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gsw vs char gm31

This is "gsw vs char gm31" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Wanamaker needs to be released today!


Alc I may be overreacting but I don't think this team sniffs the playoffs. They are losing too many critical games in critical moments, and they are about to go 1-5 in their next 6. This team blew it. Feels like they are in deep trouble. This year will be a stain on Stephs career imo.


My honeymoon phase with Draymond lasted for one game, he's been disappointing in so many aspects.


Looney is out with a WHAT?!? I can’t with you, Alc 😭😂😂


Yeah we gotta pay oubre now. Been going off lately


Damn I really wanted to see Wiggins step up and have a strong offensive output in this one. Tough loss but seems to fit the theme of the NBA this year, on to the next ✊🏻 appreciate you Alch!

Kahlil Baker

Post game Kerr said he couldn’t challenge the Oubre dunk because it wasn’t a call on the floor?? But at this point in his career Dray should know better, something has gotta give. Obviously the money he spends on these T’s aren’t bothering him but the team gotta do something about it. He does this same shit and looks like a dumb ass telling everyone he’s sorry. At some point you gotta show us you’re sorry instead of saying it.

Kahlil Baker

Same, I was hoping Wiggins would become aggressive on those switches with the big men. The only issue I saw is without Steph they always had an extra body in the paint to stop his drives.


Credit to some of the role guys for stepping up when steph didn't feel right.. But screw Draymond and his mood swings on gd..


Kerr is full of chit. Shame on the media for not calling him out. If it's out of bounds on someone, you can challenge it lol.


Dray needs to get it in his head that he has a new role in this team as the experienced vet. He can still have his outbursts from time to time, cause that fire can benefit the team's intensity. But he needs to try and implement a David West-type persona and use his experience to his advantage. Maybe Wiseman coming back will help with that, can't yell at the refs as much when you gotta babysit lol


Dell sabotaging his son is a hilarious theory


Yes- charge that spectator for a ticket!!!


I’m with you on the second T, you voiced your opinion, now play on. It was a selfish move that didn’t motivate the team or fire them up. They was all trying to get him to stop so he wouldn’t get any technicals. Dray needs to practice a bit of self control. I love the passion, but there’s a difference between that and being unhinged. Could’ve been an encouraging win but yet another demoralizing loss.


Aye im wit you on all the on court criticism of Kerr, he's just not your Stevens or Clifford. But I'm a big believer in him as a person, every podcast with him is a gem, he's such a passionate genuine person, such a players coach. And that's the give and the take with him. I just think he deserves a lot more credit for handling this team rn with how engaged he his, aside from the derserved criticism. Maybe the critics are just louder rn.


They don't call him donkey for nothing. Perhaps what he said last F up is true of his entire career. Smartest dumb play(er) in NBA history... that's unfortunate.


Steve Kerr not challenging that call was mind boggling


A swollen hymen! :D


Just sucks that we could be 18-13 instead of 16-15


The body language of the rest of the team was demoralizing at the end. They just all looked so dejected, since it was a very winnable game. You hate to see all the hard work and effort put in by everyone end with a result like this. Draymond has definitely been a huge assett to the team over the years. But that unhinged nature still needs to dialed down. It's not being a good role model to get so fired up that you get ejected, costing the team. You like the fired up nature. The rest of the team benefits from having more fire in their mentalities. But you do not want the team to pick up on the idea that you should be so fed up that you can get yourself ejected by getting 2 T's on the same play. You are right about Kerr's disappearance in late game scenarios. He's relying too much on our past successes with the players making the decisions. This, in itself, isn't always a bad thing really. It definitely empowers the players and would likely give them a sense of ownership and confidence in their plays. Only right now, we don't have those go-to players who can reliably execute the decisions even if the decisions are correct. If allowing players to make plays without direct coaching was a strategy, then its fine. If he is only doing so because he doesn't know how to coach them otherwise, then that is being a poor coach.

Paul Hanson

I read somewhere that the block on Oubre was not reviewable? Is that true? Also-I agree 100% on your Draymond assessment. Yes-his legacy is set in stone and he’s the field general of the team. Yes-his mouth and actions have lost games and led to a blown championship and he has to shut the fuck up at times. Both can be true. Dray needs to cool it and realize he’ll be more loved by the fan base if he can control himself


How many days did you say it took to get through the Covid protocol? Because we really could do with some extra help in these games.


