feel particularly good most times when he's on the court.


I’d rock Draymonds fit easy


Good game…Thanks for the shoutout in your pod Mr Alch…Good observation on the roster…if you don’t have at least 8 nba players, you can’t win consistently in the nba…unless you’re lebron in 09 lol

Jello Smooth

This is not the year. The rise of these youngsters will create unexpected chemistry or role issues. What's clear to me is that the Youngsters - Joku, Moody, Poole - will have to go Nekramunger - and kill what they keep. Joku has already killed any thoughts of JTA being a rotation player. And now Moody is doing the same to bruh-in-law.... Poole should cut into 2022 Klay's minutes. And Klay will alter Wiggins minutes. My question is .... Can wiseman kill off Belly.... Either way next year these youngsters will be in search of thier own pride. Anyone not ready to compete should exit left.

Paul Hanson

This was a huge win given what's gone down the last month or so and how close to the end of the regular season the Dubs are. Poole: freaky deaky playing style and probably freaky deaky dude. It's fantastic-very creative, out there but in a good way for the Warriors. You're never sure what he's going to try-sometime it won't work but overall it's a huge plus. Playing with Steph 'n Klay is absolutely a perfect place for him late in games. Moody is such a find-love watching him play. Not sure if he's still growing or not. Kuminga-love it. For me the biggest takeaway is the rotation change for Steph. He's now able to show off his endurance which is legendary-when the other team is tired he now can take advantage as he's heating up while defenders fade. The drives to the basket remind me of Game 6 against Houston in the semi-finals in 2019. Those drives really set up his 3s late in the game-he's got to be able to drive to the hoop. Awesome breakdown Uncle Alch.


100% agree. You just wonder what deals the core 3 are going to want heading into the later parts of their careers


ayye good to hear we get bgb breakdowns again

Jansen E

I'm not quite there for your big game tier to see your breakdown of Wise. I just might get it though solely to see those videos lol. But just my thoughts on his performance last night: He definitely could've had like 13-14 rebs. Whoever that big ass forehead was, stole like 4 of his rebounds, and some other randos stole other ones as well. Regardless though, I did see him give conscious effort to try to grab as many as possible. However, he often was out of position, too far under the rim, or wasn't anticipating the bounce off the rim well (and my god there were plenty of bricks last night for them *cough* Chiozza *cough*). I liked the effort to rebound and with some time, I'm sure he'll be fine. He might not reach Looney levels of "right place/right time" type of rebounds, but he'll be able to grab rebounds that are literally impossible for Loon to grab cuz of his size. Screen setting: it appeared that the SCW coaches didnt want to run many plays that required a legit stand-still screen. Every single one of his screens that I remember were slipped or barely attempted. On the few he did stay still for a little bit longer, he would extend his arms or be moving. The refs didnt seem to care but he needs to clean that up. Overall though, just like his rebounding, I saw conscious effort to try to set a screen. They werent great. But.....effort is nice for step 1. Defending: He definitely got beat a couple times. Taking a wrong step or wrong angle. Against g-leaguers, its a pause for concern. A couple bad fouls as well, biting on too many pumpfakes. HOWEVER, for the most part, I thought he did well to avoid fouling, contested well, and more importantly, just played BIG. No need to jump out of the gym every play. Just be big and use your size to your advantage. I saw him do that and force a couple tough shots and thats nice to see. Finally and least importantly, offense: He missed a dunk lol. But the offense did look good. The commentators were correct in that he shouldnt be taking Wiggins-distance middys. 12 ft or closer. Quick turn around shots right on the entry pass. Force your man to respect you and pull the big ever-so-slightly out of the paint. Poole and Steph will def take advantage of that. Overall I give him a B- for the debut. Needs to get conditioning back. Heard him communicating on D which was nice. Needs to stop biting on pumpfakes directly under the rim. Better positioning for rebound. But promising outlook for him. And finally (sorry for the essay): Chiozza..................lol wtf man. This dude acting like he's the star varsity player scrimmaging with the JV team, chucking every 3, committing countless TOs like he's "the man" and immune from accountability. Wtf was that about???????? That boy need to chill hahaha


Appreciate that Jay! There is no real blueprint for this, trying my best to provide quality content and be fair about it.


Nice breakdown on Wiseman's debut With regard to Chiozza, he's probably wildin' out knowing Tyreke Evans is in waiting.. lmao


