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1:25 Kobe & Klay

3:55 Don’t sell me old donuts! 

5:00 Warriors Nets

7:12 Steph theories 

12:08 Why do so many players get hurt vs the DUBs? 

14:07 Utah down bad

15:30 Why Football is such a big deal 

16:40 9ers Rams




Good pod, as always. Football is actually a bigger deal than basketball in the USA? I would have bet a 100 bucks that basketball is the biggest sport.

Matt Hanna

Football is bigger, numbers wise, than most of our major sports combined. The one and done atmosphere is what makes it so high and so low.

Chip Tingle

Yo Alch, Agreed on Jazz decline, but what about the rise of Denver, especially if one or both stars can get back? Same question for Clippers showing grit. Gratitude


For me, it would be the combination of my parents and my situation. I feel like SC has been a Mama's boy in a good way. And if his dad betrayed her but then there was betrayal in his own situation, then his identity is like double questioned. If this is the case he needs to be Doo Rag Steph. The perfect boy scrawny coaches kid thing could be gone. But people change and welcome to the real world. And I am sure this is why Doo Rag LeBron was low key jealous of him and why dudes played along. But you know he's a spiritual guy. If all of this is a factor he will be ok


I think the divorce theory has more legs than the open marriage rumors, especially considering the extremely unreliable/shady source that the latter came from (which is essentially a gossip instagram that picks DMs at random and publishes them hoping something goes viral). From the outside looking in, Steph has had a damn-near perfect life. Now after he's got the family/career/life he always dreamed of having, the two most essential figures in his life then go through a very public, messy divorce. This has probably caused a huge fracture in the family overall, which I think was magnified/exacerbated by the holidays, as their most established traditions were completely altered. His slump began a couple games after Thanksgiving, and got worse as Christmas/New Years' came and went. Initially, basketball was probably a nice distraction from the fallout, but once the slump started it may have turned into an awful feedback loop, resulting in worse play, which worsens his mental health, etc, etc. Pair that with a couple nagging injuries, and basketball suddenly becomes a source of mental and physical anguish. Reading this back to myself it's clear how much I'm talking out of my ass, and have absolutely no idea what's going on. But hey, we're here to theorize and he'll never see this, so fuck it.


Is there more than one Ayesha rumor?


I haven't said it yet, the intro is FIRE!!! Yo tho, you gotta change the Patreon banner, get rid of the chubsters on the left and lets get Ja and Kuminga lol


I noticed the slump started just before the 3 point record happened. Right around the same time his parents divorce was circulating extra hard through the media. And I would joke about it, but always thought it was real thing. I'm grew up from a traditional household, and it be hella devastating to me to see my parents split and start fighting like his have at this point in Steph's life, publicy at that! That shit would have you question so many things. I agree with Josh's take, very well written/said.


What are the Ayesha rumors? I'm completely lost


My guy i agree so much with you, myself having been through a divorce of my parents, the holidays are not at all like they used to and at the minimum, you cant help but feel a bit more "blue" or down, even if you dont feel affected by it when you are already an adult.


Even before the record was being mentioned people noted his shooting was down. Actually this was when I've said maybe the divorce was affecting him.


Some random IG guy started the rumour about Ayesha agreeing on an "open relationship". That's it really, there is no evidence


Kobe changed his 2 motion shot form to 1 motion after the Achilles' tear. Obviously the 2 motion shot uses more energy from the legs so this was a necessary change. I'm surprised no one mentioned this but Klay's form looks quite different. I made a compilation of his 2015 vs 2022 form. Notice in 2022 he has greater knee bend, more angled base, the ball before release is less centered, and the overall form is not as compact and symmetrical: https://imgur.com/a/B4VKqrr


A really, really good episode. I generally avoid football, but your comments were very interesting. I never really thought of it as a social thing. Again, learning something from you. Your excitement at HVS is clear and it has infected me. I'm so pumped up right now, at a time when I'm usually having my afternoon lull. 🙏


The thing with curry is we've seen him play like this multiple times throughout his career it just never lasts, now it's a curry fucking around game, every game


Me and my family was talking about the niners could make a run at A-A-ron Rodgers and maybe Russell Wilson, could be an interesting move. but i hope they stick with Trey, wanted him to play all playoffs


Okay, guys, you are probably gonna hate this but I have a theory. Remember a theory. Steph is dealing with the spike protein. Having dealt with it myself I know that it can really screw you up. Steph went from MVP top three candidate to what we see today and it seemed to happen overnight. You don't lose a step in a week. That bitch protein easily crosses the blood-brain barrier and it really messes with many things most of us take for granted. The scary parts for me were, exhaustion, serious vision problems and hand-eye issues. I got hit hard with Delta but the vaccine forces your body to create the spike protein but it was supposed to stay in the muscle...another lie. It is proven to scatter all over the body. So either Steph had SARS and is now dealing with Covid or he is having a reaction to the vaccine. I honestly and truly pray that I am dead wrong.


Loved the Steph Theories. Really interesting take from the phych grad student. Seth came back from being hurt recently i think hes still chipped up. Only read a blurb but it suggests that hes not had his shooting touch lately either. Idk if that means anything for Steph, but Seth could be a helpful reference point for family-related theories.


Get this bullshit out of here please. We have enough covidiot misinformation being spread around already, we don't need more of it here. Not the place for it, even if you were citing facts instead of making shit up.

Musab imran

I genuinely believe his rotation has completely tired him out. He used to have long breaks on the bench to rejuvenate. Now he takes little 3-4 min breaks in the middle of quarters and I think that has taken a toll on him.


I don’t think it’s possible Steph’s lost a step when earlier this season we were saying he was at his peak apart from maybe last season and opposing crowds were chanting MVP but I think the theory about his parents is spot on. I also came from a broken household but my parents got divorced when I was 3 and i feel it never really affected me but my best friend from high school parents got divorced our junior year and we had both seen and been through a decent amount of shit up until that point but Ive never seen anything affect him as much as that even now and from my perspective at the time it was not the biggest deal in the world as my parents had been split essentially my whole life.


Also i don’t think it’s his mechanics because he shoots slightly different on most shots and the goat shooter he doesn’t just forget how to do that

Siddhant S

Looks like KPJ “lit a fuse” in Curry. Lol


It's when Alch posts something about Steph losing a step.. that's when he shows up and regains that step. :p Not going to think that his struggles are over.. but it was nice to see tonight. His release in the 4th quarter look a lot more like his usual release.. and he definitely does better when he's either fired up, or not thinking about the shot.. not 'aiming' for the hoop.


Ah shit is the Curry slump over? Or we going back and forth now lmao.

Abhi Kelkar

lol the anti-Alch Jinx, Steph got going but honestly I was just happy to see Moody play well with the start after people had been doubting his NBA viability


Kpj may have just messed around and brought the best player on the planet out of his worst shooting slump. it’s just always against the rockets 🤣


Maybe the rockets game gives more credit to the mental health portion. Looked sloppy early, he was avoiding the left hand and kept cutting back right side mid drive, but when pressure comes on in the fourth and you need to show up. The things stuck in the back of your head bothering you fade away and you get immersed in the moment, so he starts hitting shots, playing on instinct. Even attacked the basket with his left in the fourth for the first time in the game. I could be reaching though.


We have to distract Steph with some trash talking! Make him forget his woes and be pissed hahahaha

paul reboca sr

alc, i don't know if it's just me but since JTA singed his contract i don't see any splash from him. what i perceive is almost like fear, passing up wide open shots. do you see what i see? be blessed bro