He seems more interested in politics than basketball. I don't like that vibe tbh. On Twitter some people call him Steve Pelosi lmao


Alc I'm curious to know if you've watched any Jordan Poole in the g league? He actually looks pretty good, I was pleasantly surprised


You are preaching Truth about being willing to call out things that are dragging us down, even if they once were infallible. I think nowhere does this apply more than to Steve Kerr. He is a new-age, unconditional love kind of guy. As a parent, that's just ducky, but as an NBA coach, it leaves much to be desired. Give me Greg Popovich any day. You know he loves you but you also know he'll chew you a new one if you're doggin' it. He's not afraid to hurt people's feelings, he has no time for whimps or prima-donnas. He also understands Xs and Os, unlike Kerr, who looked like a deer in headlights as events rolled over him during the final seconds last night. The more I watch him, the more I think he'd be more comfortable as assistant coach, like he was to Pops for the Olympics. Golden State has become a dysfunctional family, management-wise. Lacob needs to acknowledge this, get rid of Kerr and Meyers. Loyalty and Love are great - but they don't produce championships. Nor does simply throwing money at the problem. Jerry Buss was an owner who loved people too, but he also loved to WIN, and understood how. You can't be afraid to break a few eggs - egos - to make the omelette. That's why the Warriors dynasty is just a flash in the pan compared to the Lakers. It's time to stop resting on scant laurels and get down to some hard nuts and bolts.


Swollen Hymen??! LOL That's among your best Alc in a long line of great lines. My favorite is still Pat Beverly at the gas station at 4 in the morning.. But this one is close.


I think the last thing we can critizise lacob on is not wanting to win at all costs, and yeah Pop is the greatest coach of all time, give me air jordan over maple Jordan any day of the week, but it don't work like that, now speaking on a reasonable level, Kerr has his strengths off the court and his approach led us through the dynastic years so credit him at least on that one. As for Xs and Os he does lack that in some degree, but that was tolerable the last few years, I'll give him little more time to adjust. Edit: I think alchs criticism is very well placed, but not get to far ahead of ourselves, we could easily be 18-13, there is so much more basketball to be played


It's a very good question too - why run Dray into the ground but treat Looney like a French poodle? Injury is one thing, injury-prone is another. That shit don't ever go away. How many more of Kerr's pets will we have to endure?


Funny thing about this team right now. The way they pass the ball looks impressive right? I think what's lost is that out of every 5 passes across the court I keep waiting for the ball to go up and then I realize that 3 of the players who are passing r non shooters, and this is without bigs on the floor. Really as the ball goes from one corner all the way around most of the team is passing not because they aren't open it's more that they know they will miss so wait until it gets to Kelly or Wiggins. Of all the teams in the league we must have the least good shooting guards/wings around. On the positive side it was great to c DLee start to break out of his slump. His D is improving as well, he was almost a Mulder when he first came up way back.


We were doing much better without Dray on the floor. Not sure what's the problem but def his conditioning still not there. Dray only had 3 ASTs. This tells you who he normally assists to. Tons of missed lay ups and donkey still yelling on refs...gfoh.. He’s obviously letting his ego become bigger than the team. As for the last play...he could easily grab the ball but for some reason he decided to tip it off to Hayward??? Smartest dumbest player

Ken Bradford

I don't think he needs more love from the fan base he needs to read the room and know when he need to shit up and walk away

Ken Bradford

Really disappointed about some of the commentators calling dray donkey thought were supposed to keep it cool here


Obviously the loss was a bit disappointing and a lot of fingers will go to Draymond. However, I do have one take. How is someone, who is supposedly basically a genius on the court, realize that his complete lack of any offensive game is a huge hole. It feels like he puts zero work in his offensive game but you can't be a complete non threat out there. I mean, even a consistent 17 foot jumper would do wonders. I mean, David West made a career just by doing that. Draymond certainly could remake his offensive game to average right?

Jerry Heverly

This is a two year 'season'. Getting on Kerr for not directing things is foolish. Now is the time to empower players. In March of 2022 when you are vying for a good playoff spot, then you might want more Kerr input...........After a couple weeks of G League: Poole is the second coming of Lou Williams, score, score, score, but can't guard anyone; Jeremy Lin is slow but has enough left to help someone; Mannion has shown he can handle the ball and make the occasional three, he should be an asset going forward........the question is, will Draymond be another Trump = justify, justify, justify, or will he learn some humility. Again, look forward 15 months. This could make Dray a bigger asset going forward, or...........


Well, you can't deny the similarity to donkey from Shrek 😅


No thats it! That is the root of my problem with him. For instance Loon is pretty much in the same boat, but loon doesn't go around beating his chest taking every chance to let everyone know how smart and important he is.


