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gsw vs uth gm 39

This is "gsw vs uth gm 39" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Best wire to wire performance of the season

Kahlil Baker

Back at it🔥🔥🔥


"Hands more active than Louis C.K. back stage"


brooo the louis CK joke had me rolling. chill lmfao

Shea Johnson

you are hereby invited to Jordan's POOLE PARTY


Didn't pay attention to the start time, so I missed this one entirely. Bummed that I missed a good one.


it was great to see. beating the lakers - gonna be tough, they don't play well against them smh


I think it’s time for looney to leave the rotation for good. His defense has been decent but he brings nothing offensively other than the ability to set screens and move the ball around. Dude’s defenders completly forget about him and he still misses wide open layups and putbacks. And he’s probably the most unathletic C in the league? Hurts us a lot having 2 non-scoring threats in the starting lineup especially when oubre/Wiggins are struggling from 3. We’ll see how it plays out. I think Paschall has improved a lot defensivly and fills the role better than loon. Wiseman could be ready by end of season as well.


Going to be a good game tonight vs my Lakers. Really hoping it won’t be a Wiseman coming out party, we have no length to match up with him!

Ezra Abbey

wiggins is legit one of the most athletic players i've ever seen. his first step is just nasty and the way he can glide to the rim and get super easy layups is just crazy. add to that the fact that he was sprinting in transition all game and contesting threes I'm not surprised he was gassed for the last few weeks, we gotta find some way to give him rest, maybe he should take a game off every now and then.


Good video! There’s not a more inconsistent team in the nba...kerr system,rookies,Curry movement,starters non shooters...All that and we still right there...Effort is key...that’s the motto of the very good teams and bad ones lol...wiseman got that scorer mentality...Clear out and let him cook in isos or top of the key...Lmao sadly kerr would never!! Kd ptsd....

Abhi Kelkar

I wonder if Kerr uses/spams the Steph/Dray PnR more so when he feels the team needs a win vs. every night to actually match up 05:44, Clarkson deserved a T, he claps right at the ref lmao


Isn't Draymond essential for the defense? Plus setting picks? Why ppl talking about trading him 🤕

Abhi Kelkar

I liked Alch's assessment of playing him like Zaza, 10-15 min only. The starters are comfortable with him and I think it helps us start out a little tighter

Daniel Fries

yo Alch I was waiting for you to comment on Rudy's free throw stance. You keeping that one in your pocket for the playoffs?

John Z

Wiseman not being afraid to go at Gobert was dope.

Jansen E

This is what will continue to baffle and frustrate me about Wiggins. We all KNOW he can be the player he was last night. Theres no way any team would trade a guy who played like that. The biggest problem with him is just consistency. He's not worth keeping if he has games like he did last night once every 10 games. Thats not enough good to outweigh the bad. And we dont know what to do to help him be engaged like that more often. No doubt Derozan could put up the offensive numbers that Wiggins did. But defense? Theres no comparison. Wiggins was great last night. Clarkson was cooking everyone so no sweat. Is the potential for Wiggins to SOMETIMES be a great player outweigh the more likely possibly of him MOSTLY being a very below average/underwhelming player??? Anyway. What an all around performance from everyone last night. That game is PROOF that it is not a lack of talent on this team. Its simply a matter of effort and consistency. I know we cant realistically expect them to play like that EVERY game. But is it unfair or too much to expect the same level of EFFORT at least 8 out of every 10 games? A game like last night means nothing if they follow it by playing how they did against the Knicks or Charlotte. I ache just to see some consistency from Kerr with the lineups, and output/energy from the whole roster. Expecting 18 from Poole every night? No. But why not 10-12 at least? A back to back isnt easy. But there will be a sour taste in all our mouths if they come out tonight against the Lakers and just get blown off the floor in the first quarter. Lets hope we get some consistency.


Did he call my mans a minivan??? 🤣🤣🤣


Great breakdown, love the positivity. I've made the Nico/TJ McConnell comparison myself but in the spirit of positivity of how far Nico has come in short time and his possible potential how bout Nico as a mini Mark Price (same low smooth but shifty quick twitch dribble).


My favorite play was Dray going semi slo mo for a made layup. Damn Wiggins does it all game every game. If Dray did it he'd make layups. And agree Dray was really on it this game. So great to c the youngsters play well in this win. Maybe they had this planned all year, get them lots of light in the g leave then bring them up and dump the Troll back under the bridge. Loved the CK ref.


It looked the Rudy had tims on... He sure as hell plays like it. probably the slowest player in the league and gives perspective on how fast young Wiseman is at nearly the same height.


Heard ya'll don't want to trade Wiggins anymore


That high PnR is such a nice callback to Kerr's early years with the Dubs. Poole is such a difference maker (over Wanamake). Him playing the Klay role gives Dray another outlet, and the space this creates is huge.

