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gsw vs hou gm41

This is "gsw vs hou gm41" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Tail bone contusion that's like a 1-2 week injury


That wire a bomb line had me tweaking 😂

Jerry Heverly

The timing is perfect. Tell Poole, 'you fill Steph's role for these couple games'. The overlooked factor in this game: Houston's free throws. If they shot a decent percentage this game would have gone down to the wire. The score does not really indicate how close this game could have been. (At one point -- ignored by Fitz and Kelenna -- they could have cut the lead to 12 but some fool missed three free throws). You are absolutely right about Looney and the three point shot. It's a sports cliche, but true in this case: JTA and Damion Lee contribute in myriad ways that don't show up on the box score.


One big statistic I heard was when Staph was on the floor with Wiseman and then with everybody else it's 102 per 100 with Wiseman and 117 without him on the floor them are huge numbers, can Steph play with him, I know he's only 19 with a lot of talent but he has a lot of flaws as well, Keep an eye on what the brain trust really feel about the Wiseman pick they know that passing will have to be learned because it isn't natural and they need a passing big with Steph and Clay.


Alc you think Lamb look like a Muslim Kyrie?

Paul Hanson

It's definitely an interesting year for sure-not boring at all. I think from now on one can't say 'the championship window is open'-it's like saying the 1989 SF 49ers were in the same window as the 1994 SF 49ers. Yes-a lot of the same players but really a ton of free agents amassed along with a core to finally beat down the Dallas Cowboys. I'm a happy Dubs fan-I know we all had an incredible year run from the Denver playoff series in 2013 to June 2019. Most fan bases don't get that. Wiseman just needs time-and he may need more time that the core of Curry, Klay and Dray can give him. There are eras in basketball and they created an era themselves last decade. If Lebron and the Lakers can basically know their game plan and know what they're going to do-other teams will figure it out as well. At best-I see a possible championship window either next year or the year after-but that's about it. I can see why Wiseman, Oubre and a few other Dubs don't follow social media-so much noise about 'they should have picked Melo" and all-never mind Melo played basketball all year in a professional league while Wiseman was in a gym by himself playing pickup at best. All that noise-I'm hopeful that he can ignore it. If Jordan Poole really can turn the corner and become a valuable rotation piece-if Marquese Chriss can really come back and play like he played last year near the end-if Draymond can squeeze out 2 or 3 more years (hmm) and finally if Klay can return to form-then, maybe. But really-would that be enough? Something still seems to be missing. Kevin Durant really, really was an amazing acquisition -there's no chance the Warriors could get one of those again. Unless everyone is traded except Steph and a few. Hey-I'm going to always be a fan-but the future is a lot murkier than clear at this point.


Alch I commented over the summer that Christian Wood was the truth. Wish the Warriors would have picked him up. I think he would fit. Maybe it’s not too late if the Rockets are selling out.


Poole reminds me of a Gary Trent Jr minus the defense. Also. Prayers up for Stephs taint aka Ayesha’s Pleasure Palace


Alch, what you talkin bout, everybody knows that these days all the guys wiring up the bombs are white.


I hear you, but given their streak and talent I feel like it was never really in Jeopardy. If they shot 40 ft every game with that personnel they would probably shoot 60 somin %


If Poole continues to progress he can develop a very valuable bag. He’s shown potential moving and shooting off ball. The moments he’s been on ball have been promising too. He has a good ball handle and looks to be making snappier decisions and I’d like to see him eased into more on ball opportunities to develop his playmaking. What would you guys say his ceiling is?


If Minnesota gets the worst record in the league they're guaranteed a top three pick right? Are you worried that this is going to happen and that we'll lose our pick?


Looney is so funny. He does 1 athletic thing and damn near dies in the process. You're right about Poole there is no comp. He has shiftiness like a Jamal Crawford but he's a part of the new NBA with a heavy diet of threeballs. He's his own man I guess. I'm starting to feel Steve Kerr with his decision to not make Poole a point guard. It's fun watching him with a get buckets mentality.


No they are not, they would have a 40% Chance of getting a top 3 pick, the percentage is the same for the worst three records, and it goes down from there. But they would be garanteed a top 5 Pick so it would be 40/60 of us getting the pick. if they would get let say the 5th worst it would be like 33/67 (but a 50% chance to land outside the top 5). Here u can find the odds: http://www.tankathon.com/pick_odds


yeah that was wild it shook me for a moment. some crazy sh*t be happening down in Texas.


Trent Jr got a bag like that? Haven't watched too much Portland thought he was just a 3 and D guy


"this dude lamb who definitely looks like he could wire a bomb" LMAO


100% long crack!


Anthony Lamb looks like a Greek Kyrie

Abhi Kelkar

thoughts on picking up Kevin Porter Junior? Looks like a nice scorer Also I think Steph will be back for the 2nd MEM game, don't think he landed too too hard and he's not a super heavy dude


yeah I like that.. that's well said, it really isn't the same window. There is a chance they land a true franchise player in this draft

Keith Reynolds Jr.