I seems as tho the more volume the better for him, he is not a guy who can come in for 2.5 minutes and hit a shot, He needs to be out there with the ball to find a rhythm.


Alc Kerr said in his postgame interview that he was ignored trying to call a timeout but then they give the late timeout call to Charlotte the very next play


It’s disturbing how some fans let Dray get away with stuff like last night. It’s like Stockholm syndrome. I’m team first Warriors fan. No player is above the collective. Alch is right about holding players accountable. Otherwise you get situations like last night.


go look at my comment above about Kerr and coaching, these are the little tricks of the trade you pick up from reps.. How to be in place to get that timeout


I'm a big fan of Draymond, but I totally agree with you that he shouldn't have let it get to the 2nd tech. At the end of the day, dray is gonna be dray, and big picture, he's going to get us more wins than losses. It's good for the warriors chemistry that this happened, Draymond getting poked with pitchforks and his teammates sticking up for him which is how it should be.


I actually really like Wanamaker on defense. He's strong enough to be a pest, even against bigger matchups. I gotta ask though, why did he kill his dribble when two guys are trying to get to him? I was hoping he would just keep it alive until they had to foul him. JTA had a bad game, he was barely existent. I also noticed how poor he is at contesting jumpshots. He doesn't go for the ball, he just lets shooter smell his palm.


well said..I think people need to keep it in prospective its all cause and effect and none of it should be surprising


Oubre played well but he seems to brain fart like Steph at times not staying attached to his man. Oubre not a great off ball defender and team defender yet. Still learning. But he got sprayed by Rozier because he didn't stay attached. Same thing happened with Ducan Robinson. But since Steph put in another dagger it didn't matter. But it does. Oubre needs to stay attached...


He's trying to keep his job and not foul a jump shooter. If a 6'2" guard drops a falling out of bounds fadeaway on you... u just gotta shake the man's hand and move on.


Imo the worst thing bout Draymonds double techs is that he cost us a game we could have won without Steph. Which would of been a big confiddnce booster for the team.


Yeah, he just needs to pick and choose his moments...and not let it effect the actual game. Funny that Alch was just giving Draymond props for keeping a lid on his outbursts too.


Instead of rushing to the mic to defend Draymond, maybe his teammates should take a collection to buy Draymond a dictionary so he can explore the meanings of terms like self-control, self-reflection, maturity, leadership, growth, but most of all, selfishness. It seems to me that the Warriors have asked for numerous players to change their roles. They asked Wigs to defend the other team's best player every night, they are asking Steph to shoot and score more than he has had to for the good of the team, they want Kelly to play smarter and within the system....and so on. It's time for Draymond to grow up.


Don't get me wrong' I know Draymond studies other players and is super prepared to defend difficult matchups, he is excellent at that but I also think Draymond has savant defensive instincts. The thing is Draymond has evolved the rest of his game almost zero since his second season. His entire offensive package is unguarded 3 attempts, straight line drives to the basket, and coast to coast push to a layup, that's it that's all. No jump shot, no move/counter move, no post up/back down, no euro, no baby hook, no Kyle Lowery throw myself into you. He's a Donkey in more ways than one and that includes stubbornly thinking he can only improve the skills he "cares" about (defense/passing).


my speculation on why looney is still out and drey is still playing, the owners dont want to get to the playoffs. We want looney to be tradeable, we arent gonna trade drey. And so if we can get looney in shape enough to trade and tank the team while competing, we are in the best position to win and get a sweet pick in the lottery next season. just my two cents


Is not about this L. It’s about the macro pattern of Dray. it’s like when you realize you can only get so far using a certain approach to something. Dray with two of the greatest shooters and KD works most of the time (minus the cavs suspension). Not only is his body asking him to reinvent himself, the macro pattern of his emotional reactivity is also proving a need for reinvention/retooling. Ego and pride are hard to evolve. And I feel yah on Kerr, he is too much on Pops dick about letting shit play through as if he is enlightened or some shit. Makes sense after the run the dubs have had humble pie will be served around and often :-)


The owners don’t want to get to the playoffs but they’re paying $80M for Oubre?


Agree on all that. And I don’t think Kerr or Green will ever change. At the end of the day, the NBA is like Hollywood, the money and the ego-stroking is something the rest of us can’t imagine. Kerr will never re-think how he does his job, because he doesn’t need to worry about losing that job, about not having rent money. And Green will never be like the real people you can see in any anger management class, who really want to change because their anger could cost them their kids, their marriage, their career. Humbleness happens in the real world, not in the NBA.


