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GSW vs Min gm 63

Gsw vs min



yessir lets get right


The refs called this game as if it the players were rock em sock em robots. No whistle unless you knocked the other guy's block off. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9Y9IBnAcls To the good side, they blew the whistle on Jordan Poole's carry move.

james moore

I hope they left mulder in the arena and left


They still have 2 empty roster spots ryt ALC ?what’s the situation with that ?


I liked how the refs let us play last night. Hoping to see more of that in the playoffs

David A.


David A.



If you look at our situation...we’re going into a dark path...if dray was 75% of who he was on the past...i could see a path to the finals...right now...i don’t see it...if myers was that guy also....but i don’t see it...i still think about how he took cook instead of lee when we went into the playoffs in 19...we needed a shooter and he took the guy kd wanted 👍🏽....and all our moves in the margins have been trash...if our pick doesn’t convey....that’s the end...minesota is a .500 team now...


This team is playing like the gas tank is on empty. I think the Dallas loss may have psychologically damaged them. They should be able to win the next 3 games, but I predict 1-2, with them beating Houston.

Musab imran

Even though Drummond can’t play defense I wouldn’t mind him coming on a small contract this summer depending on his market. His rebounding could be useful


I wonder what their infatuations is with this guy.. there are a tone of guards his size in the G league that are dawgs GP2 was one of them


he is very JaVale like in his mental .. Kerr has so little patience for bigs because ultimately they are fucking up his system in his eyes


I've never been fan of mychal mulder. Even when he was dropping 20+ pieces the past few games, I still wasn't impressed cause as you said, this dude never seems to make his shots when it counts. He's a garbage-time bucket getter. He needs to go.


fuck it Warriors trade Wiggins, Wiseman, MIN pick, GSW pick Boston trades Jaylen Brown and Marcus Smart


You could tell they really wanted to win this game. Wiggs specially. They should have feed Wiggs the ball more. Once Kelly oubre and Damien lee are back talent level will go up... but after all that this team is a first round exit at best. I don't see this team beating the suns or the jazz in the playoffs. I am just looking forward to see steph and dame go at it in the play in. Making the playoffs at this point is icing on the cake..


I’d like to think they’ve been practicing the steph Wiggins pnr and are waiting to blitz teams with it in the play in but knowing Kerr the only prep they’ve done is yoga and “Which 2016 golden state warrior are you?” quizzes. Not to forget barbosa’s secret sauce, which is literally the fountain of youth, or so they say. What are the odds baze is playing fruit ninja under the table during film sessions? Meanwhile JP in the back squeaky laughing at pictures of cats and EP losing his mind watching 2K pack openings. Bob probably at his desk still trying to get out of the Chinese finger trap he bought a week ago and joey is in steph’s voicemail promising an unlimited budget and a media bribe for mvp honors if he stays.


I feel for Curry. What a hell this must be for his spirit. When I use to have no life, I would spend my $$$ on food. Now I prefer to watch the chef cook. And write stupid on NBA forums. Best chef in the world when he cooking. But the people who run the restaurant have given the best chef a shitty fukinh staff. The vibe sucks, you hope for a great meal. But most of the time your just waiting for the waiter to fall. Dump your dinner on the floor. Then pick the up the mess, "here your meal sir". Fukk that. Jesus, is this supposed to be dark humor. Like funny? Is that the intent?. Kinda funny... And People don't liking the food, in spite of the best chef in the world! The owners of the service need to look up their collective assholes, and focus. This is really quit sad. Look below at still pic of Curry, vs Mavericks. Says it all. I feel for Curry. What a hell this must be for his spirit. But I loved how refs called it. more 70s, 80's Style lets go... Come on NBA give us this, you know we like it..... ; ) .... ok thats positive right


Well, it was competitive....that's a plus! I heard Kerr saying that the main problem was "not boxing out". The defense didn't seem too bad, so that might be it.


