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gsw vs was gm 52

This is "gsw vs was gm 52" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



This game was a microcosm of this team as a whole this season. Can make runs and compete with the best. Just don't know how to finish off games. Wiggins with the absolute knucklehead foul, and Lee just short circuiting on the last play.


I wasn’t really on the trade draymond train but that dudes time is up but we sadly all know that man ain’t going nowhere

Ezra Abbey

dont even have any takes, this team is just beyond words lol. fucking rollercoaster


The positivity in this breakdown was refreshing. I had to leave the fucking room after the game. I was gonna go on a rampage. 😂 good breakdown as usual


Alch what do you think of the nickname Mos Def for James Wiseman considering he constantly says “most definitely” in all his interviews

Chris Styner

Could not agree more about Draymond, idk what to say about the dude.


Like you said Draymond having the ball is a necessity, not an optimal system by any stretch of the imagination. When he doesn't have the ball, he is best positioned at the top of the 3 pt line instead of the corner so he can threaten to put up effective screens against someone sagging off.


Warriors didn't deserve to win. Baze and Poole played poorly. Alchemy is right JP has stopped asserting himself on offense and IMO that's what you get when you play him out of position at point. Poole had just started to get it after the G league return and then, wait what, what is it that I'm supposed to be doing as a point? But as Kerr said a few week ago to direct question about it no, Jordan is not a point guard he's a combo guard.


Your breakdowns are so good! I had most the blame on Kerr last night, but after watching this and seeing your perspective it's clear the blame can be spread evenly. It's brutal that Wiggins picks a game like this to struggle from 3. His defense has been so amazing that the one mistake at the end on that Beal 3 gets all the attention. He has been our most consistent defender throughout the season. Just needed one of his 3s to drop last night and we would have all be happy campers :(


Not trusting tried-and-true strategies and losing because of it. You foul Westbrook. You don't care about layups, just guard the 3p line. You put the ball in the hands of your best player with 6s on the clock. You put your offensive big in because you only need 2. You use an athletic wing for the cut. You put DLee in the weakside corner to stretch the floor, instead of Wiggins who was bricking 3s all night... Oh, with only 1.2s on the clock, now you look for Curry. I thought he was so triple-teamed you could never get the ball in his hands? /s Never change, Steve. Never change.


Here’s to losing to the rockets tonight so we get scorched earth alch🍻 I think now I’m just realizing how much we miss all those high iq players from the title run. Dray is off that list for sure. Damn! Alch loving the hezi tho


When I first joined this Patreon, I made a comment about Draymond's effort in a specific game and someone came to his defense pretty quickly. I think I'm about to do the same lol. I think Draymond should maybe lead the bench and like you said, maybe swap with Wiggins so that he can initiate. I believe he still has value and can maybe elevate the bench with giving them easier looks. Wiggins can definitely impact the game offensively, maybe he just needs more opportunities


Yeah I’m with you. I’m actually not upset at that last play design. I do think that Oubre or Wiggins should have been in Lee’s spot and Vice versa so either would probably dunk the ball instead. I guess A counter argument to that though is that they might get fouled and miss the free throws. It’s crazy how Wiggins made a defensive play last game that won it, but made one this game that lost it. It stings even more because he was defensing Beal well for the first 3 quarters. I’ve always noticed and appreciated the dynasty’s collective IQ. It’s fascinating the huge drop off between them and the players on this team. Funny how many times this season I thought “This is the time where they’ll finally go on a run and gain momentum”. I’ve finally accepted that every game is a toss up from here on out because of the unpredictable IQ moments.

Major Powers

Fuckin Lee pissed me off so bad last night.


Draymond and Wiseman plus picks for KAT. Assuming they get Cade Cunningham. Cade, Anthony Edwards, and Wiseman, will be a powerhouse in 5 years.

John Z

Just feel like preaching to the choir, Kerr is half a season in and still forces these low bbiq players to run his fluff. They might be bad but Kerr confounds it.


Wiggins saw 14 million futures and picked the one that leads to a 4 pt play... lmao. If he made even one three pointer (0/5) or one more free throw (1/4) we secure this game.


Just a bunch of really really dumb players. Poor Steph


Well......alleast is seemed a competitive game..... Who is a high iq player that we can trade for? Now we're like one of those teams with one superstar who scores a hunch every night, but the team is collecting L's


Wiggins going 0 for 6 on wide open 3s, Pool's 0 points and Lee scared to lay the ball up, this is the exact reason why Draymond feels the need to take shots. Before you think of trading Draymond you must first make sure non of Looney, Baze, Pool or Lee are in the closing line up with Steph.