Anyone else not totally mad at taking another L? I personally want to hold on to our 1st rounder this year which means we can’t finish with a top 10 record. Take a look at the East’s standings right now and you’ll see that we need to take more than a few hard losses to pull that off. I’m not rooting against my dubs of course. Want to see them progress & continue to show fight but being real, in this season with no Klay & a young Wiseman, I have mixed feelings when they take an L in an entertaining, hard fought loss. Maybe Draymond is smarter than all of us & playing the long game & the double T’s are all part of a grander plan ; ) I kid of course but it will be interesting to see how the season plays out & how on the bubble we are for keeping that pick. Thanks for the great breakdown as always Alch!


I hear u. And after these last two losses I take great solace in possibly keeping the pick.


I just wish we didn't resign Dray for as much money as we did. I think he could be our Udonis Haslam on the bench in the future, but rn he's just too expensive. I think our young guys especially JTA are filling his role on the court for the most part. I feel like the future of this team needs to be Wigs, Oubre, JTA, wiseman, and whoever we can get with the Wolves pick if it lands to us. 🤷🏽‍♂️ I'm thinkin more each game that making a trade for a big name guy would be a bad move, assuming we'd give up any combination of wigs, Oubre, wiseman, and the wolves pick.


I disagree with the idea that kerr doesn't know the X's and O's. The problem I see is that he won't get out of his ego. He's got his system that works wonders..... when steph is in the game..... But when steph isn't in there things can look ugly, and especially at late game scenarios. I feel like late in the game he'd rather stick to principles instead of drawing something up, because "his principles are the best" *thats his ego talking*. But either way I would much rather have steve than %90 of the other coaches in the league. The only ones I think of that I'd be happy with the thought of are Pop, Spolstra, Nurse, and Snider.


I hear you ego is always the root tho right? Xs & Os isn’t rocket science.. anyone can learn it. How and when do you deploy it?


If you told me a month ago that almost halfway through the season oubre would be our second best player I’d call you crazy, but this is a crazy world we live in, eh? I don’t know what it is with wigs but it just seems like his handle is loose and he doesn’t know what he wants to do until he accidentally stumbles into it. He might be the second-best third option in the league next season though. Don’t think we’ll be able to afford oubre... and quite frankly don’t know if it’s worth it. But I’ll save my pessimism for when the wheels REALLY fall off.


Yeah I’m planning to take a deeper look at Wig and that size up move just inside the arc. He appears to have no idea what he wants to do with it.

John Pettus

I appreciate your measured take Alch. I was so unhappy after that game. But I think that's because we've realized what we have in terms of pieces and we can actually imagine being a good, dangerous team now - even *without* Klay.


Great point about money insulating people from "real life." I was in the big time music biz on a small level for my "15 minutes" and I can attest to the fact that the world of stars is not the world of mortals. Stars get away with murder, but are also sometimes viciously devoured in a way we mortals never know. It's a dual-edged sword. Compassion means walking in others' footsteps, and that's something the fortunate from birth can never know. I like guys like Toscano Anderson because he never pimps around after scoring like he's all that. He knows how lucky he is to be at this level and will appreciate it every day.


Just wanna say for the record that I've got nothing against Kerr personally. His approach and his system have their good points, and work in some situations. What I'm saying is that, when those situations change, Kerr has no answers. He's a One Trick Pony. He's a shooter with a shooter's mentality. It's always worked for him because he's always been able to hide behind a superstar like Jordan or Steph. He morphed the triangle offense into the motion offense, built entirely around a deadly backcourt. Centers like Cartwright were fine because all he expects from them is setting screens, smart passing, rim running and rebounds. Which is a lot, when you have a deadly backcourt. But now they've drafted Wiseman, and I'm worried that he will ever develop into his full potential as long as Kerr is trying to shunt him into his own system, forcing him to be Bogut when he may be a potential Giannis or KD. Kerr's system is all about running through Steph. As long he stays fixated on that, he may be forcing square pegs into round holes. Even Steph realized the Splash brothers weren't enough when he flew to the Hamptons. Right now management still seems determined to make one last run at a ring with that backcourt as the engine. Steph is having a helluva season, so it seems sensible. But nothing can happen this year, and nobody knows what next will bring. I'm not saying get rid of the Splash Bros or the motion offense; just don't make it the ONLY system and waste the natural gifts of other players. If Kerr isn't equal to that challenge, don't stay fixated on him either...