Major Powers

The Louis CK joke hahaha


gasol and caruso out. damian jones in. i know gasol isnt great but steph and dray can straight fool dj in to doing some dumb shit. i've seen other teams do it all the time. caruso is a spazzy irritant on steph so i am excited about tonight

Nathan Glanzer

Like Louis CK backstage... Just wacking it. Lmfao


So we finally see this team's potential. Why did it take 40 games? Only one reason: bad coaching. They won because Steph read them the Riot Act last game. When will we ever see Kerr that lit up? Never. Dear Lord, please let Kevon Looney get kidnapped by aliens so Kerr finally has to play the real 5s on this team. Why did it take 40 games to find a rotation that works? Kerr wasting time on recycled plugz while the hungry young Turks get shipped to the G League. How many guys who can only give you 2 points and 3 rebounds do you want on the floor at the same time? One Draymond is more than enough, thank you. When he sports a triple double, he's crucial in crunch time, but when he's feeling his age, put him in the easy Iguodala chair. It's time to double down on the young roster, the rebuild, and start with the coach.


Funny you brought up the Nico/TJ McConnell comparison, I was thinking the same thing, super scrappy and high-energy which fits the new culture of this squad. If he can turn into that but with a halfway-decent shot, then we’ve got a steal. Also, Steve NEEDS to tell wiseman to take at least 2 or 3 open catch and shoot threes per game. He could become the ultimate floor & vertical combo-spacer, and will keep defenders on their toes during p&r’s


Damn, can Kerr do anything right in your eyes, u cant just write the same comment under every Breakdown. Could u relax on ur personal agenda for once, we just beat the best record in the league by executing the GAMEPLAN.


Your point about Wiseman's expectations for himself is the key to who he is, in my opinion. Every time he does something good, his body language is like "yeah that's what I do don't congratulate". I love it


Poole-Nico back court was a surprise, figured like most that Poole would get a shot at the backup point paired with Baze or D Lee. Still think Kerr would be okay with Poole at point, but no other play makers in the second unit would just churn out iso after iso. Pairing the 2 play makers, youth and defense aside, is pretty damn smart and I would love to know if Kerr already had this in mind BEFORE Poole-Nico headed to G-League to get their rhythm.


Good point, maybe with the emergence of the youngsters will buy him some time out of those second unit minutes


He has had a bunch a stinkers and was looking old.. it seems like the Charlotte incident woke him up


It was 1 game where everybody was dialed in.. just like Wigs, let’s see them string 5 or 6 together before we declare we have enough talent


Yeah I don’t get why they aren’t looking for that more.. I bet next year he is taking 4-5 a night


Nico is a sneaky cutter too if he is off ball.. use to watch him feast on back doors out here in PHX


I have used the TJ comparison, too. Nico can be a pest and the tv doesn't lie, he is lightning fast in short cuts, especially as he sets them up with slower pacing and hesitations. Damn hair is hard to look at, but I like the kid.

John Pettus

Unlike a lot of folks, I thin Steve knows what he's doing as a coach. I think he sent those dudes down to get some reps and get some confidence. They needed that ramp up into the big leagues, instead of just getting decimated on a new team with no chemistry. Now they're gonna be at the bottom of another ramp, but they're playing with frickin' Stephan Curry.


hell no, trade his inconsistent a$$. If the dubs were ever able to pry zion out of NOLA we'd be in line for a chip. straight up.


If wiggins can keep running in transition and playing within the flow he could be this consistent offensively just by running and cutting. Hes too athletic. Maybe shoot 4 3s a game but the rest should come easy.


Bro what the hell was that Louis CK comment 🤣 Looking forward to a competitive game vs the lakers!


bro you crack me the fuck up on a regular basis


Really appreciate the breakdown as I didn't get a chance to watch this. A few opinions and questions for anyone who cares.. First the questions... Was this real gameplan well executed type win? The highlights sort of gave the impression they just got hot from 3. Alc's breakdown suggested that emphasis went on running their shooters off the line, why is that not the game plan every night? Everyone on the team must be aware of just how much 3 pt shooting has changed the league? What does it take to get Wiggins playing like this every night? I get that part of can be the match ups sometimes or just getting hot. Some opinions.. Call me a pessimist or a cynic but I just don't see this game as being indicative of how this team really plays. I saw a lot of people hitting 3s that they don't normally hit. To all the trade Wiggins crowd I understand the frustration and if there was a clear an easy upgrade out there to make I would be all for it. So my question is who out there is an easy trade target that is such an obvious upgrade? BTW loved that clip of Giannis miked up in the All Star game. I know a lot of players chat in ways they never normally do when they are on the mic but everything I've heard about Giannis tells me that is just him. Super competitive.


unofortunately for Utah, Mitchell isn't good or efficient enough of a scorer for him to take that many bad shots

Jerry Heverly

An unrecognized skill in the NBA, the two way guard, someone who can facilitate when it is needed and shoot when that is needed, and have a feel for which role to play at which time. Poole can be as good at that as anyone I've seen this year. So far it seems like he has too much emphasis on the glory role, the shooter. I hope he learns to balance the two skills.


Bruh kerr be tweaking some times i was asking myself why he didn't call that timeout at the end..


So behind on stuff, great breakdown. You forgot the pause after "I wanna touch you" tho