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gsw vs bkn gm 50


Chris Cho

here we gooo


Wiggins was bullying the nets


I wonder what the peak of this team is if Steph keeps playing like this. It's been two months now. Can't see a team winning a ring without a true superstar. Props to Kyrie, what a beast, and you can tell all the players love him. Great player.


harden looking like a lesbian biker


It’s tough to see now but in the playoffs Offence is a lot simpler for offensive players, your not switching from thybulle to bridges, it’s 7 games of bridges,7 games of the next lockdown etc etc so the regular season shouldn’t “scare” you unless you ultimately think Steph is washed or mentally done.


Alch with the shots lmao

Matt Hanna

Is there a give and take with Wiggins, in the sense that we all wish he had mamba mentality BUT that comes with a cost. His cool calm mentality allows him to play his game no matter if he is shooting well or not. Just a thought, I can’t see him ever being alpha.


I would trade Curry for Irving at this point. I dont know whats up with Curry, but I have no faith in that man anymore. Not that the nets would take that trade


As always, great vid Alch. Spot on analysis + catchy humor = awesome content.


Idk alc just tired of the constant hypotheticals about Steph it’s so tiring it’s either “he’s back” or “his slump continues” idk what it could be anymore I seen some say it’s the weight possibly which could be throwing off the balance idk. I just want this to be over with already


U Crazy. Also the Nets would take that trade in a heartbeat.


Steph's gotta start LeCoasting, start taking possessions off and take every 5th/6th game off, and also try to slim down throughout the rest of the season. For me it's not even his shooting that's causing concern as much as his team defense. We were talking All-Defense earlier this year and now he's just carelessly losing his assignments, no hand injury would be causing that.


Bro that D Lee impression killed me


Tbh if he made 1 more three it would have been 40%. As for why he missed so many layups we have seen him struggle to finish with hand injuries, for example 2019 Rockets semi finals


Im here for Wiggs becoming our Alpha, he can be the bridge between the old core and the new core, fuck it, give him the keys if he really gonna become his destiny 100%. Steph and Klay are the perfect players, especially in their later years, to be ULTRA SUPER Robins lol, hurts to write that, im sure Steph will be dropping bombs soon enough and we'll all eat crow. Wiggs is the prototype tho, Mike, Kobe, McGrady, LeBron - 6'6-6'8 wing with a handle, bunnies, and go get it mentality - his mind is the last piece and with this all-star nod he may have just begun to realize his ceiling is actually a whole new floor to stand on.


ALC the way steph started the season and how last season went u think loosing a step this fast is a possibility? Feel like he is just dogging it lol. These defensive mistakes show how bad he needs a mental break. Idk this looking spooky.


yah, and unc drew is truly special, sucks he has caused so much drama along the way, talk about alt universe, what if Kyrie was as professional as Steph?


Yeah this was admittedly a game where it was either frustrating or concerning to watch Steph. It can feel like he plays with a lackadaisical vibe, which then leads to what looks like careless turnovers. I will say that he also doesn’t look like he has the same spring in his legs that he did earlier in the season. He’s not beating guys off the dribble very well right now. It really does feel like he may need substantial time off to return to playing to his standards.

Keith Reynolds Jr.

I am scared that Steph is hurt. The closeouts last night were very bad. If he is this hurt he may need to rest, because coming out on national TV like this is not cool. He is mentally not present for 48 minutes. He is playing like he doesn't care man. He really has looked bad. Shout out to Wiggins and Poole man. They have really played hard and efficiently. Otto has been amazing


If kyrie wasnt so weird he’d be my fav player, but Idk, cant stand dudes like him in real life, but the guy’s a basketball magician


Maybe Steph ought to take a week off after the All-Star break. Rest & rejuvenate whatever is wrong with the body. Going 5-18, 5-20 on a nightly basis isn't helping the team much.

Ezra Abbey

kyrie was passing really well as well yesterday, would be interesting if he came back and took this team over


Steph needs at least 2 full weeks off to get right... somehow.. fake an injury i don't care. Can't just stay like this going into the playoffs.


alch with the early video so he can watch the 49ers

Chip Tingle

Groovin Alch, I didn’t notice Steph’s left hand problems in real time, but it’s real. Add his slowing a step and constantly missing short, and it gets more concerning. Downside to giving him time off? Much as Looney has been consistent, I agree on OPJ $ if it’s a choice, especially if Wiseman is truly getting right and Dray’s issue is short term. If those two have long term health problems, I’d support an even bigger signing at 4/5, tough as it is to say out loud. Both Claxton and LA feasted, and our shortage there at 4/5 is too real as playoffs get closer.


The whole Steph situation is so strange. I was debating with myself whether he had lost a step or not. But the dude was arguably playing the best ball of his career less than a year ago. And even in the beginning of this season, he looked amazing and like an MVP candidate .


