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please let me know if anyone sees the YouTube link posted anywhere. someone has been posting it on warrior blogs. Might have to move the second link to another platform. 



gsw vs sac gm 45

This is "gsw vs sac gm 45" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Connor H

Uh oh got a rat in the patreon lol


Hey Alch, what's your take on Denver? How much did they improve compared to last year?  McGee vs Plummly and Gordon vs Grant? They lost two very important defensive pieces in Harris and Kraig. They also decided to keep Barton who is defensive liability and league worst finisher at the rim (it's dead race between him and bridge troll). Again, if bubble Murray shows up and MPJ plays at all star level I believe they can reach finals this year. BTW, what's your timeline on Weisman's development? I believe he will struggle one more season. Year after he will start to figure things out. His fourth season we are talking about nba star or maybe even superstar. I think he will become a great offensive player like KAT, Vooch or Joker but continue to struggle defensively throughout his career. 

Ezra Abbey

fox was absolutely cooking there was no way we were winning that game, this team needs a dub shit's starting to look bad


"Shit, you mad. I can't even get in the game, bro."


Wiseman needs to show his will or motor at some point...I don’t care about the kerr system or his role...he’s our 2nd pick!!!...he need to take his opportunities by the horn...it’s the nba not a charity event ..all these guys (mannion,juan..) playing for a future contract...they don’t give a fuck about a 1st year rookie...they realized that it’s easy to look him off and just shoot...


Not gonna lie, I've been wanting to see a little more playmaking from Poole. With the chef out, I guess everyone wants to prove they can score. Wiseman's situation at the moment looks downright depressing. He better listen to a motivational speaker or something. Clint Capela may have him crying uncle tonight. Then he got Vucevic rolling in next. Sheesh!


If Paschall doesn't fit and can't crack the rotation he could've been a piece to move at the deadline; I feel like he holds some value around the league. Idk all the cap specifications though... maybe Stevie Ray can inform us how that could work in the off season lol


It’s tuff to shoot 51% from the Feild and 53% from 3 and you still get blown out. Really missed Drays qb defensive skills in this game but overall it was a great offensively efficient performance from the Dubs. Alch, thee worst thing about this team in my opinion is the rebounding. Warriors suck at it. Ive been watching them on defensive and offensive possessions and I notice they never (other than wigs and KO) crash the boards. They just backpedal down the court or ball watch. Is this something the coaching staff or coaches teach? Get back set on defense vs going all out for a rebound? Your thoughts. Congrats to Nicco for his Career High night. Shooting that 3 ball with confidence. I will miss Chriss man! Sucks because if healthy, it wouldn’t have been him to go. JTA had a great game and after in his post game interview, he advised that people should stop criticizing JW cause he’s 19 and playing in the best league in the world etc... but I disagree. You a starter in the NBA then you deserve to be criticized. Don’t care how old that person is. He’s playing like trash. 7ft tall with that athletic build, all he has to do and is expected of him is to hustle and play with energy. Which he doesn’t. Can’t do the simplest stuff like, box out and rebound, and set a pick. I like the kid and hope he continues to improve.


As frustrated as Wiseman has a right to be with not getting the ball as Alch says "on time" when and where he wants it and with his own mistakes on the offensive end, Wiseman defense and defensive rebounding in these last 2 starts are nothing short of pathetic, he does not fight for position, he does not hunt contact when a shot is eminent, he is being owned by a no name backup center (76ers) a average center (Kings) who have career nights against him.

Jansen E

People are trying to scalp your videos man??? Thats fucking cold. I hope you dont have to change platforms or move to another paywall to avoid that. The last few games have shown just how raw and unpolished Wiseman is. Is there anyway that he could just start training with KG or some other skilled big? The dude has EVERY SINGLE TOOL physically. He just needs to learn how to use them. And no one I can think of within the recent Warriors circle can teach him what he really needs to know. They might have to go talk to whoever trained Ayton or Embiid.


How worried are y’all about wiseman? 1-10. With 10 being the worst and 5 being “worried but I still think he will figure it out”. I’m about a 6 right now


He's 19, so he'll eventually learn. I just think he's not a natural basketball player


when Wiseman is in possession of the ball, it mostly results in a bad miss or a turnover. I think this discourages the other warriors to give it to him. I feel like he's always in a hurry to shoot the ball when he has it on the paint and it mostly results in an awkward attempt at the rim. He's always the biggest man in the floor, he should just keep it simple, back people down and try to score over them, kinda like how aldridge plays. I agree with you about the constant rolling alch. You need to know how to set screens and understand angles on where you can get an opening to receive a pass while rolling, and I don't think he gets that yet.


Za can at least teach this man how to set a proper pick and yeah no aggression. I don’t know if that can be taught. I hope to God he’s not a softie like KAT

John Z

If they aren't willing to give him the ball on the block, just start using him like Jaren Jackson, let him spot up or like you said be on the perimeter like Looney. Feel like we changed the game but aren't adapting to it.


JTA been had bounce. Seen him play live a few weeks ago


Will definitely be on the lookout for that. People are disgusting thieves. It’d be nice if the YouTube can stay, so we can keep casting to the TV, but do what’s best for you g. Can’t be letting people steal your hard work!


Off topic, but how about all these injuries in the league rn? LBJ, KD, Steph, AD, Embiid, SGA, Lamelo, etc. has the long schedule finally caught up to everyone? Because of all the injuries, it doesn’t feel like much to watch until like May.


