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But It sounds like I am going to be moving ( Locally ) here soon as a or land lord is looking to sell. Hopefully new place will be faster. 


gsw vs lac gm 38

This is "gsw vs lac gm 38" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Making a 19 year old look dumb on national television .... politician steve lady’s and gentlemen


Hey alch, are you still doing the hezi pod?


Don't move out without getting paid to. You got tons of rights in Oakland. Happy to advise or point you to help


WTF was that!? This is starting to look like a sh*t show! My goodness. But please stop treating the Rook like this. How is a franchise so desperate their making Wiseman feel bad for being... um... a rookie. It's lunacy.


The 2nd quarter on was a complete embarrassment. Kerr needs to do a better job with the rotations. It’s completely unfair to send Steph and the starters back out there to get back from being down 15+. Even then standing there at the scorers table and you don’t call a time out until you’re down an extra 13 Smdh.


that shot of Draymond slowly jogging after the ball after it went through his legs... lame status.


Wow, that's all I have to say. If Steph isn't consistent shooting, this team is dead. I knew one he started 1 for 8, it ws over. I see nothing wrong with how they treated Wiseman tbh, you can't miss tests like that....no one else missed it, man up.


Bro I swear wtf is Kerr doing not playing Wiseman Looney is out there getting bullied at least with Wiseman he'll gain more experience if he was out there instead of Looney

Kahlil Baker

my schedule says we have jazz sunday and LAL on monday. im confused


My question is: why does Mannion get priority over Poole as pg? Also, can we just dump Looney.

Daniel Fries

was that on steve or the telecast? did Steve say something in an interview? I missed


That sequence where Steph yelling at teammates “ let’s go fucking ball, cmon, cmon everybody, cmon.” Even Bron couldn't do shit with bunch of g-leaguers. Let's this sink in. Besides Wiggs and KO there is not a single warrior capable of scoring more than 10 pts regularly Draymond Green: 5.9 PPG Kevon Looney: 3.9 PPG Kent Bazemore: 6.5 PPG Damion Lee: 6.3 PPG Brad Wanamaker: 4.8 PPG Juan Toscano-Anderson: 5.6 PPG Eric Paschall: 9.7 PPG Mychal Mulder: 4.1 PPG James Wiseman: 11.9 PPG Nico Mannion: 3.5 PPG Jordan Poole: 7.2 PPG Wiggs supposed to be secondary scoring option but he's underperforming. My question is are we tanking or not? At the moment we are neither contenders nor lottery team. I think we should either trade for Beal or as Shaq said "shut down Steph and wait for next season".


Steve should’ve let the young guys develop in the first half so we could make a real push in the 2nd half he did this all types of backwards


thats how I feel.. the lumps could have BEEN taken


Wiseman can consistently score over 10 pts if given the opportunity same with Poole and Paschall. Problem is their defensive is almost unnacceptable.

John Z

Kerr is just too fundamental in certain aspects. Seems like he is so focused on the roles of the players in the system rather than their natural feel for the game. Idk, KYP Kerr.


they "thought" they could be a top 4 team in the west... Now I'll take anything except for Jordan Poole and Nico at the same time. It wreaks of a G-League squad... I'm sorry... Kerr is putting the clamps on the fanbase...


I had a feeling Alc would have the chef poppin' a blood vessel as the thumbnail, lmao...


Steve was clear after the game that this was his second unit for a while. A second unit that committed 4 fouls in 2 minutes, 5 in 4:09, a second unit with your 3 youngest players, plus E.P. and JTA (so inexperienced), a second unit expected to hold the floor for a full 6 minutes at the start of the 2nd and 4th quarters, a second unit with one plus defender if Oubre or Wigs is out there with that group. That plan is pie in the sky.


I'm glad you brought up Marquese Chriss. I think losing him really messed up the rotations and is giving us much more of Looney than any of us want. Kerr included. We can be hard on Kerr all we want but he really only has so much to work with.


Killing me with that "bridge troll waiting in the wings"


Per Steve after the game, Poole is not a point guard he is a "combo guard" in answer to a question similar to yours in the post game presser. Mannion averaged 7 assists in g league, with a 12 assists 0 turnover game. Poole averaged 3.6 assists and 4.5 turnovers in g league so a negative assists to turnover ratio so performance wise there was no comparison.


Thanks for the shout out my guy 🙏🏽 but yeah I think last night was just a case of no energy, Steph off night, and nobody else could hit the broad side of a barn.


It can't be Steph Steph Steph by himself all year long that's too much pressure for one man other guys gotta step up.


Wiseman is an iso scorer and likes to operates in space...kerr has to adjust accordingly and let him cook (the KD problem again!!!)...that motion offense look more and more fraudulent...teams have figured us out too much for my liking...it’s starting to look like something a coach would be fired for...Adjust the system to your players!!...klay won’t solve that shit and we shouldn’t expect it from him...we should implement more high pnr and isos as deception... and kerr playing mind games with THIS TEAM?? Wtf?!? there’s not untapped potential here!!! Lol


At this point, I want Looney back on the bench and assists Pascal, Nico and Poole. Wiseman back to starting 5!


much as we got tank on the mind, I do wanna see these young guys get a taste of playoff experience. especially Wiseman - let him feel that intensity in the first year.