I think Poole has a lot of Steve Smith in him as a player. I wanted Christian Wood all summer for the warriors. He was working out with Klay I thought it was going to happen. He has a great feel for the game. Hopefully, like you said Porter Jr can stay focused because he has game for sure

Jansen E

Porter Jr and Wood totally blew me away. Obviously the discipline issue is a pretty large red flag with Porter Jr, but if he can keep that under control, damn. Those two could be a deadly due. I've never seen a guy make so many "wtf" shots as Porter Jr did last night. Crazy off balance layups, floaters, high-rise rafter shots, and it felt like he never missed a 3. Im upset that we cant have a guy like Wood. The dude has everything and at that size and strength? Not saying he could be as good, but he could very easily compare to being a KD or AD type. As much as it pained me (it didnt really lol), that ankle breaker he had on Draymond had me weak lol. That shit was hilarious. Looney hit a 3. Totally agree with you that he needs to just have some confidence to shoot it more. 2-3 attempts a night. Just hit ONE. Draw his defender out of the paint for even a single step, and he could be helpful. Otherwise.....he's really on his way out of the league. Though Kerr would never admit that. I dont care about winning anymore. Obviously it makes it more fun to watch. But I want to see Wisemand, Smailagic, Nico, and Poole. Thats it. Thats pretty much all I care about now. I really dont need to see Steph out there again. Everytime he falls, we all have heart attacks. They just need to say his tailbone is totally shattered and shut him down for the season. Same with Draymond, broken ankles with a case of irreparable pride damage hahaha. Shut him down. I need to see Nico with Wiseman. Poole and Wiggins with Smiley. The more time these guys get to develop together, the better they can be prepared for next season.


The tailbone does end right above the bhole, so you were right. Falling on that is painful. Really painful. Unless he broke it, I think he's OK and won't be out too long.

John Pettus

I've literally never seen Smiley look like he belongs on the court. I wanted to believe he was some secret unicorn, but I've never seen him do anything good. What is even the theory there?


What you said about Dray's role in the offense... Exactly my thought. And it used to be Bogut. It's not that these guys are "great" passers. It's that if the ball doesn't go through them, they have nothing to do in the offense. But this type of role can be easily schemed against in more important matchups, so Kerr'd better find Dray a more fitting role so he doesn't kill our spacing.


I can't believe the Dubs didn't make a push for Kevin Porter Jr. Would've been a great young playmaker to add to the rotation.


His passing ability also makes he a perfect secondary ball handler as well which works perfect with nico


Poole = bootleg Lou Will? Big issue is his release is slow and low, so it's hard to get shots for him in iso.


Jordan Poole reminds me of Fred VanVleet with his play recently. Quicker, but not as shifty


When I saw it I immediately told my wife "Steph got a ass injury!" 😂 I figured he a be alright if it was the playoffs he would be playing the next game. Put some icy hot on that mug take some tylenol and hoop


A bit off-topic but have you seen Nicolas Claxton for the nets? He looked phenomenal in the game against the pacers yesteday and showed the ability to guard 1 through 5. He's super athletic too and can play that Clint Capela quite nicely with Harden. I know there have been talks about the Nets acquiring Andre Drummond, but with how good this Claxton kid is, I honestly don't think they need to bother with Drummond. His only weakness right now is he can't play heavy minutes, but I don't see that as much of an issue as jordan and jeff green can eat up some of those minutes and let Claxton close the game Sheesh, Nets are looking unstoppable right now


Would y’all give up Poole for Lonzo??


best thing for everyone if Steph is out for a while. He doesn't burn out or get a worse injury; the young guys develop, everyone comes back full strength and well-oiled for next year.


Dope Hezi Podcast been tuning in lately!


Lovin' the new fan club developing for young Jordan Poole. Gonna have to go through the screen shots on the old phone from last season and find the "lets cut him" quotes...;)


In a heartbeat the way Lonzo has been playing recently.


I was definitely one of them. Who was calling for his head this year. I still think it was a function of how Kerr used him, completely off ball. But I definitely didnt think he was ready to contribute to a winning team. He looks like that now.


I might be alone in this but I think Kerr knows basketball lol but seriously in my opinion I think he is really playing the long game, he always has. It's not about this year and it's not even about next year, its about putting yourself in position to be there consistently over the next 5 years. Also call me crazy but I'm giving the benefit of the doubt to a coaching staff that went to 5 finals in a row and a front office that built the most talented roster we have seen, maybe ever


Green did well. He scored 16 and can actually average 16. Think about it. That’s 2 funky ass baskets a quarter. Surely in his realm.


Poole reminds me of Belinelli in his prime... btw, he seems to like that jumping wrap around pass with his left hand when he's near the basket, drawing defenders, all the way out to an open 3 pt shooter with amazing accuracy... then again, while it's flashy to watch and all, a little scouting can lead to a lot of turnovers of either interceptions or him getting caught in mid-air


I think if there is one area where Steph is declining the most it's his iso game. If you look back to his 2013-2017 years he was able to create separation much easier. Now he just doesn't have that springy quickness to do that.


I would venture to say that at least part of that is that there isn't a defender in the league that doesn't do their level best to stick to him like glue these days. Very rare for him to catch people truly asleep on him. On this roster right now too he's almost all any defensive scheme cares about.


This may be blasphemy, but Poole kinda reminds me of Reggie Miller. Obviously he has a long way to go, but stroke similar and that swagga too.


Looks like players' agents and parents are members here as well


Did any1 else start checking out last chance u on netflix? Alc was right on that shits dope af