Wiseman's defense is worrisome, I don't just mean the lack of anticipation and defensive instincts but he just doesn't look like he has the lateral speed, he's just very fast going straight. Offensively I want to see him being used as a shooter and only post up against complete mismatches.


Just a coincidence. Also injuries of course get more common as the season progresses, this is why stats tend to decline over time since the start of season.


talked abut it on yesterdays podcast. Really like the Gordon fit with Jokic. Murray seems like he needed more time off between the bubble not always in great shape. JW got to keep reminding myself how young he is, realistically he could be 3-4 years away


Yeah its team strategy.. the cost of hitting the O glass is transition Defense. it hink he needs to be held accountable with considerable patience


last year I remember seeing him struggling to finish above the rim. Could a simply been the adrenaline of making the league. that will rob your gas tank quick I imagine

Kahlil Baker

hopefully Weisman understands he’s not playing with Dray and Curry right now. Things are different when they are on the court.


the amount of love you show juan t is funny


Maybe making up for not believing in him initially. But I mean when he gets min he’s been sold AF

Jerry Heverly

Too soon to make judgments about Wiseman. Kids get discouraged more easily than adults. Will they sign a player or two to fill the open roster spots?


At the beginning of the year I was giving the warriors management and GM shit for draft picks past and present (post Jerry West) and Wiseman shit and people replied with give the management the benefit of the doubt and time and give the nineteen year old time. Have we had enough time yet? Or are we still on the 20 year plan. Wiseman like I said has no game. Does he have a game. What the hell is it. Hes like a 16 year old out there, whos afraid to mix it up and demand rebounds. Defense is a little better than beginning of year. Most of the team should be up on the trading block. Krutwig is probably going late in the second round next year. I would trade wiseman straight away for Krutwig and another pick. Keep curry, green, JTA, Nico, Thompson, get rid rest of slackers. Kerr becomes assistant coach. If keeping Wiseman, get a GD big man coach that knows what the hell they are doing and toss whoever is in there now. And really, they bailed on Chriss and kept Looney, mr excitment. Richaun Holmes at sac gets paid the same as Looney and gets 14, 9 and 2, Looney gets and 4 and 4? same salary? Need to get rid of Myers and Lacob needs to apologize to NBA and world for being so arrogant about the Light years ahead shit and get the gods off our backs. And I need to get a life.


Ya'll can come at me but at this present moment I'd take JTA over Dray no cap!


Not surprised by this result in the slightest even with Dray I think we would have lost, especially when Fox was cooking like that. I'm still not going to be harsh on Wiseman but more and more I'm confident that we aren't the team for him and the longer he stays with us the greater disservice we are doing to his potential development. I would love to know the details of what if any moves Bob actually tried to make at the deadline. Did he just aggressively fail or have cold feet? I understand trading Chriss (seems like the understanding is he may well be signed back on in the off season anyway but getting out from him now saves on tax). Bridge troll was obviously gone so no surprise there. So now they have the money maybe to sign Oubre to an extension or new deal in FA. That still leaves us with Mulder, Smailagic and Bazemore hanging around like bad smells not to mention a deep hole at the center position. Unless Klay balls out beyond belief upon his return next season I think it's fair to say that the window is all but firmly shut for us.


Re: ball control: damn, never noticed that, but now that you mention it it's obvious. Re: vaccine: I hope you are right, but the lack of any registry (like Israel has... they have a passport modification that indicates they are vaccinated), I'm worried it'll be TOO easy to fake getting it.


If he doesn't remain our small ball 5 off the bench who consistently putting up double digits, all the value he had earlier in the season will evaporate. Honestly, if you wanted to move him, should've been 48 hours ago.


Since one is essentially free, and the other costs 24 milli next year, there's a case, considering what you can do with savings. But one fits in, and one is the system, its a big difference in roles.


Wiseman rolls way way too much for a rookie centre, it seems like he wants to take the shot every single possession, then he proceeds to fuck up every time his teammates pass him the ball, it’s natural that the team is icing him a little. He is also not ready defensively, sometimes he gets good positioning but he just gets pushed out of the way because he is not strong enough, same for rebound. I may sound rediculous but i believe the best option right now is send him to the g league, this is a project


I feel like your comments early on about Wiseman's core strength become more apparent every game. Get you ass established down low. It should not be so hard for these guys to feed you. Or be under the ball when it drops.


Steve Kerr and Warriors front office get an absolute F for decisions made (or lack of decisions made) during this current season. Kerr, amongst other issues, giving Wanamaker and Mulder an abundance of opportunity through the first half of the season, rather than give Poole some more opportunity who since the all star through nine games (4 starts) 50-40-90 splits with 20 a game. Not mention sometimes just simplifying the offense with Steph instead of running him in circles off ball. The front office, literally not making any signings for any bigs the the moment Smaligic and Chriss were out to basically start the season and you're down to Looney and Wiseman, and didn't have either of them for 11 straight games. Making no significant moves at the trade deadline and allowing the DPE (disabled player exception) of +$9million. I like the fact they didn't trade Oubre or Wiggins, because you only do that if you're getting back an Allstar to All NBA level player... but they definitely could've gotten in on the fire sale in Orlando or he'll, I would've loved for the to have gotten Bjelica from Sacramento or something. Complete failure as an organization for this season.


oh good passport ID for vacs shit, sounds like 1984, I trust my government to tag me, twits

Freddie D

"Kelly Oubre's like, the trade deadline's over. This is my team. Get the fuck out the way." Omg you literally had me in tears with that one. Still trying to compose myself. lmao


Not funny when he can't even hit the damn rim from 3pt line, if warriors pay oubre next season I'm losing it..