Wiggins for PJ Tucker and Oladipo?


Clown music should have been queued up for some of those 2nd/3rd quarter sequences. Hard to watch. Hoping for a better game next time out

Yehudah Raphaelsohn

He played legit 8 minutes less than he normally would. People are acting like Kerr put him on his lap and spanked him on live television. I have some level of trust in Kerr, he's far from perfect, but he's the actual one working with Wiseman every day and I have no reason to believe Kerr has anything but the kids best interests in mind. Do we know the missed test is the only issue or are we just assuming based on the fact that he's usually polite and speaks Mandarin? I'm not going to follow Kerr blindly but given that I've never even met Wiseman, I'll trust the professional coach with 8 rings who actually has a personal relationship with the rookie and dozens of years of experience in the league.


Half way through the season and finally Kerr does something right, though probably just an accident: he plays all the rooks together. Only because it was a rout, but he should have been doing this from the git go. They're raw but they have potential. Just need to be allowed to fail, like in G-League, where that freedom really brought them along. Kerr sucks. Period. Other than Steph, there's not one veteran on that team that would start anywhere else. Why are they starting here? They've reached their potential, and it's low. Wiseman totally rocked that 2nd half, and it was clear the young guys had more chemistry together than when being intimidated with starters. THEY should start, and Baze, Wigs, Loon, Lee, Wannabe, Smiley, everyone else except Oubre and possibly JTA should be thrown into the discount bin. Forget getting Steph another ring. The future is Young, but only if you're willing to take the lumps now, and know how to rebuild around something other than Splash. The real change that needs to happen is a new coach to go with those young bloods.


nah... stop the motion bull sh*t when it's clear you don't got the personnel and the other team is all over it that's kerr's fault... don't stick with wannamaker for 25 games too long... don't roll out a g-league backcourt against the clippers and not expect to be crushed... kerr's making a lot of obvious blunders just because he's some kind of basketball philosopher... it's super annoying... but yes you right he only has a little to work with but do it right and stop trying to put square pegs in round holes as Barkley put it...


I don't know why limiting Lee's minutes = Benching Brad. All Kerr needed to do was play Poole with 3 wings and Wiseman in theory. Alas, Kerr wants to be the ultimate troll when he doesn't get the lineup he wants. I would in theory understand trying to discipline Wiseman for missing a Covid test, granted shit happens for 19 year olds and he was eventually cleared. That said he played the 4th and now Kerr wants to flipflopping trying to be Pop's worst coaching traits and Wiseman's Dad, and then tried to take credit for his play in the 4th. Steph being that mad for the 1st time since 17 involving anything basketball related probably means he wants some dudes fired. Maybe I am reading too much into the Meth addict since he played terrible as well, but this was definitely an annoying loss.


I really appreciate your measured and mature look at the games. It's tiring seeing people with the non-stop complaining instead of pulling back to get a better perspective. It's not all perfect, but we gotta see how these things play out sometimes. They're pretty much right where they should be. An average team that can beat other average teams, but will really struggle with the top teams. I still believe they are capable of going against the best and winning, but will they have enough time to figure it out this season, is the question.

Ezra Abbey

nico's pnr reads are really advanced for his age and miles ahead of brad's. excited to see how he looks in a few months


Thank you.. It may come down to Steph and Draymond.. how much do they want to make the playoffs this year only to get waxed? The first two weeks out of the break should provide more clarity.


Kerr is a players coach we all know that, and he has the pulse on the locker room, I trust him when it comes to dealing with players. The Question of whether to tank or not, I say nah bc there will be even less opportunity for those new guys to get minutes when Klay is back. I think getting KO, Wiggins, and Wiseman playoff action will be crucial if we want to make a push in 2022. Also, I liked the hawk's trade you suggest a couple of days ago, if we do trade Draymond it has to be for a 4 or 5, plus the hawks are obvs want to win now and Dray would give them that mentality and they can avoid paying Colins

Qiushi Hu

Is Andrew Wiggins Jeff Green or Rudy Gay?


I enjoyed this breakdown way more than i enjoyed watching the actual game.... Alch, thanks for pointing out Wiseman. Especially the drop step spin... Its beautiful but that, to me, has gotta go baseline not center. I think this game gave Kerr an opportunity to give him a taste of blood as you say. I dont think we're tanking... 2 more games til the light at the end of the tunnel can appear.


I'll be perfectly honest here, so far this season the Jazz are playing more like the warriors we knew than the Warriors. You want to see lots of ball and player movement and read and react with a whole team that is familiar with one another. Watch Jazz games. I'm even starting to come around to Gobert despite all his flaws and that he is probably overpaid (but such is the curse of small market teams). I'm rooting for them hard this season because both LA teams bore me to tears and I just can't get behind the Nets despite loving how Harden has changed his game.