I watched Wise last nite, just to see if he has improved a bit with his instincts, basketball intelligence, etc.... basically, is this a guy with a basketball mind? After watching him last night, my gut tells me the management has got their collective heads up their rear ends. Maybe 5 years out, maybe, Wiseman will be an adequate big. Maybe an off the bench guy. But he still does the bunny hop, he still gets turned around on defense, he still has no idea what is about to transpire. This guy is a bust. To all those in this discussion who think Wise will be of help in the middle, I truly believe you are and will be mistaken. This draft choice will be one of the biggest busts. We had a chance to grab Ball and we whiffed on Wiseman. Dont get me wrong. I like him as a person. This is not a personal attack. It is what it is, but this is more of an analysis of the management. We probably could have off loaded Wiggs (im just over his BS and lack of desire to play hard), and Wise for Sabonis, but of course they didnt. We see with great players, most of the time, there is a consistent something, an IT factor that these players have when they come into the league. Wise does not have this and it blows my mind to see that management doesnt see this. Watching Wise play makes me viscerally sick, Seriously. Klay needs to reel in all this crap shooting and take more shots that are closer in and get his groove started. Tired of this BS. He aint the only one in the world to have it tough and this is no way to come back in, this hell or high water stuff. To all who are getting their panties in a bunch as I say this, relax. Just put on your Depends and get ready for the playoffs. Because you are going to shit loads with the team that we throw out there and what we could have been. Unless Curry is old Curry, (last nite Curry) we are toast. Bigs and drivers to the basket are goin to eat us alive. Think Ja, think Giannis, think Embiid, think Luka. We are screwed but it could have been prevented if the management wasnt so arrogant. And on a side note, we saw an insight into the Warriors system and Kerrs mind. During the sound bite, we saw Kerr say, "we dont dont post up, thats not Warriors basketball". Well, then why in gods name did you get a shitty 7'1" center and then not use his size to an advantage? That right there shows its about the system and not the personnel. Kerr wont adapt to his player's skill set, they have to adapt to his system. RIDGID!! The wrong kind of coaching. What the heck would have Kerr done with shaq?

John Z

feels odd to say but this felt like a classic. appreciate the breakdown

Jimmy Ji

Before the 1st Poole dagger 3, we ran the same exact play with Klay splitting the screen and Denver sold out hard to double Steph, Klay missed a wide-open 3. Had he of made that shot, we probably woulda been singing praises for Klay instead of Poole. I get he took more shots within the offense, but still shot 7-20 so I think we will need to keep Poole in the closing lineup for as long as Klay continues to struggle. I also think it benefited us with the game being tied/within 1 possession for the last 5+ minutes. Had we had a bigger lead, I bet MM woulda employed Hack-A-Loon once again to force him off the floor, which would have greatly impacted our defense against Jokic in that final stretch.


so happy for JP- definitely was hoping for the best his rookie year, but it's great to see the fanbase really root for him this season. as you talk about the changing of the guard around the league, i think it's even more exciting as a dubs fan to see a new core developing before our eyes. through the dynasty, it felt like there wasn't much space for lack of experience - it's so refreshing to have the energy, athleticism, and hunger incorporated into the team


Great breakdown, as usual 💪

Chip Tingle

Freaky-deaky…it’s been a minute, and this deserves to come back next to Timbs fashion choices. Yo Paul!

Natto Santo

Chef is back now and JK Moody are growing up;


Wiggins had such a weird night, he seemed like he was being aggressive then I saw he only had 7 points. Then I rewatched and realized it was active Wiggins he played well but his drives just led to passes therefore the 5 assists, overall I love wigs game ignoring the stat line that activity is what we need out of him especially defensively. Not even gonna mention the free throw line lol holy shit fuck that


Lmao so my sister and I went to this game, and she barely knows anything about hoops and says, "who the fuck is this big white oaf out there?!" lol even she saw that Bjeli ain't like the rest out there. She said it was like they went to some cookout and picked the tallest dude to join the team.


Nice to see the impact of Draymond. Little things make the difference in stuff looking great, or just plain awful. If Draymond could just find a way to communicate that in another way, he'd be a monster coach.


After seeing max contract Wiggins for 5 years, what fool team would ever give this man another max?


God I love Jordan Poole, hope we extend him quick because that’ll definitely end up being a discount


That scream by Poole had me dying😂


Honestly, I was surprised Malone didn't resort to that tactic again, especially because of how well Loon was playing Jokic on D. Wiggins also was in the closing lineup and I was worried they would start intentionally hacking him as well. That might explain why he was in such a hurry to pass when he got the ball, which also benefited us as he got that nice feed to Poole for the final corner 3.


Things are starting to fall into place, alright. Now just need to get Draymond back and integrated with Klay, Klay to get back to being Klay (which I think with Draymond back should help with that), and hopefully Wiseman can give some decent minutes vs. bigs and running PnR with Poole on the 2nd unit. We could finally be reaching the "scary hours" that players and announcers have been alluding to all season.


He for sure is gonna get Ben Simmons'd if he doesn't figure out the FT thing before the playoffs. That could be a serious problem.


That muscle atrophy in the right calf of Klay is concerning for me. It also gives me all I need to know about the balance and strength issues that Klay is experiencing. The achilles attaches the gastrocnemius to the calcaneus (heel), so of course he couldn't work on strengthening the calf for a long time. It's hard to tell if Kobe's calf had as much muscle atrophy because he always had skinny calfs. Curious how it looks next season. Thanks again for all this content alc, I'm in grad school and all of your videos give me a much needed break from studying.


I've torn my Achilles, and so have 2 others in my family. We still have one calf smaller than the other. But then again, we don't have to train for an NBA season. I'm guessing it's very hard to get the calf back like the other leg. At least it will take a long time. KD looks like his old self. So there is hope that Klay will get back to his old self (next season).


you gotta watch this https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLPYkLWu/?k=1


Damn man, sorry to hear that. It’s a brutal injury if you’re a professional athlete or not. Hope it’s all good now! Absolutely, I think he needs a little more time. And of course he goes off last night 😂 but still think he’ll need some time to have those nights more consistently