What about wiggins + wiseman + minnesota pick for KAT.. wiseman is not just ready yet and we dont have the 2yrs he needs to develop. Also why is looney still on this team. He cant defend any big and cant even defend guards anymore so he cant even swith effectively.. looney is useless. As far as im concerned we have no rim protection and u can never be a top 10 defense without rim protection. Lee, bazemore arent nba players. Bazemore has some of the lowest IQs ive seen on the court.curry is doing himself whatever he deserves by populating the team with family and friends as opposed to winning players

Natto Santo

I was pissed. Totally pissed. Now I lost my faith in Kerr for the first time. And fuck D Lee. Trade Draymond or just outright dump his fucking contract. If not, please let Steph go. Don't waste his best years with these stupid team. And Steph, you career will be over, if you don't take control right now and get rid of blood suckers like Draymond and D Lee. You can still stay at MVP level for 2 years max. These fuckers will drag you down. Be a winner, and be a leader, cut ties with these suckers. You can still get that Final MVP. Be smart.


Well the trade deadline is over. They have to try to get someone in the buyout market.


I just don't understand why they didn't bring up Jeremy Lin? He couldn't have been worse than lee or bazemore


Dray would NEVER agree to coming off the bench @ this point...imagine how bad he'd show his behind & demand a trade instead!


Its hard for me to be mad at the outcome of this game. Wins have very little value to this season. I think it's about time to shut Steph and draymond down for the season. I'd also say to waive bazemore, but he's out playin golf with steph and dlee in-between games. I have some faith that some major changes will come this off season, and if they don't then maybe after that its time to panic. I think the expectations of this season weren't to really do anything in the playoffs anyways so fuck it. Lose games, get a good pick, sell off some of these bums and picks and get some NBA players.

Jerry Heverly

Trading Wiseman is the last thing they should do. Without scoring from Wiggins and Poole they have no chance. Poole has been the biggest disappointment on the team lately. He refuses to shoot open shots. He seems to have chemistry with Wiseman but, again, refuses to use it. But I must admit this one is on Kerr. Not fouling was dumb. Is playoff experience really so important? Wouldn't a lottery pick be better?


Draymond is already done. People said his role wasnt to score when i used to point the fact that you cant play 4 on 5. Warriors have no future if they dont get rid of draymond. The truth is warriors need a player like bam adebayo in draymond's role.. Curry is obviously not very smart. Idc how much people try to idoloze curry. 2 things he isnt 1. An alpha 2. Street smart. Kd saw the hand writings on the wall and bounced.. draymond is the kind of guy that if he was the A side in terms of skill and curry was the B side, he would have traded curry. Now he realises he isnt relevant anymore and is trying to decieve curry about loyalty. Dray is only loyal to himself and keeps playing all the dummies in warriors F.O. bob myers has no clue about putting a roster together. Dude is just an agent . Kerr isnt a developmental coach. Infact he has limited clue about coaching. Honestly i believe kerr can only coach motion offense because thats all he knows. He cant make adjustment ps like Pop because he doesnt understand the nuances of coaching strategies..


I understand your frustration with steph being way too comfortable trusting his teammates, the coach, and the system, but to say he isn’t an alpha is a bit outlandish. Now he ain’t no KD, but he’s 90% of it with 10% of the ego. Take your pick.


Join me in team scorch earth

Paul Hanson

#1: I agree with Shittu-on average. Draymond is either uninterested (why?) or unable to bring it every night. HIs offense is downright offensive. #2: The team looked as if they thought all they had to do was show up and they'd win. All the good feelings over Milwaukee go away with that stupid loss. The team could have one this game if A: they cared enough to actually take the Wiz seriously-B: shot just 2-3 more wide open made free throws. C: fouled Westbrook with 10 seconds left up 3 points. Up 3 points with 10 seconds left! What I got to thinking was: I as a fan care more about them winning than they do. That really, really sucks. The way they look on to each other, the way Steph doesn't really seem interested to the degree he can most times, the way Dray is falling off a slope, talking everywhere and living off his 2017 reputation-it shows some serious failings of leadership on the team and in the front office. All this PR stuff with the obsession with Oakland-based players-they could have built an arena in Oakland and never lost that gritty fan base that was there since 1971 but they've managed to start pissing them (and me) off. Realizing this-I find that time spent being concerned and caring for them as a team may be a waste of my time if they don't feel the need to take ANY NBA team seriously. Really. Now-I'm no athlete and I know they deal with a hell of a lot, especially in COVID times. I don't really know what it's like to be on their level. But-as Klay Thompson once said when he was watching a game he couldn't get into due to his recovery-it really sucks not being able to go in there and fight for a win. It's always more stressful for us watching at home when a team is about to lose or win because we can't do anything about it as we root for the squad-meanwhile the players are less stressed because they CAN do something about it. I hope they do but I'm not holding my breath. Of all things relating to this game-by far the most positive item was Wiseman's play. I am happy about that while really annoyed by the loss. Keep it up Alch-this is a great place for us fans to share our thoughts on this team.

Paul Hanson

beating Bucks: everything's great. Losing to Wiz: great feeling's gone. That's the kind of game that tells you maybe you're taking it more seriously than they are. Maybe.


I wanted Oubre & Wiseman on the last posession. Story of this season is the players have been utilized incorrectly or in the game at the wrong time.