Wiggins shoots 43-44% on both corner 3s, 36% from above the break. Which meets my eye test because from distance he doesn't have great arch on the ball, not Draymond level bad but could be much improves. Every time Looney and Draymond share the court our offense is bad unless they're screening for PnR or split action and that puts an entire stop on our fluidity not just due to spacing but also because it leads to guys ball watching.

Paul Hanson

I watched the game at the same time I watched the NFL Lottery. Interesting to see someone the Niners drafted talked about as the possible "NFL version of Stephen Curry"-at the same time watching a clearly pissed off and frustrated Steph have to deal with players who want to do well but just don't have the talent. Mulder-gotta go. Bazemore-really don't know about his upside-depends by the day if he's a general plus or minus. The sad thing about this is that the financial constraints on the Dubs is serious unless Lacob and Guber each are multi-billionaires willing to waste a billion on this team given the tax situation. Between Dray, Steph, Klay and Wiggins they make up to the salary cap. This is why they can't really do anything unless they pay for a couple of $15 million a year contracts that are more like $45 million with the tax. Whatever they do-Stephen Curry better be on this team for awhile because it's back to "It's A Great TIme Out!" with 2019 pricing if Steph's gone. And-Houston just beat Milwaukee-so, damn-it's for real on Saturday. Those kids on Houston are playing free and easy-even if they are a G league team. The Dubs look demoralized and spent.

David A.

I mean, I gotta give you props on the descriptiveness here


Damion Lee? Talent upgrade? That one gave me a good laugh

Jansen E

This is Wanamaker all over again. There is just NO reason Mulder should be on an NBA roster. I get that we had only 8 people in the rotation. But why the fuck was he playing in clutch time? For his defense? His high IQ? Like at the very least, Poole CAN hit a shot if we need it. Not saying he wouldve last night. But geezus. Wide open 3s and total bricks. I say Poole hits at least one of those.


Its crazy how little talent they put out on the floor to close games. At least its clear what the issue is. In a way I'd rather be in this position than say the Celtics who have all the talent in the world and a (supposed) great coach but continue to underperform.


It's clear by their play that everyone wants to get this season over with ASAP. The sad truth though: there's no hope for next year either - because all these pieces will be moving. Critiquing them is pointless. I doubt the FO will suddenly make any better choices either. Like firing the dysfunctional child nobody wants to be mean to: Kerr. Funny cuz he blames himself all the time; why doesn't anybody believe him? Protecting their own. It's hard putting dreams on hold - even harder cancelling them indefinitely, but face it kids: even Minnesota is closer to OZ than Oakland now.D'Lo is having the last laugh, depsite Wigs' gallant play. Reality check: the Anti-Dynasty is upon us. Steph has a big decision to make.


love your analogy. Dubs ain't even good as comfort food any more.... give me heartburn.


Take Mulder out. Move up Ryan Taylor and Linn from Santa Cruz.


Steph had like 16 points in the last 3 minutes of the 3rd quarter so why not have him start the 4th. Anyway I hope the team and coaching staff went to strip clubs in Houston. Whatever it takes..............

Daniel Fries

Fitz talking about "Mulder scored a career high last game" - as if he can put up numbers outside garbage time. stfu! Maybe he's in there to take the L for the pick, and Bob's helping the front office sell it.

Jerry Heverly

I don't see this game as as much of an indicator as everyone else seems to. They are playing with seven NBA players(I don't count Mulder), on the road, with Rubio out of his mind. The highlights show the Warrior offense but it was the defensive side that decided this game. With such small players they were repeatedly manhandled by Minnesota's bigger players. Conclusions about NEXT year are silly. Put Wiseman, Paschall and Oubre in the rotation and this would have been a very different game. That's not an excuse, that's reality. The Timberwolves looked 'athletic and talented' because they were playing against seven midgets.


Kerr did comment on that....he said that they were not boxing out. Even if they were midgets, just put your backyard on somebody! But I agree, it's not just one game that decides the whole season. There are multiple games that lead up to this.


I think we want to stay at the 9 10 seed, because we want to keep our draft pick. I think the Steph and dray are very aware


I think you got a point.....dubs look tired...get a few hungry G-league guys!! They will play their hearts out.