Nash didn’t take that challenge, the ref just made it know to him he would lose anyway so he didn’t bother.


way Steph look now it flat out looks like he's lost a step. That said, it's damn near impossible for me to imagine he just magically lost a step from one game to the next. Cuz this all started in the first Phoenix game. And literally the game before against the Clippers I went back and watched yesterday and it's jarring how much more fluid he looked compared to now. So it's hard to see him lsing a steph from one game ot the next. Also, that Phoneix game was the very first game after it was made public his parents were getting divorced. I imagine this is a combination of being physical tired/hampered and being not fully mentally engaged


I'm really believing that for some reason Steph didn't do as much conditioning/rest as he usually does during the offseason + he hasn't taken any break in length for the whole season. He's been looking gassed at points even before he broke the 3pt record and at this point, he just doesn't have that step anymore? Like many says he really should just fake injury or even exaggerate the hand thing and get 2 weeks off or something before it's too late into the season, it's not like we're gonna move much in the standing anyway.


By the playoffs no one will even remember Currys struggles, i honestly am just tired of people harping on it constantly more than I am concerned about it. Plus his shot looked a hell of alot more steph like despite going 5-19 honestly, it just looked prettier I guess, hard to explain but it just floated toward the basket and not the bricks he was putting up the last 2 weeks


It only takes a little tweak here or there to slow you down a little. I think Steph might have something minor going on in a knee/ankle/hip... that's causing him to be a little slow, think twice about moving a little more than usual..... It could also be affecting the shot too. He needs some rest.


When he was still in the mix for MVP I kinda understood him wanting to push thru initaly.. but Now! Let JP cook for a week or 2

John Z

How long does it take for Steph to be in this slump and for Kerr to actually adjust for it? Like do something different. Do we really care about every possession? Kerr can say it all he wants. PnR, do it more with actual threats to pass to. Less motion when dudes are actually trying to isolate. The offense is just miserable to watch for most of the game. We need to stop focusing so much energy on the system and just play basketball.


Not going to lie the way Steph and Klay were shooting I thought bringing them back in the game in the 4th might cost us the game. Luckily they came through and GP2 really sealed the deal with the steal on the last Nets posession.


I'm not sure about Wiggins being the best player on this team. Most consistent? 100%, but he's just not dominant enough and doesn't demand the ball enough imo

Natto Santo

I don't worry about Steph, I still think it is just aging. It takes a few months to cope with the body. His passing is really bad though. His shot and driving will be back , not to the point like 2016, but it would be still elite. Luckily Klay looks really good to me. And OPJ is a gift.

Natto Santo

Wig is the best player and on top of that, Poole is better than Steph at this point. We should all center our offense on these two players. Of course Steph is not far from these two.

Natto Santo

JTA needs to go back to basketball 101, this kid passing up a dunk for no reason. At this point, Kerr needs to send JTA back to D League, and gives the play time to Moody.

Jerry Heverly

Everything I read about Kyrie is that he is a really good soul, but he has the weakness of every great athlete. He has been told for so long that he is divine that he believes it. He acts on his irrational whim about vaccines and won't yield to reason because......he has always been deferred to. He can't accept the fact that he is wrong about something. {Of course, how many vaccine deniers have I read about lately who died defending their right to be ignorant.} As soon as they built a big lead they went away from the offense and started jacking up crazy shots, at least seven or eight consecutive possessions they played backyard hoops, every man for himself. They deserved to lose.

Major Powers

Absolutely love the Harden hate.

Omer Ali

If Steph is dealing with an injury that we don't know about, why doesn't he just take a couple weeks off and get his body right. With Klay back, the Warriors can still compete in games.

Natto Santo

Just wonder ... it seems Steph is always upset with GP2?


Is it just me or is the elephant in the room the rumors that surfaced like weeks before the slump


If they were both doing it would they really be cuckolds? Would just be an open marriage right? I don't really follow all the off court stuff of either of them admittedly. As long as they aren't hurting anyone I couldn't give a shit what they spend their free time doing.


I think Steph is playing injured and preserving himself for crunch time. I’ve heard of athletes attempting to peak at the right time. I think that’s what’s going on here. He avoids going in for contact that won’t be called anyways and he’s shooting way too many threes. I think he’ll be back to his regular self after the all star break…I hope


How i feel about Kyrie the person? That is NSFW, best left unsaid and has nothing to do with basketball.


To make the Pony Express work they had to change horses along the way and I think dynasties work the same way...... It's Otto.

Ryan Mitchell

Nice work Alch! Not sure how I feel about the MVP chants for Steph now when he’s at the line . . . I almost cringe when I hear it. Wow - KI was special. I also think he has the best shoes - they’re fire


Kyrie is also an ass clown and you shouldn't support his shit