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gsw vs nyk gm32

This is "gsw vs nyk gm32" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Is there a chance the warrior's sign Boogie? Or does he just want to go to a contender. I'm just wondering bc we know how injury-prone Looney can be


"He didn't stay in the team hotel, he wanted to hang out in the subways in his natural habitat" 🤣


Brad Wanamaker is 'The New Chris Paul' guy from State Farm...


Regarding Draymond's straight drives to the rim, which aside from the 3 and the drive with a lob to the dunker is a mainstay if he wants to make the defense pay attention to him, WHY is it that Draymond has never learned to Euro at the end of his drives. Maybe Draymond should let Wigs take him under his wing and be the learner instead of the teacher cause Wigs has an awesome euro at the rim. Wait what am I saying Draymond make an effort to change something in his offensive game? Nevermind.


That 4th quarter drought was ugly. I blame Wanamaker. Need a back-up point that can create some offense for himself or someone else.


apparently he wants a team which will give him starter + minutes he wants to prove himself to the league not assimilate to a team anymore.

Ezra Abbey

I watched the knicks broadcast and had such a good time listening to mike and clyde, leagues ahead of fitz and fucking azubuike, clyde calls the game how it is and homers way less than almost any announcers in the league. the whistle got kinda tight at the end but i really enjoyed how most of the game was reffed, lots of continuity and they let them play fucking basketball, wish the league would let that happen more, i swear it would get more viewers.


So many pieces to cover with this one here— Wiseman, Loon, that tight 4th quarter. Killer breakdown. I also am really appreciating Oubre, he does seem to “get it.” What dyou think - can and should they try to sign him longer with that cost? Btw totally saw the mush-face comment coming lol. Happy as I am for Randle’s Allstar nod, I was watching the game like Alch gonna have words bout this dude 😂


Andre Oubre!


about a month ago we were ready to trade oubre, turned out he just needed more time to learn the system and its showing. I aint trading him at this point unless its for two solid pieces. With the team healthy next year i think we got a chance at it again


Steph literally won this game for them. They had nothing going offensively without him, absolutely nothing going.


Been watching Jordan Poole in the G-league he is a better player than Whatamaker and Moulder when he gets minutes he produces.


KO Savage for faking the ball at randall lol


I've said it before and I know many here agree Dray has got to slow down as he drives, ur take about taking another dribble also should be done but he's got to figure out how to finish, he can't make a layup even if he's letting it go 6 inches away most nights, slow the F down and use your reach, make it less of a jumping contest at the rim, Dray, u don 't have enough hops. I think on the challenge play from them that Randle guided Kelly off his line and into the other defender, watch Randles right arm pushing as Kelly jumps but either way we got the call. What happened to Wiseman's arc, flat as a pancake now, free throws included. And Wiggs is drifting/leaning to his left on his Freethrows, watch when they show him straight on, it's not good. Do u ever notice how relaxed Kelly is on D, it's impressive.


And cut the timeouts in half, we don't need 7 per team, God damn. Europe has like 4 and they re 1 minute max.


the subtle randle "assets" comment. little gems mixed in with game knowledge. love it


Well if in the next game against Phoenix Brad can cause some of the damage to Chris that the state farm guy does Brad would have a new level of appreciation in my book.

Erin Laskey

A fully fit Klay and they'll take off


Not gon lie if we can't keep Wiggins and Ou... Nigga idk about Wiggs like that lol he blends in a lil too well to the point I forget he's out there... Oubre got the juice bruh, yeah he's somewhat of a "low IQ player" but as many offensive fouls he draws maybe not so much...


Alc are you worried about Wiseman's rebounding at all? I can't really think of a player who suddenly got the rebounding instinct as the years went by. Seems like he goes after the initial play and is slow to recover to get into position to board....opposite of Looney.


Crazy season so far, as expected. Watching this game and seeing all the pieces playing relatively well made me wish we could have had this year with Klay. Then I thought about next year and how the NBA is pretty wide open right now with AD down. LBJ will slow down. Feels like we could still get another chip or even two with this core.


Haha I love that you know I couldn’t resist with JR.. the FA market got a lot smaller with Giannis and Beal extending.. Holiday could be out there. But KO could find himself higher and higher on the list. You would love 15-17 per but it will probably get pushed to 20+


I think the extra dribble will slow him down.. good catch on JW wrist is taped but I feel like it was probably his legs


We need to pump the break when we start talking about kerr genius offense...30 games in and still playing russian roulette with the rotations...i get that some players are inconsistent but some streches in games are downright horrible basketball(2nd unit)....like not nba level...if wiggins had ball handling ability we are contender this season not even joking...I’ve never seen a team improve this much on defense...Draymond is a genius and i understand why he is bothered LOL...he deserves his flowers...Wiggins looks like a grown man on defense now...kd had that same edge on D next to dray...

Jansen E

Call him Kelly Oubre-dala!!! That game winning strip was nice to see. No essay comment from me today. I just enjoyed this game and am hoping they can avenge themselves against the Pacers tonight as well.


I'm just happy JW back you digg 😂 hopefully we can get this W against Indiana tonight!