Natto Santo

Well it is just shitty that we have to suck up what Draymond does. And he is wasting Curry’s best years. There is not much trade value from Draymond. The best Dubs can get in return is some average veterans as most if we trade him. It will not worth it. The best that we can do is sitting his ass during the crucial moment of the game, As when it is crunch time, he becomes more likely to screw up.


Jaybird, very close to my thots on Kerr. I'm very concerned that both Kerr and the management are trying to force Wiseman into a system that will eventually mess with Wisemans potential; you know, trying to make a long distance runner out of a shot-putter. Beginnings are such delicate times and I believe this to be true with Wiseman. He is very trusting of the coaching above him...but damnit , if I was Wiseman I would hit up KGs offer to train him and seek out Hakeem and then jump loud into practice and say "gimme the damn ball an git out the way!" Cause it seems like Kerr and co want him to shoot threes more than work around the post. Hopefully I dont know what I'm talking about. but unfortunately I tend to be correct. I really hope I'm not seeing this correctly.


Thoughts for the next game and something to watch for Alc. What's up with all the fouling our Dubs have been doing. Oubre hasn't gotten better after starting off the season very handsy. Bazemore seems in love with giving away 4pt plays.

Jello Smooth

I am as sooo upset about that loss it took me a day and some to watch your breakdown which was on point as usual. Kerr no time out and Draymond lack of awareness... after that effort ..... 🤬🤬🤬🤬. Remind me what are we trying to get accomplished this year?


Tyler I think you nailed it. It’s exceedingly obvious that Kerr and Draymond are more concerned about Wiseman’s “verticality” than his potentiality. They see him as a cog in their motion wheel, not a hub. And he is so awed by them all that he never questions. Look at the freedom Charlotte is giving Lemolo. Part of that is freedom to fail. Only then can you discover your true limits. They say they want Wiseman to stay aggressive , but then put him on the second string and pull him with the game on the line. I'd play him every game until he fouls out. I'd post him up and let his whole game develop. I wouldn't give a damn about Ws or Ls, that's all for NEXT season. I know he's young. I'd push his growth curve to the limits, full speed ahead, and damn the rest of the torpedoes. Let the dogs out. See who can hang and who can't. Honestly, if I'm Wiseman's agent, and I don't see that happening, I start looking for a trade right now. And I don't blame him. Get him to a team that really needs all he has. You are right, the early years are crucial.

Major Powers

Kerr said he was trying to call a time out on the Wannamaker possession for what it's worth, making it even more frustrating that they instantly gave one to Charlotte even though possession hadn't even really been established on the jump ball.

Branden Edwards

Kerr did call a timeout but the Refs didn't give it to him


My god those last 4 minutes were so unwatchable bro. Ik you dont like that clown but did u listen to Ethans pod on ratings? How does a league lose almost 2/3rd of its viewership and no one’s talking about it? And how does that Bald Elf still have a job? Absolutely mind boggling


I like to think of this year as getting these "learning" games out of the way.


All I am asking for from Draymond is to attack the 4 on 3s better, either from floaters which he did in 2018 a bit during the regular season or just use more English on his finishes. He also can't lose his head when the margin of error is so small. The people who defended Draymond for his meltdown was proven wrong by Dray himself, as he said he was OP for getting ejected when we are short handed. The leaders of the team have to be held accountable, that's what we ask from Steph, Dray, Bob and Kerr. It shouldn't be too much to ask at this point.


How strong are the bridge trolls hands? LMAOOOO


There is a vid that contradicts that...he was looking at draymond when it happened...kerr too comfortable!


Aye fam u ever see us moving on from Steve Kerr


draymond is like that guy on your highschool team that barely did anything but still has the loudest mouth


That is pretty disrespectful. If you know basketball, you know Draymond is a great basketball player, he has fallen off a bit and made some dumb plays recently, but don't say he barely did anything when we wouldn't have had a warriors dynasty without him


Wheat a millet...you spelt that wrong. You just joined the Patreon group, please take a little time to adjust your commenting from youtube to here.


As was stated, he really is hurting his team by not resting and getting back to being the Draymond we know and love. No disrespect to him but these outbursts don't help anyone, especially not the team. LOL I realize we wouldn't have multiple championships without him, I was referring to this game in particular


Yeah that's fair. If Draymond didn't admit to messing up in the post game interview, I'd be tearing into him a lot more. Last year's tank season, he could bark all he wanted to, but now we really need him to model good behavior.