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gsw vs lal gm 40

This is "gsw vs lal gm 40" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Musab imran

Wiseman has crazy potential but I’m sorry his timeline doesn’t fit Steph’s prime at all. The more I watch Magic games the more I can see Vucevic dominating with the main trio. He would absolutely be worth it for Wiseman to maximize Steph’s prime imo. But I get it’s hard cuz Wiseman rly does have crazy potential.


They need to shut down the stars and play and feature Wiseman 30 minutes a night. Fire up the tank... No sense in sneaking into the playoffs to get whacked in the 1st round. You hate to see it but if the FO is being ruthless that is the best path to acquire assets for the next disgruntled star.


This team sucks ass there needs to be a change. That need to get rid of Wiggins. Paschall. Players need to go


Its time to move on from Looney and paschall


Definitely a frustrating loss, but I think I’m higher on Oubre & Wiggins than most. I think it would be beneficial for them to make the playoffs with Steph & Draymond before Klay gets back next year to make a run at the chip. Hopefully over the next few games the Warriors can string together some wins


It’s truly unfortunate how reactionary the fan base has become. I’ve seen more and more emotional hot takes this year, with a few even finding their way onto here at times. For the games, I’ve noticed that this new second unit struggles against zone defense because they’re made to play P&R with Nico, Poole, Wiseman. The bench offense died vs both LA teams when they went zone against the bench. If there is a bright side, we’ve faced nearly all the good teams multiple times already, so the schedule is much easier from now until the end of the season. If they win the games they’re supposed to, I could see record improving more.


When Curry sat in the second quarter and it was the young guns vs our proven Vets + THT the gap was too much to overcome. Matthew’s hasn’t hit a shot in 3 weeks and even he nailed a step back lol. I’ve noticed the Trezz vs Draymond dynamic too. It’s weird, Draymond eats ADs lunch every time, who is a much better basketball player and harder to guard, but Trezz gets big eyes when Draymond is on him

Jansen E

This is pretty much exactly what I feared after Sunday. There was next to no effort/focus from anyone other than Steph offensively, and no one dialed in defensively. Yeah we had a hot night shooting 3 against the Jazz, but we were still making good plays and proper decisions. This is what I meant by consistency. Great perfomances like vs the Jazz mean NOTHING when they are immediately and perpetually followed by games like this. Im not even mad that the young guys didnt play that well. Theyre still developing. But Wiggins, Oubre, and Draymond. Just so disappointed in their effort. And there it is again with Wiggins. Big game here, 8 "nowhere to be found" games there.


Every now and then, I'll write something in an article and then be like "eh, that's too saucy" and take it out (like removing a line about Oubre bumping into Steph on the floor like his name was Ayesha) So I really love it when Alc slips in those little blurbs: - have more luck at a lesbian yoga retreat -THT "could wipe his own ass standing up" Thanks for the laughs to go along with a solid bball breakdown

Jansen E

Looney absolutely. The dude has no place in the league anymore if he cant defend out on the perimeter. I think we are being too hasty with condeming paschall. He's still only a second year player and how many different lineups has he been put in this season? He needs to find his own rhythm and role within this offense. Cuz its gonna even change again next year when Klay gets back. I agree we should sell high on him, but if they dont,I think he would be a good asset to hold on to and develop. The dude can play. We just gotta find the right role for him and he needs to find his confidence and rhythm again. Stop shooting 3s should be his first step.


Interesting how rookies like Looney and Paschall show such promise early on but then fizzle out. Is it partly the demanding schedule of the NBA is too much on their bodies?


You can’t miss the playoffs twice in a row and be a serious destination for talented free agents. Warriors have to show that they have something in the tank and are just missing a few pieces like they did prior to the 2015 season. Trade Oubrè now for some good bench pieces and set the table for Klay’s return and get another all star like Levine to add some fire power in case Klay isn’t 100%


Cooking 'em. Breakfast lunch and dinner. Dray can't intimidate Trez... AD has one weakness... He's soft...


I think it's more just them being one dimensional players with high floors but low ceilings. Paschall's game is really easy to scout and plan against, and he was really only so dominant because teams didn't know how to deal with him.


I had to pause the video.......a lesbian yoga retreat???? Got me rollin


We need to calm down as a fanbase! Stop the negative talk...Let’s enjoy steph last prime years and perhaps a new beginning! I see curry in peace with what’s going on...But Dray is in a downfall physically and it’s not pretty...he looks very bad every 2 or 3 games and he knows it...i don’t know if it’s covid or his legs are gone😞...Atleast the instincts are still there...This roster is what it is...we have to play around it....


UTA, DAL & GSW have the easiest remaining schedules in league. GSW has 9 games against top 10 teams, 6 are at home, and PHI will be without Embiid. They have 16 games against bottom 10 teams, and most of those teams will be making the switch to "developmental mode", making the schedule even easier than it appears. Barring injury to Curry or Green, they will slot into the 7th or 8th seed, needing only 1 win in two games to play some real post season games, AND retain their own 1st round pick which is Top 20 protected. They are right on target to meet their 2 goals at the outset: a. get into the playoffs and b. retain their 2021 1st round pick, which will probably end up being 17-19. Meyers telegraphed the Warriors goals at start of season when he slapped that odd Top 20 protection on their pick in the Oubre Trade. That told us how they felt internally about the team after Klay went down and after drafting Wiseman. They are right where the thought they would be. Enjoy the Game! ;-)


Ever since Dray signed to Clutch I’ve been watching these Lakers games with a 3rd eye. I know it was a back to back but some of his plays were questionable.