I find myself rooting for Oubre more & more, dude is just so easy to like with his personality and his energy. Should be a good one tonight 🔥


First, I've only subscribed here 2 weeks but already it isn't a complete game for me until I get your recap the next day Alc! Thanks for your expertise and providing this forum, especially as the "pandemic" has destroyed my business and left me in exile. I always turn to hoops to drown my sorrow...


New Topic: Once again the schizophrenic Dubs swung solid in NYC, which is great, but why do we keep letting that yank our chain? Next game may be back to the basement. Sorry, I'm not biting. The biggest question screaming at me: Why no Wiseman Down the Stretch?  I get it that they desperately needed a win; but I thought Kerr wasn't chasing Wins. James is young, fragile, needs to be weened properly, I get all that - BS! He's a Dawg. Let him OUT! I'm gonna keep on hammering this point til Kerr gets it: Let him fail. Even if the team goes down too. This season is a write off. Wiseman altered every shot every time he was on the floor. He belonged there at the end. Next Big Question: Where the hell was Juan Toscano Anderson? He's been superior taking up the slack with the bigs out, but NOT ONE MINUTE this game? He's on the verge of breaking into a great 2-way player. He's been groomed for this. He's mature and smart and hustles. Why does he sit this entire game? I'm totally sick of Kerr's mixed messages.  He praises everyone to the sky, but his substitutions speak louder than words. JTA gets sunshine pumped up his skirt, Wiseman gets benched while being told to stay aggressive. It's kinda like your girlfriend telling you, "Of course you're still my main man, but I'm busy this weekend." Uh, sure... Time to call a duck a duck: the weak link in this chain isn't Dray or Oubre or even Wannabe; it's the COACH. He's the only thread that runs through them all, so he MUST bear responsibility. Second Case: the second unit looks totally lost with Wannamaker making the decisions, while meantime, Draymond's experience and IQ aren't really all that essential in the starting lineup. SOLUTION is OBVIOUS: Move him to the second  string, where they really need a floor general. Move Paschall to starting Power Forward. He's a natural. He spreads the floor, which Draymond can't. Alongside Wiseman and Wigs, that's a powerful front court. Put Oubre as shooting guard with Steph.  Just once I'd like to see all our best weapons in the same lineup.  As for Looney, he's a plug, pure and simple. A mini-Draymond who's bigger but dumber. And injury prone. We need to clear spots for Manion and Lin. Lose Looney and Brad -  or Smiley - another perennial injury project. The dead weight is sinking this ship - Kerr may be the biggest anchor of them all. I really wonder what effect a guy like Doc Rivers or Eric Spoelstra would have on this roster.


i appreciate how in your more recent uploads the result of the game isn't being made obvious. personally i'm having a busy year, so i don't have time to watch NBA games usually, not sure if this was intentional by you or not, but for those of us who miss the games it is a nice touch


+1 to what Koray said! only get to catch like half the dubs games


I'm worried about his rebounding, I'm worried about his hands (really , really bad hands),... his basketball instincts... his aggressiveness... his shot selection...passing, I'm not with everyone else here, I think Warriors made big mistake, have been thinking that since draft day, think LeMelo is light years ahead


I'm definitely worried. He looked terrible rebounding tonight vs Indiana. Lamelo is a natural, but LaMelo would make Green useless on offense


I think you got to take into account that compared to the other rookies, Wiseman has had the least amount of in-game reps. So yeah, he is going to look a bit rough in certain aspects of the game because he's essentially a high schooler that jumped straight into the NBA without a proper training camp. So while Wiseman will likely look rough in his first season compared to the other rookeis, I think his overall growth will be much more exponential because he has so much to learn. Remember when everyone thought Oubre was doomed to be a low IQ player that would never be able to adjust to the warrior's offence? Well look at him now, he has improved in many areas and has started becoming one of the team's most reliable players. I don't see why a raw prospect like Wiseman can't have similar growth in his game.


Was like he was taunting a dog, take the ball from them and then pretend to give it back lol


We won 😁. Pascall ain't spacing the floor, plus his strength is to bully second units, we saw in Charlotte what draymond is without steph, when we talking about maximizing the potential this paschall draymond thing should stay exactly the same. As for JTA he only has limited games left.


Lamelo should be light years ahead, hes been going against pros a year before he was drafted, Wiseman is basically out of high school. It's the old better right now vs high upside argument, Wiseman has the potential that lamelo just can't match at his size, a 7 foot 1 inch, 9 foot wingspan big that runs like a deer, jumps out of the gym and can hit the 3 ball just has way higher "potential" value than any guard


KO looked much more refined this game. It puts a smile on my face when he slams it home so I really hope he stays. Draymond looked really great too. Went full facilitator mode and almost a triple double too. A healthy Klay with this team alone would be deadly, not to mention a more experienced and honed Wiseman. Next years Warriors are gonna be like a freshly sharpened shiv. Am I the only one who thinks Wiggins could be like the warriors version of Jaylen brown? I think he has the ability. More confidence maybe?


You think there’s any chance we could land D.Rose if not who for our back up PG. To me that is our biggest weakness right now.


I'm proud of KOjr. Maybe this Dubs culture thing is real after all - both he and Wigs seem to be flourishing under it. Not being expected to be the first option, patience and trust bearing fruit. Gawd, sounds like church. Pass me the tequila.