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gsw vs hou gm 51



If the dubs chip this season, send KPJ an honorary ring.

Jimmy Ji

Warriors already announced they will be resting Steph, Wiggins and Klay tonight, it will be interesting to see who will get more minutes. Moody or Damion Lee?


Listening to Draymond on JJ's podcast, there's always a special kinda energy against the Rockets.


tonight gonna be a kuminga and poole masterclass


Great summary Alc, as always! Love to see Moody get some meaningful minutes. Gotta see if the young guys can play!

Daniel Fries

Does it look to anyone else like Steph's shots are arcing higher than they used to?


The speech bubbles bro, keep em coming!


It certainly felt different, steph was way too colder than usual, I like it, maybe he can isolate that family stuff and concentrate solely on the game, don't think it gonna happen tho, since he's doing tv shows as well.


Glad the Chef got a good game in. He looks so stressed and I hope there is not too much happening within that and it's just the law of averages... This Guy has been consistent over the last how many years and everyone wants to blow a gasket for 6 weeks dive. He has earned a minimum of 2 months of sub-par perormance. Health to the playoffs should be the end game


you see Juan's in the dunk contest. Honestly I think it might not be pretty. Juan has hops but he doesnt have Jalen Green, Ja Morant, GP2 hops. He has young Harrison Barnes hops. big difference


I got a question for y'all. Where is Klay right now compared to 2.5 yrs ago? 60, 70 or 80 % ??? Another question, who is the worst defender Lee or Bjelica?

Ryan Mitchell

Have we established what the baseline is for Steph? Like what does it take for him to get back to ‘himself’? I’m talking stat wise Would it not be actually amazing for him to finish the season avg 25 pts, 6 assists, 5 boards, 38% (or more on 3), and +90% free though 🤷🏻‍♂️


Great Video Alch. Loved watching Steph make the Young Buck pay. That's the Steph we know and love. I've always noticed that as good as Steph is day in day out, he has that other gear when he needs it. That's what makes him extra different, only the greatest have that gear when u think they have him doubled or some defender has him seemingly locked up in a game, when we need him, Bang, he finds another level. And you are right without Draymond drag screens with a lazy center who doesn't want to come out it's almost better to get the best mismatch Steph can get and then just cook. World B Free hated screens for just that reason, it just brings on too many double teams. Lastly I so agree, Moody is ready to take D. Lee's minutes and Kuminga should get at least JTA's and in some instances some of Belli's, probably just not Moody and JK at the same time just yet.


Steph heard the podcast and was like "Who lost What?"


Mistake, first round exit, agree, love to see that I'm wrong though, he may just be showcasing with Kuminga taking his minutes


Latrell Sprewell 🤣🤣


Definitely the chef entered psycho zone in that 4th quarter, no hesitation and knew exactly what he wanted to do. It's that same zone we saw him get into last season


the speech bubbles at the end lmao


Nick Cannon reference at 0:47 HA


He's really earned at least a year honestly, if he's "off" for a full season then the concern could start


I'm just going to come out and say it, Looney is the best rebounder in the league. His positioning and iq of knowing where and how the ball will come off the rim is so incredibly elite


Thoughts on taking a stab at serge ibaka? Depending on the clips asking price it could be a nothing to lose type situation...


They have been since 3 games ago when he figured out what was wrong mechanically, even the bad game against the Nets his arc was way higher


Hey Alch, question for the pod. Why is a sweet shot called a "ratchet"? Is it because of the precision or something else? A little bball history please, prof


To be honest I don’t think any big with some IQ can be worse than Beli and JTA so anything’s a win win


Shit everyone resting for the spurs game today. Steph, Klay, Otto, Wiggins and Beli on top of the expected Iggy, Wise and Dray. No choice but all rookies all the time or near enough.

Natto Santo

So glad Steph is back, he will be even better after this hump. Moses looks great, slimmed down a bit. Such a good shooter, solid rebounder & long arms defender.He just need to improve his vision and passing skills, he did miss a wild open Klay under the basket. Kerr should really play him and preserve OPJ for the PO. Coaching staff is a good point, the way Loon is improving, it spills hopes on James development. Happy to see JTA is doing better and agreed on he should play like GP2. Focus on defense, and play the dunker spots. Klay is more versatile on scoring these days. With the improvement on his passing skills, it opens up our offense. He needs to preserve those legs now. When Green is back, it will be so much fun to see our offense.


I have one observation regarding Steph's game for the last couple months. I've noticed he has bobbled the ball a lot on his dribble moves. His handle doesn't seem to be as tight compared to the past.


That's exactly what I said about Curry the other day, he need a new challenge after becoming the 3 point God. Last night, he took it personal 👀

Kahlil Baker

They are sitting hella guys tonight. It will be nice to see the youngins get a good run


man looks like he got plans to blow up the Eiffel tower lmao


I bet JTA has the most fouls on 3 point shooters per36 in the entire league


Lmao I did not expect Nick Cannon to catch a stray during a Warriors breakdown video but I loved it

Jerry Heverly

I think Porter and Mathews played their college ball at San Quentin, they even have the tats. Yes, jta makes mistakes, passes up layups and open shots, and gets taken advantage of on defense, but I love him and his energy and hustle. The Warriors often get complacent and lazy and the only remedy is jta and dlee and gp2.

paul reboca sr

yo alch, the big man in San Antonio didn't do nathin against us, your quote" maybe 20 or 30 against us". alch you keep forgetting we got the stuff. except for JTA, i dont know man, brother looks timid, no more splash from him, not since the GUARANTEE

paul reboca sr

hahaha our 2nd string won us a game. nobody seems to understand GSW's ways. we play pretty and tuff. be blessed

Andreas Wiedemann

my theory: steph is feeling down because bob asked him if he can trade dlee