He not fluent enough and doesn't have the arsenal of technique yet to deserve that nickname.

Natto Santo

R Lopez has been doing that hook for the past 3 years. He got pretty good at it.


I realized something about the Warriors... I just dont like watching them play. I've seen them at their lows, the buildup of the team with Jerry West , the greatness and championships, and then the arrogance of the owners and the exposing of management this year. I dont have confidence in the organization to put together a great product. They dont seem to know what that is. They are rarely fun and Curry's amazing play is smothered by unintelligence. Basically everything is telling me they are going to take my heart away. Both at the end of the game and with who they draft. OMG. Is it obvious that Myers has no clue what talent is yet? The 17th pick in the draft at "center" has so much more talent and basketball awareness than Wiseman; so much more its embarrassing (not for Wiseman, for management). This whole organization needs an overhaul. Will Light Years Lacob see this? Ooohhwee, me dont think so ...

Yehudah Raphaelsohn

Maaan, I'm not hating in you, but your coming across a bit salty. Fans of 29 team would trade their own mothers to have the last decade the Warriors just had.


I think I'm going to do some fantasy basketball next season, definatly getting oubre, that guy is so durable.


James' progress has been amazing ..


To echo what others have said... as sad as it is, right now Draymond is the tampon clogging the toilet. He takes up all this space—minutes, touches, paint area Wiseman could roam around in—but atm the payoff isn’t worth the cost, assists or no assists. I know this is heresy, and he may be great next year—But I wish we could trade him for a couple decent 2-way players (at least one a real 4 who can board) and see what we’d have. *Wiseman has come alive last 2 games, skillwise—and maybe also starting to have a more mannish attitude, I feel like it’s in his face sometimes after good plays. Gotta have a wish to dominate people to thrive in this league, Steph has it, maybe Wise is finding it.


You hit it right on the nail alc. We have too many “maybe” shooters. Too reliant on baze and DLee to make shots


forgot to mention Kerr's mismanagement as well cannot be ignored he hasn't helped in all these confounding losses


I'm so on Team Scorched Earth that it hurts. Biggest slice of humble pie goes to Kerr for this loss. Even though this outcome sort of felt inevitable from the outset I was amazed when somehow the Wizards ass defense had us up 3 with 10 seconds to go. I tend to disagree with Alch here on the issue of fouling down the stretch of close games. I think almost every team can put at least 2 decent to good 3 pt shooters on the floor at any one time. Hell even average NBA shooters are better than we give them credit for. With just how prolific the 3 ball is in the game I think you have to play the maths every time. You foul you foul and you foul some more. Don't let even a sliver of a chance come into it. Some bright spots in the game Wiseman obviously played well and tells me that given enough time he can develop into a really special player. That sort of size and athleticism just doesn't come along that often. I'm not even that made at management for taking the chance to draft him. But time is what it is. He won't be nearly the player this team needs if they even want to sniff more than a 1st round exit in the next few years. Dray Dray Dray. I think most can agree he needs to go but given how this team is made I'm not optimistic about him getting shown the door. Realistically I'm sure they will want to run it back one more time with a healthy Klay back next season. In that situation I can only suggest that they need to trade pretty much anyone else even Oubre and Wiggins get as many high IQ players as you can. Myles Turner should be the number 1 player you target in the off season.


Tough, tough loss. I’ve actually grown to appreciate Wiggins instincts on a team devoid of complementary basketball minds to complement the OG’s. The big problem is that Wiggs has one huge handicap. He was born without a clutch gene. I don’t think I have seen him hit a pressure shot or free throw all season. I do like his D and I agree that he could be a good facilitator with his court vision and drive and dish game, but man what a shrinking violet under the spotlight, and he CANNOT drive a stick. 30 mill? Some tough decisions up ahead.


Oubre is a low iq player but he plays hard all the time, so it is acceptable. He is my favourite Warrior to watch this season cos you can tell he wants to win


def need scorched earth alch! this season is like man... we can confidently say a run isn't coming.


I saw someone on twitter say that Draymond didn't trust Curry for the shot. I thought it was a good play, and an excellent pass from draymond. Lee just messed up.


what makes dray valuable over the years was his 100% intensity and energy... if he starts gets full of himself thinking he's the GDPOAT and a triple double threat withOUT needing to lock in every minute, then get rid of his ass before his value drops more

Christian Hollaway

I don't get the "Curry doesn't care" schtick. I mean without him we are by far the worst team this year. With him we are battling for the playoffs. He's not above reproach and I get that. I just don't see anything about his basketball character to question right now. If he starts giving effort like Harden when he wanted to be traded, then we can talk. As a whole I don't think effort is this teams problem. We lack size, IQ and talent. The talent we do have are unreliable shooters.


Alchemy your the real MVP of this season out here 5 days A Week with the hezi podcast plus warriors games! Keep up the dope content!!!!! You need more recognition man!!!!!!!!!!!!


"Scorch earth" what? Lol