I see all the Wiggins hate...dude ain't built to be an every night killer, hence the pick we received attached to his services. He's supposed to get us a quiet 17 behind the splash Brothers and be a work horse defensively. Stop talking about trading him, he has zero value with the contract,,,if you wanna trade him, how you think other teams feel? We need a new coaching staff to help this leadership pull the potential out of all this youth. There's a ton of promise and Kerr is not built to turn stones into gems he's too use to playing with diamonds. They need a young tactician with something to prove. Somebody whose hungry. Of course we have games that our flat, our general ain't hungry. He just looks tired. He's properly washed.


Bridge troll and his 80yo cousin need to go. I'd rather see JTA at five


"Helped trez get off" pause. Just a tough game. I've been thinkin it all year, need to lean into the youth. Make a decision on oubre if we want him, or if we want some value out of a trade with him. Loon has got to go. He'd surprise me every once in a while with O boards and how well he'd defend on the perimeter, but those days are few and far in-between. JTA needs more minutes. He should be in the first group off the bench with Wiseman and Baze.


Lol we are not making championship run with them iso wing players. Klay said he will be limited to 18-20 minutes per game. We need star power plus few vets with winning mentality like D. West


That's who he was throughout his career. He lacks consistency plus his numbers significantly drop second half of season due to mental fatigue. He's not a guy you can rely in playoffs


Man, just listened to the Kerith interview of KO. Thats a wise, well adjusted dude. We have to keep him

John Z

Just tired of motion offense.


What did the waiter say to the second unit? Will that be one lump or two? Two, and can you bring my veteran teammates here a slice of humble pie?


Good one. Interesting comment about JT. Question: I think against the Jazz Fitz said something about the rules changing so the tank wouldn't be worth it, or something like that. I didn't go back and listen, but I made a mental note to see if you mentioned anything about it. Haven't heard anything,but I'm one down on The Hezi (later!). Also, thanks for answering the Coming 2 America question.

John Pettus

Amen to keeping our shit together as a fanbase. People are wildin' on Twitter bc they've never seen a Warriors team they didn't expect to win. Brother lemme tell you... growing up, we woulda killed for a team than "fell" to .500.

John Pettus

Adios Bridge Troll and Smiley. Maybe Loon if we can get a solid backup 5 for our system. More minutes for JTA as future Draymond Glue Guy. If Poole can get slotted in for Curry actions when Steph isn't on the floor, that's HUGE. As Wiggs, Oubre and Wiseman learn the system and get chemistry, we have a chance to get super solid. And if Klay comes back at 80%, we're super dangerous.


The Lakers have the whole Warriors playbook-they didn't sign all those cheap former Warriors for nothing plus Bron has seen it many times...Kerr has no creativity- been running the same plays for 5 years. I had a good laugh when Shannon Sharpe mentioned Steph's playing time by quarter on Undisputed- no element of surprise here everyone knows what the Warriors do and when they do it.


I blame wannamaker. But i also blame Steph and Dray cos it is their job to keep these guys in check and motivate them to play hard


zero adjustments... to be fair it is the reg season and come playoffs kerr is known to mix it up. The front office has given steve a long rope... I mean he did lead the team to 5 finals and got 3 chips and quite possibly could've been 5 if not for injuries. I guess he kind of deserves it but it's hard to watch him not make seemingly obvious adjustments...


It’s completely possible to go 7-8 out of 10 in the coming games til we get to play Bucks again.


Nice. Yeah he must of farted on the bench cause this game was a stinker. Lol.


Right on Bro! On both Wigs and Kerr. I like Wigs. You know what you get from him. The 28 against Utah was a blip, but 18 is not, and that's nothing to sneeze at. It's not his fault Klay went down. I like Oubre too, he is still coming into his own. He may not have the grace of Wigs, but has that killer thing that Wigs doesn't. Together they are a nice balance in a lineup that doesn't expect them to be first options. One person who could and should be groomed to be first option ASAP is Wiseman. But Kerr is squandering those gifts, and the time we have to get him there while it can still help Steph and Klay get another chip. Wise has KD potential. I know, I know, he's young and green. But all the more reason to work him harder, not slower. Damn, it ain't rocket science. But apparently too obvious for Kerr to deal with. He believes in never getting too high or too low. I disagree. What's the point if you cant feel intensity? It takes that to win. They beat Utah because Steph hollered at them. I can't see Kerr doing that. But what these kids need is infectious passion, not anethesia and accepting losses. Like you said, Kerr's touch worked because the Hamptons squad already had their own fire. The current squad is too young. They need a pyromaniac, not a hosing down.


I don't get the FO's logic of having 3 year science projects and slow guys (includes vets). Steph, Draymond and Klay should always be the priority. Obviously. If Draymond's IG story (the day before the Rockets game) is any indication........


from what little I can gather as a fan for only a few seasons, the favoritism to mediocre players stems in part from personal friendships and even nepotism, and perhaps common christian beliefs. it's a club. The culture club. They really believe it can make squids into sailfish.


now you've done it - antagonized the lesbian yoga crowd. you're doomed...